Friday, February 15, 2008

Wake Me When It's Spring

November snowfall
Felt exciting and cozy
Now it feels like death
I am sure that by now you are all very sick of hearing me talk about this horrible winter weather we have been dealing with here. But, there is more. We just received another 8 inches of snow today. And guess what. Our snow blower broke. Yes. Broke. And guess what else. We are expecting another large snowstorm on Sunday or Monday. Yippee.

This winter has been unusually awful. Okay, Wisconsin winters are no joke. But this is ridiculous. I can't remember the last time we had this much snow combined with this many horribly cold temperatures. I am DONE with winter! No more!!! All this horrible weather makes me teary. I am one of the lucky ones with a warm home to keep me safe. I can not imagine that there are people out there who have no place to stay. It turns my stomach.
In November when the snow would fall out the window everything looked peaceful and calm. It made me feel cozy in my warm home, excited by the approaching holidays. Now I look at the downpour of snow and think of death, depression, and isolation. Ugh. Talk about Seasonal Affective Disorder! Spring? Now? Please?
Okay. I'll stop. Am I depressing you yet? I don't want to make anyone jump off a cliff here.

On to lighter fare...
Am I expecting?
All signs point to, no baby.
Not yet, anyway.
I have gotten so many questions from y'all asking if I'm pregnant. It seems my constant mood swings, crying jags, irritability, binge eating, food cravings, and weight gain have you confused. Unfortunately, that's just me. Apparently, I turn into a polar bear in winter. I get extremely pale from no sun, add a few tons of blubber on to my body, and become extremely cross. My hubby is a lucky man, isn't he?
In all honesty, I constantly think I am pregnant. Perhaps that is because I have been pregnant almost continuously for the last 4 years. I don't know. But any little pull in my stomach, slight nausea, or fatigue (3 boys under 5 and fatigue is pretty common) and I think I'm pregnant. And seeing as how I may just be one of the most fertile creatures on this earth it is always a possibility with me. Just not right now. If we do have a fourth a little more space between the third and the fourth would be appreciated. But, feel free to ask again in a few months. Who knows what the answer will be. ;)


Brittany said...

EEK! :) Babies are amazing. :)

(did you get my addy? I sent it earlier this morning...)

Danielle said...

Oh, I feel for you. I left the Northeast because I couldn't handle anymore snow.

Family Adventure said...

Hang in there, Kathryn. It's the worst time of the year now. A couple of more weeks, and things will look up. I promise! :)


Jenni said...

Not too much longer, now. Spring is coming.

I had the first three in 38 months. Then 2 1/2 years before number 4. I must say, the break was nice.

But you better be careful. Seems like babydust is in the water in bloggy land.

Anonymous said...

lovely words...!

Laura said...

I read an article in our local paper siting "Winter Fatigue"...I have winter exhaustion!!!! The paper stated that in total, we have had over 9 feet of snow...I have tennis elbow from shovelling!!!

Hang in there!!

Beck said...

Am I directly north of you? (I'm weak on my American geography.) We've had an INTENSE winter, too.
And yes, I'm constantly convinced I'm pregnant too - like you, I am FERTILE.

krissy said...

Ah poo.....I didn't win! I thought for sure I was a shoe in!

I hate the weather too babe! Winter is miserable....and it makes me very depressed too! Go seriously works for me!!!!

Just think of all the baby feet you could gobble up if you had another....just saying!!!!!

suchsimplepleasures said...

i hate winter, too. and...i always think i'm pregnant! always. every month almost, i run and buy a pregnancy test. i figure, if i stop buying pregnancy tests, that's when i'm going to end up pregnant!!
we are getting more snow here, in michigan, too!

so so so sick of winter!!

Toni said...

Did that stinkin' groundhog see the shadow or not? Either way, Spring is on its way. I am ready for a bit of a warm-up, too.

Well, it sounds to me like you need a break from pregnancy so I hope it doesn't happen. I have some SAD; perhaps you do, too?

Anonymous said...

we left the winter wonderland for the tropics... next oct/nov i'm sure i'll miss the snow, but not missing it right now!

Anonymous said...

When living up in the north, I always have a bought of winter/seasonal depression. Drives. Me. Crazy. On the other hand, if you ARE pregnant, that would be awesome. 4 are GREAT!

María said...

Ugh,I hate the winter!!

Chrissy said...

You poor thing. I wish you warmer temperatures. If you feel like taking matters into your own hands, you could head south and crash at my house in Texas.

