Hair, hair, everywhere
Haircuts, hairstyles, and hair-do's
So much talk of hair
My hair has been blond
Black, brown, and even red too
I just can't decide
Since having babies
It has gotten so curly
Straight one day, then curls
I'm gonna be brave
I'm gonna be brave
And show you pics of hair-don'ts
Please, don't laugh too hard.

(5th grade-crazy mushroom head)

(7th grade-just call me "slick"-one of my worst pics ever-wow)

(9th grade- holy bangs!)

(10th grade- my last perm EVER! It takes up the WHOLE frame!)
I like my hair long
That is when I feel my best
But then I get bored
(Light Brown)

(nice bangs-again)
Then, just on a whim
Then, just on a whim
I'll have all my hair chopped off
At first I'll love it

But it never lasts
And I'll be sick of short hair
Wishing it were long
I'll start to grow it
It always takes forever
The in-between phase

(Blond- scary!)
So there you have it
Me and my crazy hairstyles
What was I thinking?
Okay. I think I have posted enough photos (embarrassing ones at that!) of me to last the rest of the year. Sheesh. I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. I hope you have enjoyed yourselves, laughing at my expense. If you would like to play along with the hair themed haikus go to Playgroups Are No Place For Children.
I have been loving reading your blog - I found it through Kristen at Loving our Simple Life and have really enjoyed "getting to know you".
Love all of the hair - It is pretty funny to look back in a succession like this - A bit of a scary sign of times! Thanks for sharing your life and all of your humor!
You can definitely tell what year
it was by those early hair styles!
I am laughing - sorry! :)
Some of those HS pics look eerily familiar. :) But you have awesome hair now and I still have frizz. Sigh...
I adore your HAIRKU... quite the journey. I don't think I am brave enough to take my own.
Kathryn, seriously, ALL of the hair styles and colors seem to work for you! How is that possible?
You must have fabulous hair!!
So where are you in the hair journey now? Wishing for long?
I like the light brown one with your mom behind you -- then again, they all look great.
I think you looked great in almost ALL of those pics! Well the mushroom head wasn't terribly flattering, but ya know........
You are a cute and brave woman. I think we had the same triangle hairstyle in 7th grade.
Awesome hairku, and how cool that you shared pictures! I have several that will not be on the Internets. Ever. :)
I'm cracking up over here at all of your different hairstyles/colors.
Thanks for sharing all the pics.
Well as I'm a red head, I'll have to go with that one!! But they are all really lovely photos and not embarrassing at all. You're gorgeous.
CJ xx
Very cute pics! I think we all had those bangs and perm when we were in school. Happy Friday!
i think you look adorable!! i had fire engine red hair at one point. mostly though...i vary in the browns but usually with blond highlights. hairstyle hasn't changed much...length either. i'm a wuss!!
I LOOOOVE the Hairku! Oh I have sooooo many bad hair You can totally rock the long and short hairdos, not to mention I saw absolutely no acne in any of your photos. grin! Very cool post!
It's not fair! You look good in all of them. I'm curious which color is your favorite? My color changes a lot--not always of my choosing. It seems sometimes, there's a "miscommunication" with whoever's coloring it. Then there was the time I accidentally made it that LOVELY black/purple. That cost a fortune to fix!
Yeeeaaaah, my hair looked vaguely familiar but not nearly as fashionable. :)
wow, that's a trip down memory lane. I think I've had all those hair cuts in black, red, purple and various shades of brown.
kristy815- Oh yeah. There was acne. It just must not have shown up on the pics.
Mom24- I think my favorite is long light brown hair like the pic where my mom is behind me. It is really difficult to get just plain old brown hair once you dye it red. It always comes out with a slight reddish or orange tint. I've been using ash colors lately and that helps a bit. I always do my own coloring so it is all experimental.
Thanks for all the kind comments. It was a bit nerve-wracking posting some of these. That 7th grade pic? Yeah, one of my worst. My neice was feeling really badly about her school pic and I dragged out this one and suddenly she didn't feel so badly anymore. Ha!
Glad to make y'all laugh. ;)
One more:
Kristin- Where am I on my hair journey? Growing it out, of course. I think I am ALWAYS growing it out. HA! The current pic of my hair is the one of me in the kitchen with the striped shirt on. Short brown and curly. It is actually MUCH curlier than it looks in that pic. It looks like it is permed or something. So crazy. I straighten it sometimes but it is such a pain in the tush!
What fun to see all the
permutations of your 'hair'
over the decades!
I am not so brave
and I've other things than hair
on my mind today!
Hope you'll drop by Small Reflections to read my good news!
Hugs and blessings,
I admit it. I laughed at a lot of these. You remind me of me. Some BAD hair days in my past for sure. I've been every color but blonde (Italians don't do blonde well!). Maybe one day I'll dig up some of mine but I think they are all at my moms. Thank goodness!
Wow, some of those pics look eerily familiar! :-)
OK - Love them all, cause they totally reflect the year they were taken in...Thanks for sharing!
So, those high school and middle school pics? Just replace your face with mine, because we have the same hair history - ha ha!
I think you're being too hard on yourself. Most of them aren't that bad. I think we all had bad hair in the 80s. LOL!!!
