I am still trying to get rid of the last few pounds of baby weight. They just hang there. Taunting me. My skinny jeans fit, but they just don't look right yet. I am hoping that when the weather warms up a little bit I can start running outside again and the pounds will just fly off. Ha! We'll see about that. Anyway, for that reason I've decided to repost the post I wrote back on September 14, 2007 when I tried to start up running again after a two month hiatus. I'm sure this is what I will go through again in a few weeks. Hope you all enjoy, and happy Scrolling Saturday!
Hmmm. I feel pretty pathetic right about now. After a two month hiatus I decided to start running again. I knew I would have to start out slowly, but this is ridiculous. Man! I felt like I was running through jell-o. Oh I started out great, I was even smugly thinking, "Wow! This is much easier than I thought it would be!". Then I got to the third block and my legs started to burn . Huh? How could I possibly be getting tired already? Just two months ago I was running 4 miles, no problem. Sure, it has been 2 MONTHS (basic calf injury, colds, and pure laziness kept me dormant), but 4 MILES, and now I'm getting tired after 3 blocks! Bah! It just doesn't seem fair. I have to start all over again.
To make matters worse I watched The Biggest Loser on tv tonight. Now I really feel pathetic. Here are people who are dragging around an extra 200 pounds and they are running through sand, and carrying logs, and climbing mountains. One chic lost 20 pounds in one week! One week! I'm having trouble with my measly 15 pounds, and I've had months.
The other night I was telling Todd, who has also decided to drop a few pounds, how important it is to drink water when you are trying to loose weight. Oh, and control your portions. And don't eat crap. And exercise. He looked at me and said, "I know how to loose weight, it's just... it's just..." and I said, "no fun?" and he said, "Exactly!" Too bad loosing weight isn't more fun.
There was a sign on the fridge of one the Biggest Loser contestants that said, "Nothing in this fridge tastes as good as thin feels". And that is nice and all, but they must not have ice cream in that fridge, cuz HELLO, have you had ice cream lately?
I suppose it doesn't help that I am still breastfeeding Ben. I am like an eating machine. I've stopped eating after 7:00 at night and my stomach is actually grumbling by the time I go to bed at 10:30. Maybe I should wait to loose the last 10-15 pounds until I am done breastfeeding. Or maybe I should stop stuffing my face with things like donut holes and ice cream. Maybe?? Nah. That's crazy. A girl has got to have some fun. I guess I'll see how this running thing takes off and if that doesn't help, then we'll talk about the donut holes and ice cream.

I got flowers! Me! I got flowers! I am so excited. I can't remember the last time I got flowers. Ahem. Hubby, are you listening??? The dearest Melissa at Such Simple Pleasures gave me flowers last night, and let me tell you, it was a great way to start the weekend. I want to send them right back to Melissa because I lub her.
I also want to give them to MamaGeek at What Works For Us because this week the horrible, nasty, flower delivery man brought some beautiful flowers up to her door and asked her if she would hold onto them until her neighbor got home. OUCH! Stinky delivery man. I also want to pass them on to her because she is hilarious. AND she is a a Packer fan! Oh yeah, and I LUB her!
I am also handing these lovely flowers off to Wright at I Gotta Theory About That. I love visiting her everyday, and yesterday she had a haiku that really made me smile. She is fab, and you must go see her!
Laskigal at From the Cheap Seats is getting some flowers from me too. I love her American Idol recaps and her "Political Talk". Plus her new layout is amazing!!! Go check it out!
And last, but certainly not least, is the Anglophile Football Fan. She is definitely one of my favs. Her posts are constantly cracking me up. She is one of my bloggy friends that I would just love to get the chance to hang out with. She is a hoot! Oh yeah, and her little boy is flipping adorable!
So there ya go, ladies! Have some flowers!
first of all...i know the feeling. starting a routine, stopping for various reasons...and having the hardest time starting up again!!! i'm that way, too! and, dieting sucks...big time! i still have to go grocery shopping for the abs diet...which is supposed to be awesome!!
and...i lub you too! thank you for the beautiful flowers!!
oh my gooodnes!! I understand! I felt the same way when I started working out, again, after Matthew!!! I about died! I couldn't believe I was so out of shape!
Hopefully you'll be able to run easier this time!! :)
Oh my! I feel so special. Thanks for the flowers!!!
I have more than 15 pounds to lose and I keep putting it off. But I had a few friends who had babies within a few days of me and we are all trying to get in shape together. We are having our own mini fun run for the kiddies' one year birthday. Group motivaion helps me a bunch!