I am in constant fear of being pregnant, too. I could never take one of those birth control pills that makes you skip your period for 3 months because I would be constantly taking tests.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all the icky snow. Are the boys home again?? And I was totally thrown off by the pregnancy 'ku! I guess I just assume everyone is moody, fatigued and gaining weight (or at least I hope it's just not me).
Happy Friday!

Blended in Texas said...

I'm so with you about this nasty weather we've had this year! I'm so done with it too! I think my hubby and I talk of moving to Tennessee about 3x a day (at least). I have always hated and detested winter and after 24 years of living with these wretched winters (this year being the worst) I've about had it! I too become blue and gain weight during the winter...ugh...I just hate it. On the pregnancy side of things- I always think I'm pregnant too. My goal is to not get pregnant until the baby is past two. We'll see if we make it that long. :::Crossing my fingers::: Have a great (cold) day! =)

Julie Pippert said...

Wow, that's a lot of snow piled up and so fresh looking.

Sorry about the winter doldrums.

If you ever need the subtropics, you know where to find me.

I'm in shorts and t-shirt. This morning.

dawn klinge said...

The pregnant thing...I never asked but I was wondering also ;) Hope it warms up in Wisconsin soon.

Cynthia said...

I am right there with you in the snowfilled boat. I need me some spring!

Brittany said...

Ok, I emailed again... if it doesn't work this time, then it's a conspiracy... lol

and if not, then I don't mind just giving it to you here :)

Anonymous said...

I wrote a poem myself about the snowy weather myself this morning. Isn't it awful? I don't think we netted 9 inches...but at least 5!

I constantly think I'm pregnant too...but I haven't been in almost 5 years so I don't know where my psychosis is coming from...perhaps from wanting and not being able to have. My baby is afterall headed to kindergarten!

Brittany said...
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painted maypole said...

well, you know, when the weather outside is frightful, and the fire is so delightful, there's a great way to generate some heat! ;)

4 days of winter on my trip to MI was enough for me! ;)

storyteller said...

Oh my … 8 more inches on top of what you already have is amazing, and no doubt frustrating ... especially with more storms on the way. Guess that “blower” has been working overtime this winter. I apologize for being frustrated with my windy California day in this morning’s Haiku at Sacred Ruminations. I don’t know how you manage 3 boys under 5 being cooped up indoors!
Hugs and blessings,

Brittany said...
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VDog said...

I hear ya on the winter blues! And feeling pregnant lately! Ha! I only have one though...

I hope spring comes soon for you! We got a one day respite from the gray and fog and cold, and it was SO nice!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

WOW, the snow!!! Holy cow! Well, I do believe that snow is where babies come from! teeehehehe


Anonymous said...

Oh, K. I feel so sorry for you. I would totally not have made it if I'd been born further north. I think it's grey & freezing and cold right now at 47 degrees. We haven't had any snow this year (YAY!), so I feel so horrible for you with the one you've had to deal with. And, I didn't think you were pregnant...but we Catholic moms always seem to think it's a possiblity, right?

Kristen said...

I hear you about the snow. We live at 7000 ft of elevation, and we are also getting *Dumped* on this year. I also am constantly dreaming green and I swear I can't remember what our yard actually looks like!

Kudos to you for keeping up with three children, two are running me ragged on most days!

Kristen said...

I hear you about the snow. We live at 7000 ft of elevation, and we are also getting *Dumped* on this year. I also am constantly dreaming green and I swear I can't remember what our yard actually looks like!

Kudos to you for keeping up with three children, two are running me ragged on most days!

Esme said...

I'm in New England, and I totally feel your snow-related pain! Great haiku!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

This winter sucks the donkey!

You can keep up with 3? You. rule! I'm pert neart at capacity with 1.

Rachel said...

What's snow? ;-)
Sorry, it's 74 here and drizzling.
Cold here is 40 degrees :-)
That sure is purty snow, even if it is a pain. :-) Thanks for the visit and she LOVED gymnastics!!

Anonymous said...

yikes! would hate that amount of snow :O maybe you've god S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder) apparently it's pretty common!

the dragonfly said...

Oh man, I so don't miss snow. Sorry your snowblower is broken!!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

We finally got a break from the snow and I'm loving our sun. I wish I could send some to you!!

Anonymous said...

