The weather today was a balmy 48 degrees and sunny. Amazing for January in Wisconsin. I didn't even wear a jacket today. I could smell spring just around the corner. And seeing as how I have ensured that there will be no more snow the remainder of this winter (I bought the kids a ton of 70% off sleds so we can really have some sledding fun- so now I KNOW it won't snow) I think spring will come early.
I decided to take advantage of the warmer temps and spent some time outside taking down all of our Christmas decorations and lights. It is hard to admit that the holidays are over already, especially since I just went to one more Christmas concert yesterday.
Grace's class was supposed to have their little Christmas concert and gingerbread house decorating last month, but school was cancelled that day on account of a nonexistent snow storm. The teacher rescheduled all the fun for yesterday and I'm so glad she didn't just cancel it all together. It was precious.
My little girl, who is shy in front of any one she doesn't know (heck, even in front of people she does know), was up there with her class smiling and singing her little heart out. It was so fun to watch.
After that we made awesome gingerbread (graham cracker) houses and a certain little someone may have eaten more than she decorated. It was so much fun. A great way to round out the Christmas season and end it all on a high note.
Now bring on spring!

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
SOOOOO cute. I love it! And a storm is coming from Utah and it is followed by freezing COLD! Ugh.
Awww, so sweet! We had 55 degrees today! It was awesome. Thank you for your purchase of sleds and guarantee against more winter.
I had to laugh, we had 55 degrees today too like Bijoux, but we aren't supposed to have 55 degrees for our high in Southern California in the middle of January; that's why we pay "big bucks" to live here (LOL :)
Glad it was a balmy day for you to get the decorations down; nothing like trying to remove them when it is freezing out.
That was nice that the concert and making the houses was postponed and just not canceled. Looked like a great event to partake in :)
i just can't get over how grown she looks!
I know this weather is AMAZING! And my oh my is Grace getting big.
What a sweetie - and a master architect, too.
she has the sweetest smile!
I love her hands clasped together on her heart
they're all so dear
wonderful photos
Dianne- I love that photo too. That was during her "God loves us and sent His son, sent His son, sent His son" song. That was her favorite song. She walked around the house singing that one forever! :)
What a little cutie! Glad you got to enjoy the concert and house.
Absolutely adorable! What fun to still have a Christmas celebration in January.
And I am so with you about Spring. I am more than ready to start my garden. :)
That is wonderful that the kids were still given the opportunity to go on with their program :) I can't believe how grown your baby is :( Where are these years going??
Wishing you an early Spring!
P/S please don't stay mad at me. I really won't post anything awful like that again x
I think it's pretty unusual in January for you to have warmer weather in the midwest than we have here in Seattle. But here, we're freezing!
Grace is such a little cutie. I'm glad that she got to have her party after all.
So glad they rescheduled it and you got to see her shine.
And, seriously, when did she get to start looking like she's 5? Wow!
I just love your little girl she just charms me. Adorable pics but even though you want spring early keep it there please! I am just getting to have my first taste of cold and since there are still a few mosquitoes flying about we need to stay cold for a bit before the heat ramps up again. It's so nice to enjoy blankets, fires, and soups. Somethings just can't be enjoyed when it's hot.
Oh my gosh, how did she get so big? I love her long hair and cute bangs.
Glad you girls had fun together! :)
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