Alrighty peoples. Here it is. I asked you what you would like to win, and you told me. Most of you wanted cold, hard, cash. Heh, heh. I like the way you think. But the other options, chocolate, a funky mug, and a book, all got a few votes too. So, I decided to do a combo giveaway. I must admit, I got a little carried away. And I am REALLY tempted to keep it for myself. I can just picture myself, eating it, spending it, and drinking it. It is quite a vision. I look so happy. Chocolate all over my face, rubbing my extended belly. Ahhh. I can be so greedy sometimes, I tell ya.
Fine. I'll give it away. If the hubby found another new (funky) mug in the cupboards he would freak anyway. It has become somewhat of an obsession with me.
ANYWAY, all you have to do is comment on this post and on Valentine's Day I will draw a name from a hat for the lucky winner.
Ya want a little glimpse of the lovely prize?

There. That is all you get. The outside of the box. Are you happy now? No? Hmmmm. Well, I suppose I could show you a little bit more. But, before I do, I must apologize to any male readers that might want to participate. I realize that this giveaway is overly girly. But if you are the winner you can give the girly stuff to a loved one. Or, if you are really secure in your manhood you can keep it for yourself. Or you could let me have the girly stuff and I could just send you the cash. Sound good? Okay.
Drumroll, please!
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Tah-dah!
It is a girly mug, stuffed with chocolate (with much more chocolate in the bottom of the box), with a small sampling of tea, plus twenty dollars in cold, hard, cash. Yeah, baby!
The only thing I did not put in the box is a book. To me, picking a book for someone is tricky. Everyone has very different taste in what they like to read. It is a personal thing. So, if you win maybe you could use the cash to buy a book you have had your eye on. Or, treat yourself to a movie. Or, some drinks with friends. Or, or, I don't know. Whatever makes you happy.
If you aren't anticipating getting anything for Valentine's Day this could be your chance. Just leave me a comment. Anyone can enter. Anyone can win. I will ship it anywhere in the US, Canada, England, Australia, or wherever else you hail from.
So go ahead, my friends! Leave me a little comment. Just say "hi". Or, tell me a funny story. Or, a romantic story. Or, something that ticks you off. Whatever you like! And all you lurkers out there now is the perfect time to delurk. Leave me a comment and you too could be a winner! Go on! Type-a-dee type me a little comment. Ya know ya wanna!
Me. Pick me. Kathryn I read you on like day one of your blog. You gotta pick me, right?
Well if you could fill the mug with a spoonful of sanity and some spare emergency batteries......
Best wishes
Okay, would guilt work??? I have never won anything.....not a crapping thing!
But in case that doesn't work...let me leave you with a funny story! I'll keep it short!
When I was prego with my daughter I was having some issues with bladder control. After leaving work one night in my work attire (a dress) I was madly trying to get to a b'day party for a dear friend. Well, I didn't have time to potty before hand and I managed to pee myself. The dress was safe as I had to hike it up above the waist to get into the car (another story) but the granny undies were toast. So, as I was driving down the interstate I took off the granny panties and threw them out the window! It was a moment of shame. However, at the party my other dear friend thought it would be funny to pull up my dress so everyone could see my growing belly. Yep, that was a moment to remember!
So there you have it...the saddest story ever! I have to win now, eh??????
You are too sweet! This is such a nice giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity. I have just the book to buy with that money if I win ;)
I would totally buy a book with the cash! :)
Romantic story? I really don't have any romantic stories. Because my husband...well, he lacks the romance bone. He never even proposed. He just said, "When we get married, it has to be here." And I said, "okay."
But the best, I think, is that the first time he held my hand it was when we were walking (with a group of friends) in the woods, in the very dark. He took my hand, I didn't want any of that, and I ran away. Literally. In the dark woods. Good think I knew that place very well...
And now we've been married almost six years. :)
Your presentation and photo skillz are awesome, Kathryn. It looks beautiful. And all that chocolate - yummy!!
Heidi :)
Oooh! :::squeal::: what a great giveaway! Have I told you lately how much I LOVE you? :::batting eyelashes:::
Oooo I wanna, I wanna.. You see, I love mugs, but I love money to buy good coffee to fill mugs, more!
Well, let's see. This will be our 9th Valentines Day and I've received exactly 1 Valentines Day present. So I'm guessing the odds are not in my favor to receive a gift.
But that's OK. I'm fine with it. Really. Not sad or anything.
Hey, how did that raincloud get over my head?
You are so cute!!!! What a great thing to do!!!
Pick me, oh, please pick me!!!!
Kathryn- you are so giving! How wonderful...
I would loooooooooove the prize :)
What a great gift that will brighten someones day! Who doesn't love to get a gift in the mail and chocolate. Oh my!
and for sure I'd LOVE to win. :)
AFF- You have been a very loyal reader, and I would love to just give it to ya. I don't know how fair that would be.
Maddy- I can add some batteries if you would like me to. As for the sanity, if I find some, I'll share.
Krissy- I think that is one of the funniest prego stories I've heard! HA! Now I hope you win.
Dawn- I'm really not that sweet. Remember, I almost kept this loot for myself. ;)
Dragonfly- Maybe hubby isn't too romantic because the first time he tried to hold your hand you RAN AWAY. HA!!! That is hilarious!
Heidi- Why thank you! The chocolate IS tasty. I tried some. hehe
Fun-ky Mama- I lub you too. Batt,batt.
Secret Agent Mama- Money is gooooood. :)
Jenni- That's sad. Now I hope YOU win!
Laura- I'll try!
Brittany- Thank you! But again, remember that I almost KEPT it for MYSELF! :)
Ok. I am so glad that I am randomly drawing a name from a hat because I honestly want to give each of you something. :)
Oh shoot. While I was typing Brittany commented too.
Brittany- I LOVE getting packages in the mail. Especially chocolate!
Good luck all!
And thanks for commenting!
You rock. You really do. And what a lovely gift-wrapper you are.
i'm commenting...hi honey!!!
what a cool giveaway!!
you're awesome!
Chrissy and Melissa- You are too kind! :)
Oh~ I love chocolate, count me in!! This is a fun idea~ look at how creative you are, cute packaging and all! :) Love it!
Too cute - I love how great you packaged everything. And I love contests. Yea - I hope I win!!
mmmm, chocolate.
Since this is my second post do I get my name in there twice???? Hey, it was worth a shot!!!
And if I need to give you more funny prego stories (and non-prego stories) that wouldn't be any problem what-so-ever! I have a very crazy life!!!
BTW....I'm in South Dakota! So, not to terribly far away! Shucks...too bad I didn't know you on when I was in Green Bay watching my beloved Packers play! We could have had a drink or something!
Ooooo-ooooo! Another reason I should get my name in 3X's....I'm a die hard Packer Fan!!! :-)
I want to win! Pick me! Pick me!!!
Oh my goodness! That's wonderful!
Here's a romantic story for ya: my husband brings me a huge clutch of tulips each year (my favorites!) with a hand-painted card. Pretty romantic, right? This is the part that really melts me - he also brings each of the kids flowers, with a note saying "Thank you for choosing me for your daddy."
What a great prize!!! I'd LOVE to win!!!
Here's my silly story. On the first Valentine's Day that Hubby & I were together he sent me a rose from Oprah. I had told him this long, drawn-out story about how I loved Oprah, had sent her a letter, etc. & so he responded accordingly. Kind of cheesy, but we'd only been dating a week & it let me knew that he really listened to me, and liked me!!!
Happy day, my friend!
I'd be happy with just the pretty box you put it all in! :) I heart girly stuff!
Lucky #26. That's me.
*arms waving wildly*
What a grand idea Kathryn, you SO rock.
And by default, all Giant fans are non-exempt right? right.
