We practiced for weeks. You told me how you didn't want to look at all the people sitting in the pews because it would make you nervous. You asked me if I would be watching. Would dad be there too? Every day you asked me if today was the day you had to do your reading in church, and breathed a sigh of relief when I said, "No." Secretly I was just as nervous as you were. After all, you had just started to learn how to read and now you were going to be reading in front of the whole school. And with such big, grown up words! It was a big step.
You read, read, and reread your part, making sure you got it absolutely perfectly. Every time you read it your confidence grew. And yesterday when I asked you to read it for me just one more time you said, "Mom, I have it memorized. I don't even need my paper anymore." And then you showed me just how well you knew it. Still, I was a little nervous for you.
This morning we put on your dress shirt and pants and you begged me to wear your tie. After I convinced you that the tie was a little too short, and also could get lost at school, you finally agreed to leave it at home. We fixed your hair and gussied you up. And you were ready.
When I walked into church and sat down you saw me right away. You smiled your angelic smile and waved. My heart melted a bit. And then my stomach did a flip flop. I knew you were prepared but I was still nervous.
You see, I know how hard you are on yourself. You always want to be perfect. Even when I told you earlier that if you make a mistake it is no big deal you said, "Oh, I won't make a mistake!" You put a lot of pressure on yourself for such a little guy.
My butterflies reached a peak when you walked up to the podium with your paper and stepped up to the microphone. You spoke clearly and slowly and looked up at the congregation when you were done. You did just as well as you knew you would.
You walked back to your pew and took your seat. And when you turned around to catch my eye I saw how proud you were. I gave you a little wink and a thumbs up and you beamed. And I was so happy for you.
Joey, you are growing up right before my eyes. Today it is the reading for the 1st graders' mass and tomorrow it will be your graduation. It is all going too fast. Please try and slow it down. Just a little?
I am so proud of you, my brave, confident, smart, funny, and kind little man. Congratulations!
*applause* claps hands wildly!!!
blows a kiss and a Christmas hug.
to both of you,
the sweet wonderful boy and
his precious mother.
Wow, that created quite a lump in my throat, you have such a way with words. What an amazing young man you have and how wonderful it must be to see him grow! I know there is always a part of us that want our children to stay our babies, but to see them develop into capable human beings is practically indescribable, I am so in awe of it all! I just wish some days that I could slow it down a bit. :)
Awww, I am welling up with tears just reading that! They sure do grow up fast. Big high fives to him for a job well done!
So glad he did well! And he looks so handsome!
That's so sweet--congrats to him. :)
What a beautiful, prideful moment! Great job Joey!
Hurray for Joey! What a loving post!
Precious! He's beaming with pride and accomplishment, as you are, for sure.
You said that all so beautifully!!! They do grow up right before your eyes! I know mine is....I miss him already and he's only 19 and 1/2 months old.
Awesome! And darned good thing for him -and for you -to be very, very proud about too!
Oh wow, it sounds like he did a wonderful job! I know you are proud!
That is so wonderful! It's great to see them become so confident and for you to be so proud. I love that!
Congratulations to Joey! That does take a lot of courage...way to go!
Congrats Joey... I know doing something like that is hard esp at a young age... Keep up the confidence and you can just about do anything..
Kat congrats on your little man.. He is so adorable..
Way to go!!!! What an awesome for both of you. I love that he looked back to share that with you. Congrats to your big guy!!!!
I was nervous reading the post! Bravo! Bravo! Way to go, Joey! That's amazing that he is so composed in 1st grade. I am pretty sure I was still a spaz. What a great moment to have together! Beautifully captured.
Congrats kido! Its cute, he looks so confident!
YAY!! Way to go Joey!!
And he is such a cutie pie Kat!
So glad to hear that his morning went so well. :)
Yay for Joey! This teared me up a little. I am glad he has such great parents and that you have such great kids. Good stuff. I applauded at the end.
WTG Joey! How wonderful.
What a proud moment !
Congrats to your boy!
hurray for him!!!
I was the opposite to my son. He was in his first Tae Kwon Do tournament and we practiced his moves over and over. He really knew them. But when it was his turn, he got scared and wouldn't do them without help. Ugh. I felt so sad. I really, really wanted him to try.
well done, little man.
and i can attest that the time flies. just brought my oldest home from her 1st semester of college. how did she get that old?
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