
2) Is one of the smartest and funniest people I know
3) Taught me how to ski, and was a very patient teacher
4) Is extremely loyal
5) Passed the New York Bar exam and scored in the top 3%
6) Was hired at one of the biggest law firms in the nation before he even graduated from law school. He is THAT good.
7) Paid for his entire way through college (UW- Oshkosh) and law school (NYU)
8) Did an exchange program for a year at Oxford
9) Has run 2 marathons and 1 half marathon and would love to do more
10) Always says he was a chubby kid, but I have never seen any pictures as proof.
11) Is REALLY hot!
12) Is very sick of practicing law and would like to start his own business
13) Is the youngest person to ever serve on the Board of Trial Attorneys for the state of WI. Again, he is THAT good.
14) Is a wonderful husband, father, son, brother and friend
15) Was checking out jobs in Hawaii the other day on the computer(so sick of the cold and snow)
16) Is a fabulous athlete and was an all conference football player in college
17) Has two tattoos
18) Has a very giving, kind, and compassionate heart
19) Is certified in skydiving and scuba diving
20) Is a true renaissance man
2) Just turned 5 years old
3) Is a natural born leader (read- bossy) ;)
4) Bites his finger nails
5) Slept through the night by 2 and a half months old
6) Is a wonderful, helpful big brother
7) Wants mom and dad to get him another baby
8) Loves to play outside
9) His middle name is Todd's dad's name
10) Can't wait for summer
11) Does not whine or complain when he is sick
12) Eats just about everything but oranges and potatoes
13) Favorite color is red
14) Wants to be a fireman
15) Was a fireman for the last 3 Halloweens
16) Sleeps on the top bunk
17) Has naturally curly hair
18) Is really tall for his age
19) Loves school and has never gotten a check mark from the teacher for being naughty or not listening
20) Nickname: J-Bear
2) Has been described as one big walking heart
3) Is a snuggle bear
4) Started walking really well at 8 and a half months old
5) Spoke in full sentences at 18 months
6) Loves to play with his brothers
7) Has never had an ear infection
8) Loves animals
9) Is very dramatic and very emotional
10) And very tough (football, perhaps?)
11) Was just signed up for school next year
12) Will be turning 3 in less than a month
13) Likes to do everything himself
14) Is a super eater and tries everything at least once
15) Looks almost exactly like his mommy when she was little
16) His middle name is my dad's name
17) Is very excited to start school
18) Sleeps on the bottom bunk
19) Wants to be Spiderman for Halloween
20) Nickname: Goldenbear
2) His middle name is after his daddy
3) Is getting six more teeth in as we speak
4) 4 of those teeth are molars
5) Makes a really grouchy face (brow furrowed eyes squinting) when I tell him "no"
6) Squints his eyes and wrinkles his nose when he smiles really big
7) Loves to play with his big brothers
8) Loves eating real big people food
9) Is in the 97% for height
10) And the 75% for weight
11) Loves his moo-moo cow-cow stuffed animal
12) Uses a paci
13) Sometimes tries to pee on me when I am changing him- ON PURPOSE- and then laughs and laughs when he gets me
14) Will sometimes bang his head on the floor when he gets really mad
15) Loves to clap
16) And dance
17) Is a very easy going kid
18) Loves to climb our steps to get upstairs
19) Is a great sleeper (knock, knock)
20) Nickname: Babybear or Bennybear

2) Has run in 2 10k races
3) Has one tattoo and is thinking of getting another (bro is an award winning tattoo artist)
4) Is the youngest of 3 brothers and 2 sisters (closest sibling in age is sister 6 years older)
5) Will go back to school when the boys are older
6) For something in the medical field (nursing, radiography, ultrasound, etc)
7) Has been in an independent film as the female lead
8) Has made money singing and acting
9) Loves sports (playing and watching)
10) Worked in the banking industry (snore) for 8 years as a teller, loan processor, mortgage loan processor/underwriter, personal banker, teller supervisor and asst branch manager (in that order)
11) Has dyslexia (so #10 is actually pretty funny)
12) Can be very stubborn and too competitive
13) Is scared of clowns
14) And dentists
15) Has super duper long toes
16) Wants to learn to play piano before she dies (no, not with her super duper long toes)
17) Is exactly where she hoped she would be at this point in her life
18) Is going to start a campaign to rid the blogging community of word verifications on comments. So mean to make someone with dyslexia do those things!
19) Is a practicing Catholic.
20) And finally, she really can't stand it when people talk about themselves in the third person. A-nnoying!
So, there ya go! A 100 things post for all of you that wanted me to do one, but with a bit of a twist so I didn't have to conform. Whew! I'll tell ya one thing, that was so much easier than trying to think of 100 things about myself. Forgetaboutit!
I love that pic of my hubby. It is from our honeymoon. I just love the expression on his face. Little stinker. I realize it is a pic from about 7 years ago, but the stinking guy doesn't age so he still looks like that. Well, he looks like that, but with a goatee now. I tell ya, the man looks good. He is like a fine wine. He just gets better with age. Me? Well, I just get old. Ah well, he is stuck with me now. Sucker!
Have a great weekend, all!