I would love this! I'd probably buy some more shoes with that 'cold hard cash'- (btw, I voted for the cash...)- need to keep my collection going. I have 32 pairs of shoes- somehow I don't think that's quit enough. ;) Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I hope I'm the lucky number drawn from your hat. Does it happen to be a Green Bay Packer's hat? =P
Hey Kathryn, I neeed some romance in my life, even if it is from another woman on the other side of the pond! I just used my anniversary present for this year. steak knives. No, I didn't misspell diamonds-- I got steak knives. And on another, extended belly? That's not a term I would use for a donut-induced swelling, it's better used when one is..... ;-)
Cute giveaway! Have a great Valentine's Day:)
Wow! Thank you for commenting everyone! Keep 'em coming!
Beck- Your hubby rocks. That actually brought tears to my eyes. So sweet!
Lisa- I always say it is the little things. And like you said, it showed he was listening. Cute story!
My life with boys- Shoes are GOOOOOD! Good choice!
I'm being held hostage- Hey! Steak knives are nothing to scoff at! What if you didn't have any? And then you had to BITE off a piece of steak? And then you bit off a piece too big? And then you CHOKED? All because you didn't have a steak knife! See? Your hubby is probably SAVING YOUR LIFE with those steak knives!!!! Nothing more romantic that a man SAVING YOUR LIFE!!!
A girly girl - nope that's not me. A mug freak - now you're talking, girl! I hoard them, much to my hubby's dismay :) and this one's FINE - count me in. Hubby's a tea freak - so it works out even ;) The bucks will go towards another mug, ha!
Best prize ever - thanks.
What a nice give-away - I want it! Pick me! Thanks Kathryn - see ya - Kellan
Kathryn... you ROCK!!!
I would have been happy with just the outside but whoa! Contents are awesome too!
And those leaf pictures of your boys are gorgeous!
Wow! That looks fabulous! A little box of heaven :)
You sold me with just the outside ;)
Could you have my hubby whom I havent seen since Feb 2 07 show up at my door with that cute little mug??PWEEAASSEE?? See he has been deployed since then and you knwo we havent EVER been together on V hoo me huh? SO if ya got any connnections youll be my b.f.f. fo evvvva !!! HAVE A GREAT ONE WITH YOUR MAN ..Ill sit out on this v day one again... Love the mug, AND the chocolate even more 11
OK SHOULD HAVE PREVIEWED THAT ONE..sorry for the typeos..heehee
Hosting a giveaway is almost as fun as winning one, isn't it? I hosted one for my 100th post. You get lots of comments! I'd love to win this one though!
I had a pity story all line up for you about how hubby is never here for Valentines (thanks military)...but those get on my nerves lol. :) I would love to win your giveaway - it is freakin awesome :) --And, if I did win, I'd put it to good use.
Dear, I hope you have a great and wonderful Valentine's day! Hope it is filled with love, laughter, and all things great! Thanks so much for being my new bloggy friend and coming by :)
So you decided to give it away. You are too, too awesome. I hope YOU have a mega, super, duper happy V-day!!!
that looks like an awesome gift!!! pick me...pick me!!
I'm here again! 3X's my friend! I really want to win this gift!
OOH OOH OOH I am up on tippy toe and my hand is stretched WAY up over everybody else's. PICK ME! PICK ME! Jen
Hi Kathryn,
Have a beautiful valentine's day!
how sweet you are to give away something you like
love and hugs
Well, this is one I have to husband refuses to celebrate "Hallmark" holidays so alas I'll go without for V-day AGAIN.
Wooo Wee! What an awesome and super fun giveaway! Count me in please :)Thank you!
NUMBER 4! it time yet???? Have you voted yet???????
Oh come on! I can't take it anymore!
Lucky ME! I just found your blog tonight! Better late than never, eh?
I don't have a funny story, but this week on my blog I have been doing the "Week of Love" and each day talking about someone I love. Feel free to check it out!
I found your blog through Life with our Little Ladies, hope you don't mind I read up on your family from time to time!
Have a great evening! :-)
It's Valentine's Day and I'm Here!!! I'm Here, See Me? I'm Here, Pick me, I'm Here!!! :)
Happy Valentine's Day!
*heaving sigh*
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