Thursday, February 21, 2008

Loosing My Marbles

In my lunatic frenzy of "I have 8 million loads of laundry to do" yesterday (Okay, fine. I'm exaggerating. It was only 4 million loads) I looked up and noticed that I only had five minutes to get to school and pick up Joey. Ack!

As quickly as I could I grabbed the two little monkeys, pried the toys out of their little mitts, and began forcing them into their boots, mittens, hats, and jackets at lightening speed. They squirmed, cried, and complained and I ranted and shouted about how we were "going to be late!". With much fuss we made it into the car. I threw them into their car seats, buckled them in, jumped into the drivers seat, and flew out of the driveway. Okay, that isn't entirely true. I wanted to fly down the driveway, but EVERYTHING WAS COVERED IN ICE. Flipping ice. So instead of driving at warp speed like I wanted to I actually drove under the speed limit so that I wouldn't slide right through the stop signs.

The whole way there (all 10 blocks) I was picturing my poor boy, my oldest, my worrier, standing in the back of school freezing his little tushie off. I could see his big, beautiful eyes unsuccessfully searching the parking lot for our minivan. I pictured those same big eyes fill with tears and his little eyebrows raised in question. I just knew he would be thinking, "Doesn't anyone love me? I'm all alone! I've been abandoned!". My poor baby!

I rounded the corner and pulled into the parking lot. What was this? There was no one there. Man, I must be even later than I thought! Poor Joey! Did the teacher take him back inside? Should I run in and check? Are they watching for me from the door? I glanced at my clock again to see just how late I was. Um, what? Does that say 10:36? Ten? TEN? Joey doesn't get out of school until 11:30! I was an hour early! Good lawd, what is happening to me? I must be loosing my mind. I can't even tell time anymore.

I turned the van around to go back home when Tommy said, "Why aren't we getting Joey? I want my Joey!"

I said, "Well, honey, mumma read the clock wrong and we weren't supposed to be here for another hour. We have to go back home and come back in a little while."

Tommy began to cry again, "But, I want my Joey! Can't I just have my Joey?"

So I said the only thing I could think of to restore the peace, "How about a cookie instead?"

Tommy stopped crying in .02 seconds and cheerfully said, "Okay!"  And the rest of the morning was peaceful.

That is, until 45 minutes later when I had to pry the toys out of their little mitts, and force them into their boots, mittens, hats, and jackets.


Brittany said...

Oh my dear. Winter needs to be over. I'm convinced the cold has made us all a little loopy!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

It's the weather definitely. I'm ready for it to be over.

Been there done that. I completely forgot to pick up my oldest one day. Talk about feeling guilty!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Oh, I hate days like this... and I have them often :-{
And to quote you, "I have 8 million loads of laundry to do" yesterday (Okay, fine. I'm exaggerating. It was only 4 million loads)", do you realize that if you were Michelle Obama people would really believe you actually had 4 million loads to do?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I feel for you. Motherhood must be a form of dementia. And a cookie can solve a lot of problems!

Beck said...

Hahahaa. That's too bad. I've done that - suddenly realize I have mere seconds to save my poor darling children from being all alone at school, rush out - and it's 2 and they still have another hour of school left. D'oh!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the cry of younger brothers everywhere -- I want my Joey!

Chrissy said...

that sucks. Don't you just love summer when you can just jump into the car and go?

dawn klinge said...

I was laughing so hard as I read this because I've been there. I do those sort of things often. The way you told the story was so funny and so sweet.

Mandy (ZenMonkeyMind) said...

Great story!

Made me laugh!

More reasons why I HATE winter.

Great blog!!!

krissy said...

Okay, when the big hand is on the 11 and the little hand is on the 9 that means it is 11:45 (a.m. if it is morning and p.m if it is night!)


Just kidding ya! I probably would have just stayed there and told the kids it was nap time!!!

Your a crazy, sweet, fun lady! Did you know that????

girlymom said...

I have done this before, I try and think of any errands I can run in an hour that has drive thrus of course...the post office needs one! Hopefully today will be calmer. Sounds like we both had hectic pickup days!

Anonymous said...

I wish my husband could live in my shoes just one of those days. He always seems to be home on the smooth-running June Cleaver days (read: he's rarely home).

Kelly said...

I laughed when I read the title to your post just now. Great minds think alike, huh?? :)

Julie Pippert said...

That's one good thing about having a single season, which doesn't require layers.

But OH BOY do I know what you mean about laundry and catching the time wrong and all of it.

I'm just impressed that this is your first time and that you made it so long! :)

María said...

The cold sucks.
And you made me laugh!

Kellan said...

What a cute story!! I love the cookie part - they are so fickle, aren't they - but cute! Have a good day Kathryn - see ya - Kellan

Burgh Baby said...

Better to have been an hour early than an hour late. :-)

just jamie said...

What a great storyteller you are.

(Perfect song to match..."It breaks my heart..." Imagining our children sad is just about the worst thing, isn't it?)

Blended in Texas said...