I've had so many of those same styles! We definitely grew up in the same era of big hair ;) This was fun seeing you over the years. You would have to try very hard to NOT look gorgeous..and even then, I don't know if you would look anything but!
Thanks for visiting me! I'm such a newbie (dork!) that I didn't know the Haiku Fridays were themed - whoops!
Love your masthead pic...reminds me of my very favorite places - only in Michigan :) I wonder if we're across the big lake from each other?
The grass is always greener, isn't it? I always go back and forth, too. I let it grow out long, then chop it off and regret it. I'm thinking I need a cut now!!!
I don't think that anyone's grade school pictures looked good! If you put my face on those hair styles I think we could be twins :)
I am the exact same way. Always changing my color and wanting it short one minute and long the next.
I loved seeing all your styles and colors - I love that you are not afraid to experiment - they all look great.
Have a good weekend - see you soon. Kellan
Holy Haircuts Batman, that's a lot of hair colors. And a lot of hair product in those early pictures. Thanks for sharing. This was fun to see.
that was a fun little hairstory of your head. true confessions, hair dressers scare me. it's why i had hair to the middle of my back or to my waist for 18 years.
You are a brave, brave woman! And I died laughing at your caption under the perm, because I TOTALLY didn't notice it took the whole frame until you said that. Hilarious!
You have such a beautiful smile.
I love your Auburn picture. Adorable cut and color!
I really think you look beautiful with all the different styles. Such a beautiful smile - and you look pretty natural with all of the different colors - something that few people can do!!!
Whats next?
What a trip down hairstyle lane (I think we had the same 7th grade do!).
Now I'm inspired to try something new and drastic again...I always talk a good game before going to the stylist and always leave having totally played it safe (ie, leaving it the same old, same old).
I love that you're brave enough to try all different hair colors. I've been blonde all of my life and hate it. I wish I were adventurous enough to try a new color!!
I'm right there with ya, love. I don't ever know what to do. I guess playing with color/length is half the fun. And, you are brave to show the perm shots, I would never be able to...
Hairku-- what a clever girl you are. No wonder your marriage is so great, Todd gets a new woman every year. There's no hair you can't do, is there!
You are so adorable regardless of the hairstyle or color :) However, I must admit, I LOVE the way you look with light brown hair :)
This is me too, as in always waffling between short-ish and long. I LOVE my hair long but have chopped it when the babies get to hair-pulling stage. I would like to grow it out again and to color it more blondish again.
Your pics are great - I had the everlasting perm there for a while too.
I like your light brown hair. But you're cute not matter what! : )
Holy have a lot of pictures of yourself. Love all the hair colors... i'd say RED is best. :)
You're so cute. And I dyed my hair red for the longest time. Why, I wonder now. My husband's mother has red hair - was I trying to give him issues?
Hey beautiful, love your hair and your hairku! ;)
Wow, you look great in so many different colours and lengths! I love that you're adventurous with your hair like that... awesome!
HAHA! I love it! I'm the same way when it comes to my hair. My hairdresser loves me cuz I always keep her guessing and I love to play with color. Right now I have some overwhelming desire to get a few pink streaks. Which is why I'm not making an appointment until the urge passes.
7th grade was my favorite. Definitely. :)
For criminey out loud, you look cute in all colors, even though I laughed my ass off at the older pictures. Your brave.
This coming from a chick who shows her boob on the net. Hmmmm.....
Great timeline with photos!!
I had that big 80's hair and lots of perms too!!
I am the SAME way with my hair - bright red and all.
Kathryn, no doubt about it: You are CUTE, no matter what the hair style, no matter what the hair color! :)
I like light brown and auburn the best- lengthwise,too.
I can't believe you cut your kids hair- I am so scared to do that!
Hey Kathryn - thanks for coming by today. Hope you are having a good weekend. Kellan
Kathryn, I have pictures just like these...or worse, even. I never really changed my colour much, but the styles and the perms. Oh my! Scary stuff.
Also, you still manage to look super cute throughout your hair stages. :)
amazingly you great no matter what the hairdo! ;)
this was fun
I LOVE this Kathryn. I think I can compete with the short/long, orange, blonde, red, auburn, light/dark thing.
And as I wear it short now, longing for well, *long* hair ... I see the way the game goes. Glad I'm in good company.
You are adorable!!!
Yes, I laughed at the early pics. You did not ask for votes, but I vote for auburn--looks great with your eyes.
Yes, I laughed at the early pics. You did not ask for votes, but I vote for auburn--looks great with your eyes.
Hehe. Love the pictures! You are brave, girl!
Just went out and got my hair cut last night. turned out well, at least for day 1. We'll see how the week progresses.
Happy Tuesday (so very last this week.).
I know I'm behind (I just got back from a trip), but I had to comment on this one. Fantastic!
Great haiku! Love the pics! They aren't that embarrassing :) My hair has been a million different colors too, usually not on purpose! haha. I've had a lot of mishaps since I started dying it lol.
Great 'ku! I fully believe that hair is meant to be changed...or it wouldn't grow back.
I feel a new color coming on!
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