I'm not much of a runner, three blocks would drop me like you wouldn't believe so kudos to you for the motivation you do have...and FOUR miles? Whew...that's awesome! I hope you're able to start back up once this crazy weather subsides!
No donut holes, no ice cream? Are you crazy woman! Good luck with the winter thaw and running again. Oh yeah, the leaves photos are fabulous!
I'm at the beginning of that journey...been saving up the pounds for 6 children, so now it's time to REALLY buckle down... Thanks for sharing!
I have a multiple of 15 to lose, so I feel ya.. :)
Great post to share and what lovely flowers. Great ladies you've shared with, too.
Thanks Kathryn, ya know I am a
newbie blogger. Learning as I go
along. I've got to work on this linking stuff. I am really lost. The only older post, I've done was thru the Carnival and their submission form won't take it, if it is done incorrectly.
Thanks hanging in for me! Wish I
knew how to send you a bloggy
Melissa is very nice - kudos to her
I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who shoved doughnuts and ice cream in their face hole while breastfeeding! Being a dairy queen turned me into a ravenous eater...Sadly, the habit continued after I weaned :(
I love the, "Nothing in this fridge tastes as good as thin feels".....I need to write that on a post-it note and stick it all over the kitchen.
Great re-post!
Yeah! And I can keep these forever and ever!!! Thank you tons for the awesome award!
Well, you and me both in terms of baby weight. I fit into my "skinny" jeans, but man are things flopping out all over. I'm hoping to do a half marathon in April and I can't seem to get passed the 2 mile mark! I was like you--running anywhere between 3-6 miles 5 days a week!
My Todd (hubbies share the same name) and I had the same conversation (many times). It ISN'T fun! Outside of the extra two kids, we could be living in the same house!
Don't give up the ice cream . . . just um, eat with a smaller spoon . . . like me!
Oh, check this out: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22884182/ I thought you might appreciate it! You bet I'll be blogging about this!!!
I'm all about the ice cream and only run when the building is on fire. Good luck with the weight loss.
Your pics on the side of the boys in the leaves are fabulous. I bet those guys had fun doing that! I envy you being able to run now, or ever. I am strictly a walker and need to get started again. I've got baby weight too. Of course my baby is seven years old today! Have a great weekend - Jennifer
Thanks a million, sweet thang. I love me some flowers. These are prob the only ones I'll be getting for St. Valentine's knowing the rocket scientist.
And you are pretty gorgeous too
so are you still running?? I started walking again 2 days ago and I still feel my legs...pretty sad.
I love watching Biggest Loser, while I sit on my couch eating chocolate!! Oh the paradigms!!
ugh. I have been shoving every bit of food in my facehole I can find. My kid better be a genius for all the milk I'm making him.
I've also heard that a lot of women hold on to about 10 extra pounds while nursing - in case of famine or something - the body wants to have enough fat to keep making milk.
(at least I HOPE that's true!)
I love your "Hello! Have you had icecream lately?" Ain't that the truth, sista!
$ miles! That's awesome. Are you back to that distance again? I have much respect for runners. I think I'd pass out after the first block. I don't run unless I'm being chased.
Oh, and congrats on your beautiful flowers!!
Congrats on the flowers!
I always feel great on the first run after time off (usually for childbearing reasons). The second through fifth or sixth, however? Those SUCK!!!
You have totally made my entire weekend. Thank you so very much! You very much deserve all the bling, I love your writing style (and totally get this post - my skinny jeans are still mocking me).
Do you know how glad I am that I found you? Tis true! Enjoy the superbowl tonight even if our green-n-gold isn't in it.
*le sigh*
Sincerest thanks again K!
I got sick over the last week and lost 4 lbs - that's one way to lose part of that 15 lbs. I've been need to lose!
Congrats on the awards - you so deserve them.
Hope you are having a great weekend - see you soon. Kellan
I am trying SO hard to get into an exercise routine, but so far, not so good. I have kept ten pounds from each kid, which means that I'm now 30 pounds more then I'd like. Sigh.
I am not looking forward to loosing my baby weight either. Like you I had only a few to go but my clothes still did not fit right. I really started to watch what I ate and tried to be more active. It worked, an then I got pregnant....hehehehe. I will be starting all over again soon. Hang in there spring is on it way!
I always found when I was breastfeeding, I dropped all but the last 10 very quickly. The last 10 seem to hang on until weaning.
Congrats on your flowers!
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