Hah! I have been trying for the last two weeks to figure out how to start the ol' blog back up. But I just stare at that little cursor going *blink, blink, blink* or is it *wink, wink, wink*? And I think of a million other things i could be doing. My creative energies have gone in quite a different direction, which is kinda why I'm feeling the slow pull back to blog-land. What better place to brag - uh, I mean, show you all my cool stuff? Anyway, thanks for stopping by. Keep checking back, I may just surprise us all and start it up again.
Also - I loved the haiku's and post. Even though I know the weather is a bummer.

Ashley said...

We don't even have the fun snow. At least you could go outside and build snow igloos and all that fun. In KY...yeh, I just get ice and super coldness. can't build a snowman out of ice. So, if you want to ship some of your snow this way...I'll take some :) lol.

*hugs* I'm a big ol grumpy pants at this time of the year too. If it's going to be this cold, I want snow. Not ice. not rain. Snow. But, I'd RATHER have springtime and warm weather.

Anonymous said...

If I did jump off a cliff in shared SAD, it would be covered in snow and my fall would inevitably be broken.

You are my hero with 3 boys. I feel inadequate with two under 4. Although, I'm not really willing to remedy that situation any time soon.

Lisa said...

Arctic Tundra Hell....I'm completely, completely over it.

Just think Florida, my friend!!!

Burgh Baby said...

I confess. I love the snow. I mean, if it's going to be cold, there might as well be snow so that it's pretty outside, right?

Kellan said...

I'm sorry you are feeling so depressed about the weather and the snow! I was just talking to my friend on the phone a bit ago and complaining to her how it is so muggy here today and in the 70's - REALLY! We always want what we don't have. I hope you have a good weekend Kathryn - take care. Kellan

imbeingheldhostage said...

Your husband IS a lucky guy... we all crave change, and you are giving it to him on a daily basis :-)

Unknown said...

Okay, you will probably hate me for saying this, but I am a little jealous of the snow (maybe not 8 inches!) We RARELY get it down here in Texas and it never truly feels like winter in my book. I am sorry that it is getting you down. Spring will be here soon...

So sorry I missed out on entering your giveaway but really cool that Brittany won! YEAH!

Cathy said...

Oh gosh. I am so sick of it too. And to read of others with temps above 70. I was so looking forward to yesterday, because the high would be 34! WooHOO. Now we're expecting another snow storm Sunday. (I'm in Illinois)
Love the snow picture by the Stop Sign. Perfect. Just a few more weeks. Just a few more weeks.

bindhiya said...

I am waiting for spring too!
Stay warm!

Amy said...

I kinda think the snow is pretty! Then again, I've NEVER seen it! Hope it thaws out for you soon!

Anonymous said...

okay, i cannot get over all of the snow in that picture. Also, I am a winter polar bear also.


SNOW? Here comes another round.
I can't believe it. Spring has to
be coming soon. At least there
was some sunshine today, I hope you caught some of it! Hang in there.

Melissa said...

The is the only down side from going to Utah to Alaska...utah summer starts around April and Alaska is I still have three months now! :(

suchsimplepleasures said...

dude...i'm so jealous...50 comments!!! i don't think i've EVER gotten that many, on a post!!
hope you have a great weekend!

dawn224 said...

I'm tired with ONE boy.

We were in Minnesota the last three winters - now we're not - and this is so much more my speed. I told the husband the only way I'm moving back is if I never have to go outside.

Sister Sassy said...

That storm I think is coming to get us. And I am with you - in the early winter it feels like a Winter Wonderland...but about now it starts to feel like a frozen Wasteland!

krissy said...

oooh...I'm okay with not winning the Grand Prize! I would never throw hot coffee on you however, I do pout and I did throw a temper tantrum!!! :-)

I'm a huge sreaming fan of your sight so someday, I will win something from you!!!!

OHmommy said...

LOL... I have been pregant for the LAST five years and I forget what it feels like to be normal. I too am a polar bear in winter. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I agree please lets summer hurry up.

I can argue on the most fertile person on the planet :)

Mandy (ZenMonkeyMind) said...

Thanks for your supportive comment on my blog!!

I LOVE that photo, the stop sign and the snow... I feel the same way!!!!!

Cara said...

Sending you some warm, sunny spring vibes!
Sound to me like you do have a touch of SAD.
But you are right about the fatique and boys. 3 boys under 5...even the energizer bunny would be tired!
Hang in there...think spring!

krissy said...

Alright sista! Where is your cute little butt at?????

Come back to bloggy world! :-)

girlymom said...

Pregnant or nursing for 7 years now!
I hear ya.

Looking outside right now~ SNOW...
I hear ya.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's serious winter.

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson