Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday- Mmm, Cake!

Mine, all mine!This is fun!
See my cake in my mouth, mom?
I like blue hair.

He had lovely turquoise poo for days.

Don't forget to leave a comment on my previous post for your chance to win a little something on Valentine's Day.


krissy said...

Ha, I'm! Little ole me!!!

For some odd reason I'm hungry for cake now! Mmmmmm-cake! Wait a minute...turquoise poo???? Not so hungry anymore! ;0)

I'm going to comment on your giveaway post again! That will be 3! Count them.....3!!

krissy said...

Ha, I'm number 2 as well! Not that being "#2" is all that wonderful! I don't like to associate myself with poop!

I wanted to say how cute your little guys are in their Packer get-up! LOVE MY PACKERS!!!

Cara said...

What awesome pictures! Mine wouldn't get into his cake like that, now pasta with sauce is a different story. Happy WW!

María said...

I could show you these same photos dated 3 years ago and with a cute little dark haired girl in his place. :)

He's so friggin' adorable!

suchsimplepleasures said...

i could eat him...and all that frosting!! i don't mind having turquoise poop...not for a ton of yummy frosting!!
loved the pics!!

Lisa said...

How cute is he!???! Lulu went after her cake the same way - only she had pinkish/purplish poo.

Love the tunes I get when I check you out :)

Anonymous said...

He is too cute! It looks like he had a great 1st birthday.

Homegrown Tribe said...

OH so much fun! I love the second picture what a handsome little man!

Happy WW!


Cynthia said...

Oh man, Mom had some clean up job!

Laura said...

Way tooooooo CUTE!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

dawn klinge said...

Those are the best pictures! Happy birthday to your cute little baby.

j said...

Dontcha love Blue poo? Looks like the kiddo thouroughly enjoyed his cake! Jen

Anonymous said...

I like blue hair too!

bindhiya said...

I like that blue hair too!
so much fun!
He is too cute!

Anonymous said...

How cute! Now I am hungry.

Beck said...

What a sweetie!
My daughter is STILL grumpy that we made her a wholewheat-unfrosted-carrot cake for her first birthday....

Nissa said...

Oh, I heart the thrid pic! He's such a little yummy cutie!

Mommy Lutchi said...

so adorable, I remember my the first birthday's of my kiddos.Thanks for sharing.

Mine is up at 4SeasonsOfMyLife
Hope to see you too. Happy Wordless Wednesday.

Family Adventure said...

Grr...blogger just ate my comment: Your boy is gorgeous, Kathryn, and these pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


Brittany said...

Blue hair is the "in thing" mom!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

HE IS SO CUTE! Turquoise poo? heh heh. Now that's cute but not so funny. :)

Kellan said...

He looks like he just had a BLAST and that is what Birthday's are all about - having a BLAST! Cute pictures! Take care - Kellan

girlymom said...

Oh he looks so happy, that's worth all the turquoise poop right?!!
What a sweetheart!

Anonymous said...

I assumed the turquoise poop, but the hair took me by surprise. Nice.

Momisodes said...

OMG! Those are adorable :) I love the cake pics....and I love how as the pics progress, he begins to blend in with the highchair ;)

david mcmahon said...

mmmm - chaaaaaaaaaarklit!!

Anonymous said...

Those are too precious! I love the one where he's putting it all in his hair!

Jen said...

I love the one where he's rubbin' it all in his hair. Nuuuummy!

(P.s. I have 3 boys too. We rock.)

Happy WW!

OHmommy said...

Awwww.... we are doing a pink cake for Fifi's 1st birthday next week. She will have pink poop. LOL. CUTE pictures!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I have some lovely turquoise beads I shall never look at quite the same! :)

I almost didn't visit today because I saw the word "cake" and I'm already less one arm... Dieting is fun!!!

Per usual your pictures speak volumes and I am so getting baby fever.

Anonymous said...

It's so much fun watching them enjoy all these new treats, but I'm not a big fan of the blue poo. Very cute.

Amy said...

Aww, these pics are so cute!! I love the first bday cake, it's just one of the best moments ever!

suchsimplepleasures said...

hey you...happy valentines day!

Anonymous said...

OH, baby Ben!! Mine was sick for his first, so we missed out on this. You are making my ovaries quiver. Just a little, tho.

Happy b-day Ben!

the dragonfly said...


And looks like a blast. :)

Sassy said...

You had me at turquoise poo. HAHA.
Found you on Mommee's site.
Will be a readin' your blog, very fun.
Happy Love Day.

Sister Sassy said...

too cute! my little one would have freaked with all that on him though. He had cake tonight and he made me whipe his hands every 5 seconds.

Happy VDay!

dawn224 said...

like a party in his diaper!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

Awwwww he is just way too cute! Hilarious post and fabulous photos!


Rachel said...

Too cute! i love messy cake pictures!
We are very familiar with turquoise poo as well :-)

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson