Hosted by Cecily and Rachael
There were times when Joey was a baby that I swore he was watching his angels. More than a few times when I would breastfeed him in the middle of the night he would stop abruptly, look up at the ceiling, smile the biggest smile, and watch something go back and forth across the ceiling. Each time it would continue for a few minutes before he would go back to eating. It was somehow comforting to me. As I watched him smile I would whisper, "Are you watching your angels, honey?"
Even more comforting was a story I heard many years ago:
A mother and father became increasingly worried after they brought their brand new baby girl home from the hospital to meet her big 3 year old brother and the brother kept asking to be alone with the baby. The parents feared big brother may be having some difficulties managing his jealousy and they were careful to keep a close eye on him and never leave him alone with his new sister.
Still, big brother persisted. He wanted some time alone with the new baby. One day, as the little sister slept in her room big brother crept down the hallway and peaked in on her. He checked to make sure no one was watching and then snuck into her room. The mother noticed he was missing and quickly ran down the hallway to baby's room just as big brother was climbing up the side of baby's crib. The mother stood in the doorway and watched as big brother leaned in close to his new baby sister and whispered, "Baby, can you tell me what Jesus looks like? 'Cuz I'm starting to forget."
That story has really stuck with me over the years. I think of it often. How these children are straight from God.
And sometimes I wonder what they remember.
And sometimes I wonder what they are thinking.
And sometimes I wonder what they might be "talking" about.
"I hear ya, big brother. I hear ya!"
Ah so thats what is was angels!!! We used say. 'shes watching those ceiling people again'...
lovely post and pics.
Just thinking about that gives me chills! And I love the pictures, she's precious.
That's funny, we've always said our babies were seeing angels too. :)
Oh Kat, what a beautiful story. I love the last shot of the two of them looking at each other. So sweet.
I've always heard that babies are God's Way of Saying the World Must go on.
What sweet pictures! Merry Christmas!
That is the sweetest story! I know what you mean about babies and angels. I always told my older boys that when their newest sibling was smiling (for what seemed no reason) it was because an Angel was kissing them!
I am loving that quilt, did you make it???
Kathryn- I wish I could make quilts. The St. Anne's Soceity at our church made it for a fundraiser and my mom bought it for Grace. :)
You just made me cry into my cereal. Lovely post.
What a beautiful post. I have never heard that story, but I love it. Thanks for the inspiration I needed today!
What a beautiful post. I have never heard that story, but I love it. Thanks for the inspiration I needed today!
Jonathan used to do the same thing when he was a baby! He'd look up at the ceiling and smile and I was convinced he could see angels!
That story gives me chills, as does your one about breastfeeding your baby at night.
Grace is getting some good tummy time with brother! : ) So sweet!
I loved that story, and I love these sweet photos of your baby Grace.
What a sweet story. And beautiful little angels.
Good bumps, I tell you. Goosebumps. Kids don't have any reason to not believe in angels and I love it.
oh that's just too sweet. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.
My son Jonathan was a very verbal 2 yr old and would always tell us about his angels. Around Christmas time he said he saw them all the time because they liked the Christmas lights and he could see them more clearly! When we would go looking at Christmas lights at night in the car we would tell him to look at the lights and all he would say was, "See baby angels mommy, baby angels!" Now he's 13 and can't recall any of this! I wish we all could remember what Jesus looks like!
So precious--and I agree. There is something divine in a baby's expressions.
What a beautiful post. My four year old was talking to God on his toy cell phone the other day and thanking him for Christmas and then walking all around our house pointing out all the Christmas stuff and talking to God about it on the phone, it was so precious.
Treasures from God for sure! Love your pictures, Gracie sure is cute!
Beautiful post. Don't you wish you could remember? Or know what they know? That's why babies and children bring such hope- they remind us of all these things.
She is getting so big! They grow up in the blink of an eye!
so sweet! I've thought about that before too.
Sweet story. Cute photo.
Love this post :)
Less than two weeks! So excited!
She's a beauty, Kat. :)
I just babysat my neighbour's 2 year old boy while they brought their new born daughter home from the hospital. I got my baby fix when they arrived. Holding her against me was like a little bit of heaven. :)
Good post.
She is so adorable! They're probably trying to figure out where you are hiding their presents ;)
I'm having a really hard day all around, self-doubting somee of my choices, when I just read your post. And then I looked at my little baby boy and thought of all the times he stared at the ceiling and walls and smiled so huge, and giggled. I'd like to think he was seeing HIS angels and the thought warms my heart! No matter what happens in life, our babies are the BEST thing we've ever done.
How sweet! I often have wondered these same things. When my daughter was still very young around 18 months to 2 1/2 she would constantly tell us that she NEEDED to go home and we were home. She would insist that "no, I NEED to go home!" I was sure she was going to die young .... so far so good she is almost 14. Was she missing her first home? DId she see those angles and want to return with them? I don't know but it was scary for this mom!
So precious. Your baby is just darling, and these are beautiful thoughts. You are so full of love.
What we can have is a day by day minute by minute connection with Jesus. He just waits for that invitation to come in and live in our heart, souls, and mind. Even what we can't see- we can know.
God has knit them and created them and He loves them. He loves us all. It is up to us-- to chose to love Him back.
How sweet is that last picture...What a sweet baby:)
Oh Kat, I hear you! I've wondered the same thing. My children used to do that- see what I couldn't. Our little girl one day locked eyes with a man in our church and he swore (still does to this day) that he had a glimpse--just a brief moment, of "before". He and his wife are now securely planted in Ky's life.
She is gorgeous. I bet you never get tired of staring at her, do you.
That is such a beautiful story. I've never heard it before, but I just know that when I meet my daughter, and she looks and smiles, I will think of angels :)
I have heard that story as well and I love it. So sweet!
Oh! I think that, too. TOTALLY.
Wonderful story and the pics! Wow! Sooooooo cute!
faith as a child, eh?
Kat...When my oldest was almost four, he told me he missed heaven. I asked him what he missed about it, and he said, "Playing with the angels, mama. Playing with the angels". I had not yet taught him about angels!
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