Oh, I know those days all too well. Luckily for my children they are homeschooled because if not, they would probably be left at school all alone way too many times! I lose track of time all too often! Hey, at least you were an hour early and not an hour late...! Kudos to you for that! =)

Nissa said...

I've done that, too! But I would've just driven to a store to kill some time. No way go home & have to redo the getting ready routine!


OHmommy said...

I am crawling under my covers and coming out when winter is done. Email me, okay? LOL... I am so over mittens, hats, boots, ug!

david mcmahon said...

Cookies replace siblings VERY quickly, don't they. Really enjoyed this post, Kathryn - as I enjoy all your writing.

Great Wordless Wednesday shot, too!

Homegrown Tribe said...

Oh my! That's funny! I think we've all done something like that before. I'm so ready for spring.


lime said...

thanks for stopping by my place.

oh this story brings back some real memories! or terrifying flashbacks depending on your perspective! gotta love how the promise of a cookie can soothe the most deeply wounded heart. hehehehe

Anonymous said...

Cookie cure all ills. It's okay Kathryn. It all worked out, right!

Lisa said...

That had me laughing. And I was laughing with you, not at you....because that so could have been me.

I too am beyond done with this winter crap. More "lovely" flurries are currently falling & the roads are complete sheets of ice. Stick the fork in me. I'm finished!

Anonymous said...

See, I would have forgotten the cookies, too. I think you're awesome!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

World peace could be solved with a few cookies, dontcha think? I loved this tale, I could just envision those sad eyes!

Good luck with the remaining 2 million laundry loads!

Sister Sassy said...

Thats really funny. I think maybe I would have been too lazy to go home and then go back out again so I'd have just taken him home early. But I suppose that is irresponsible of me

Kristen said...

Oh I m so sorry!!

I swear, why do days like that happen? Is it because as SAHM's we are in charge of oh, like 1 trillion things??

Hang in there, and one should always, I repeat, always have chocolate in the car. If not for the kids, then for you!


Momisodes said...

I'm so over this weather too! Winter can be such a pain, and even more so with kids and getting out of the house. I can't wait until we can wear one LAYER of clothes again...

Rose said...

ROTFL!! I've done this! Only sans boots, coat, mittens and jackets. And since there is one toddler and one in high school I only have 1.5 million loads of laundry.

Love your blog.

Thanks for the smile today.

Cynthia said...

Oh no...and I hate the winter clothing dance to!

Anne B. said...

I know it's awful, but we don't even bother with shoes(doesn't wear them yet) or hats (pulls them off) with our kiddo. We just bundle him in his coat and a blanket.

LOL about the cookie. :-)

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT post. *sigh* I totally wish I'd found you sooner. (Or was it the other way around?)

Sandi McBride said...

How did you break it to Joey that Tommy would replace him with a cookie (snapping fingers) just like that? Oh hon, I remember the days...still don't know how I made it through with my sanity intact. Of course there's some question about that.

Katney said...

I did the same thing yesterday except in the early morning and without the kids. (Since my baby is 27--he would find it odd having mom stuffing his hands into mittens at this point.) One eye opened and saw 6 on the clock and since I leave the house on work days at 6, that was a problem. When I got the car scraped and sat down in the driver's seat the clock said 5:20. My smart clock in the bedroom was set for the wrong date and had changed to daylight savings.

Anonymous said...

So funny and kids sound so sweet!
I want my Joey, but I want my Joey! To cute!

Sorry though that you had to go through the worry of being late.

Have a Blessed Happy Fun
Creative Healthy Year!!!

Came here from David's author blog.


Daryl said...

OY! Hon, you need to come to my place and sit and sip an espresso .. nibble a cookie or two and laugh with me at how we let things like this make us crazy .. if not for the blog .. can you even imagine? I cant. :)

suchsimplepleasures said...

you need a vacation!! so...pack your bags and come visit!!
i'm cracking up because, i do stuff like that all.the.time!! and...the laundry...i feel you!!
i heart you...big pink puffy cotton heart!!

Blessedw5mom said...

sorry for the chaose of your day, but glad to knoe someone else has days like me :-) Being a mom is the most mentally challenging job there is!

Mima said...

I'm over visiting from David's, love the way that you tell your story, I was there with you experiencing the panic, then that slow dawning realisation only to go back to face having the whole getting ready process to face again - I can only imagine that being a SAHM is hard work, and congrats to you for holding it all together!

BarnGoddess said...

came here from Davids. We had the ice storm too, I am ready for summer and 110+ degrees!

as a SAHM I can related :)

Jenera said...

Too funny! I'm a SAHM to only one boy but I have days like that too. I don't even want to think of when we have more kids.

Unknown said...

Just catching up on your blog... which I am really starting to love! ; )

How cute - "I want my Joey!" I love it!

Nice move with the cookies. I mean how glad were you to have those in the car?!

Amy said...

I have done this a MILLION times!

Laski said...

"But, I want my Joey! Can't I just have my Joey?" Ah . . . brotherly love.

What a morning . . .

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson