Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Hairy Situation

Hello! Welcome to Krazy Kat's Salon. Please, come in. Pull up a chair. Prepare to be pampered. Here at Krazy Kat's customer satisfaction is our #1 priority.It is important to book your appointment early to avoid a line. As you can see we already have customers waiting.
Bringing a friend with you? We'll be happy to serve snacks as they wait. Mmm. Don't those raisins look good?
Feeling disheveled? Bangs too long? Too much hair weighing you down for the summer? Not a problem. Please, sit on the stool and prepare to be amazed.
Ta-dah! A simple, clean cut in just under 3 hours. All done with minimal whining on your part, and almost no yelling or scolding on my part, so long as you stop poking my boob and saying, "That's your boobie!"
How about you, little boy? Feeling like a mad scientist? Looking for a more manageable head of hair?
Presto change-o! There you have it. All done while you relax and enjoy the fine feature presentation of Return of the Jedi. Although it would be much appreciated if perhaps you waited to play light sabers until after the haircut is over. Bald patches on the side of your head as a result of a light saber fight will not produce a refund.

Worried about those darned itchy hairs that always seem to straggle after a haircut? Well, worry no longer!
We'll have you strip down to your underwear and vacuum those bad boys right up.
Of course, the stripping down to your underwear is optional, but our guests seem to enjoy it and we aim to please.
So, please, book an appointment at Krazy Kat's Salon today and enjoy an unforgettable experience. Your satisfaction is guaranteed or your haircut is free!
Please, hold your applause. No need to thank me.


painted maypole said...

he he

the vacuuming is precious!

Anonymous said...

The vacuuming is looking like way too much fun being had. Remember, no laughing, no giggles - haircuts are serious business :) Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Um, my enter key got ahead of me...

The vacuuming is looking like way too much fun being had. Remember, no laughing, no giggles - haircuts are serious business :) Too cute!

david mcmahon said...

Cuting edge!

Kristen said...

What a creative post!

I do Cade's hair at our house too. Thank goodness, he has yet to point at the boob! :)

Very cute Kathryn! And, can I just say that your haircut is just too cute as well!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! The boys look great and the vacuuming pics are hilarious!

Wendy said...

Your boys are so cute! This made me giggle. Especially the "in under 3 hours" and the lightsaber part.

Cassie said...

They look like they're having too much fun to be getting haircuts! I love that you are vacuuming them off. heh.

Missy said...

what fun! I considered trying to cut my little guy's hair, but I think he is much too squirmy and I am much too impatient to try.
Love the poking of the boobie part. LOL

Mom24 said...

So cute. Great job, and you made it fun too. I have never been brave enough to try cutting my kids hair. I don't know why I allowed myself to be so intimidated by it. Now, the 7 year old is hooked on a local place where you can play video games while you get a haircut. Too cool. And expensive! You earned yourself $50 yesterday. Don't spend it all in one place.

lime said...

if you cut my hair i promise not to poke you in the boob.

good job, mama

Anonymous said...

I used to cut my son's hair when he used to cry hysterically at the salon....it was so traumatizing for all involved, the least that I could do was eliminate the middle guy. I got pretty good at using the clippers too....but now he has an OPINION and likes it longer and is an angel sitting there, and I don't trust myself with scissors except around his ears and above his collar, so we are back at the salon. :) Great job BTW.

Unknown said...

Wish I lived close so I could bring my boys to your salon! Can I opt out of the vacuum service though? HA HA!

Anonymous said...

Man. I just spent 25 on the tyke's hair yesterday. You rock Mamasita! And, you do good work!

María said...

OOHHH!! Gimmie gimmie gimmie!!

Brittany said...

ha ha ha. hilarious. The boys look so cute!

Scrappy said...

Cute post.... Very cute boys!

Bren said...

Can I schedule my little guy's next haircut with you? He'd be so into the vacuuming part!

You did a great job, btw, and I love the pics and the creative post!

dawn klinge said...

I love that vacuum cleaner idea ;) I doubt my son would let that happen though...he runs out of the room as soon as I turn it on!

Stephanie said...

Okay, I'm cracking up! What a fun post :) I laughed the whole time. You do good work woman! Wow! I wouldn't dare touch another person, I have no skills with scissors except that of DISASTER!

Jericho said...

found ya via Lime... glad I did :)
seems a happy place, and I simply luv the music!

Life in the Crazy Lane said...

I laughed out loud about the boobie thing!!! My youngest likes to put her hand down my shirt in public, squeeze my "nursing equipment," and say, "Boobies, Mom!" over and over. While I've gotten used to it, I think it does embarrass the people around us a little bit ...

Homegrown Tribe said...

Too cute! Hubby cuts all the boys hair... thank goodness. love the pictures.

oh and the new header. :)


Rose said...

I'll rush Harrison right over!!

I trimmed his hair last week before our trip to the Thomas Town grand opening and - for the first time - really messed it up!

I tired a new technique. Considering I'm not a stylist and I don't have any "techniques" I should have rethought that. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

My hair dresser is hot, but he's never once asked me to strip down to my underwear. I'm feeling really hurt now and think I should look for a new stylist.

EatPlayLove said...

Very sweet. I trim my 4 year olds hair, but she definitely does not get that royal treatment.

Melissa said...

ha ha! I love those vaccume shots! soooo cute!

Mary Beth said...

I wish my place would do the vaccumming thing - I'm always itchy until my next shower. PS. Does the little one come with the raisins? Cause he is just too cute!

Kellan said...

How cute - all great cuts and you look adorable too!

Have a good day - Kellan

CC said...

We all totally need hair cuts around here. But have no idea how to do it. So we'd LOVE to take you up on the offer!! I promise that the adults in my family will not poke your booby. I make no promises for my kids. ;)

Momisodes said...

Why can't we live closer!?!?! My daughter and I are in desperate need of cuts.

The boys look fabulous! LOL at the vacuuming :) So cute.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Your boys sit so well! I cut my son's hair too and he HATES EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT! They are so cuuuuute.

Tonya said...

The boys look great! Good job Mama :) I love that boys hair can be done free but those girls they are going to be costly ;)

Kelley said...

Hmm, your boys seem to do better with that than mine do. My oldest has hated haircuts since the very first one and the youngest doesn't appreciate them either. I always tell my middle one that he gets the best haircuts because he sits the still-est. I love the idea of using the vacuum. Very cute pictures. :)

And thank you for your kind comments on my blog lately. I REALLY appreciate them. :)

imbeingheldhostage said...

You funny funny girl-- and how you got the boys on board with you-- fantastic! I wanna be like you when the world starts spinning backwards and I erase a decade or so off my face. And actually, I could use a trim, will you do an in home service?

Laski said...

When did you decide on a new career?!?

"clean cut in just under 3 hours"--patience for perfection, I say!

Oh, I so hear you about SATC! I'm in desperate need for a shopping spree . . . a fashionably frugal one, of course. Care to join . . . ?

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I need to come visit you!

suchsimplepleasures said...

i am DYING that they let you not only cut their hair but...VACUUM them!! HILARIOUS!!!!
i've said it once...i've said it a million times...you and your children are drop dead gorgeous!!!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh, you are too funny!



I hope you got lots of tips after!
You know the hugs and smooches kind! :)

dianna said...

Cute cuts and ears intact...
I call that a VICTORY*!*

{AND you got fondled...but I guess kiddos don't count}

Lisa said...

cute, cute, cute!

Anonymous said...

We're clipper cutting The Baby's hair tonight. Good idea about the vacuum, he LOVES the vacuum. I think this Friday's Haiku theme is hair, btw..

Fire Hunt said...

That is a good post!

Hilary said...

Oh that's just priceless from beginning to end.. including the boob pokes! ;)

Chrissy said...

that was funny. All these years I've been cutting my girls' hair, and it never occurred to me to tie a garbage bag on them. Or vacuum them.

Anonymous said...

Aww this is the first time I've been by your blog very cute post. You make parenting look so effortless and fun (not that it isn't) your blog is lovely, I especially loved the pics of you guys enjoying the storm. You've nabbed yourself another viewer. ~Grin~

OHmommy said...

On my way to WI.

Please make room for three kiddos. ;)

Nissa said...

That was hilarious! Why didn't I ever think to vacuum the kids??

*poke* That's your boobie, btw. :)

ConverseMomma said...

This post is adorable. I wish you lived closer. Maybe, you could cut bugs hair without having him scream like you are skinning his favorite cat. Seriously, I have to give trauma pay to our hairdresser after she works with my little man. Your cut if fab, btw.

just jamie said...

Okay, did you do YOUR OWN hair too? If so, bravo. And if not, well you just saved about $75 on 3 kids haircuts around here. Can you say major rip-off?

And the boobie thing? Hee hee. I get it too. Usually at the grocery store or in front of strangers...naturally.

Roxy Wishum said...

Thanks for also taking time for GREAT pictures during all the excitement. Your shop is WAY more fun than my barber. And he never takes my picture.

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson