Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Big Boy!

You. My boy. My baby. The first to make me a mom and steal my heart. The first baby that made me fall in love. The first one to open my eyes to a new world. My first little buddy to go everywhere with. Explore the world and see it for the first time, all over again.

Today you are five. And I look at you and can still see you as the baby I fell so deeply for. The same round face and smooth, pure skin. The same huge blue eyes that go straight to the heart of me. The same easy going, lovable you. You still try so hard to be good. A good son, a good brother, a good friend, and a good boy. And you are. You amaze me.

Just yesterday you let me hold you. Something that has become rare lately. I sat and stared at your face. I studied the contour of your cheeks and the shape and color of your eyes. The hair that curls at your forehead and your gorgeous lips. So much bigger than the first time I saw you, and yet so much the same. You still melt my heart. You still make my me swell with pride. In our quiet moment together you looked up and said, "My birthday wish is that you and I will be best friends forever and forever."  You caught me off guard. My eyes filled with tears and my already full heart wanted to burst. You wanted to know why I was crying, "Because you make me so happy, honey." I said. And you always have. My little buddy. Growing up right in front of my eyes. Oh, how I wish it wouldn't go by so quickly. But, always know that no matter how big you get you will always be my baby.

I love you, Joseph. I am so proud of you!

Happy Birthday, my precious boy.


Chrissy said...

Oh, my eyes are welling up. What a beautiful tribute to your boy.

Happy Birthday, big guy!

Kelly said...

That was absolutely beautiful. He is an adorable boy--I hope he has a great birthday.

María said...

That was beautiful and so is he.
Happy Birthday to him!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Beautiful post. And a beautiful boy! Happy Birthday Joseph!!

Beck said...

Happy birthday sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by to visit and the compliment on my blog. :)

Your son is beautiful and this was such a sweet post.

Kellan said...

He is so beautiful!! Happy Birthday to your sweet boy - they do bring a whole lot of JOY, don't they?!? Have a good weekend with your Birthday boy! Kellan

suchsimplepleasures said...

that was so beautiful!!
happy birthday, gorgeous boy!!!
isn't it amazing...everyone tells you, when you have a new baby, to enjoy because they grow so fast...and, you don't truly believe...because all those sleepless nights. they go on and on!'s true, they do grow so fast!!
he's so gorgeous, kathryn!!

Joni said...

this post really spoke to my heart~ it wasn't that long ago I was writing these very same words and now my firstborn is preparing his wings for flight...time goes so quickly and they never get any less precious...I hope your son's sweet birthday wish comes true...


dawn klinge said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful Joseph. You are so good with words, and so is he. His birthday wish put tears in my eyes also, it was so sweet.

Anonymous said...

I got misty eyed at what he said, too. OH That was SOO sweet! Happy B-day, Joey!

Brittany said...

What a BEAUTIFUL tribute to your little man!!! That made me tear. So sweet! Happy Birthday dude! (Hey, and thanks for pulling my name out of that hat! You're my hero! :))

Ashley said...

Aww! That was so sweet! So beautiful!

Kristen said...

OK, so thanks for making me cry! That was the sweetest post. I hope you enjoy his big day tomorrow just as much as he will.

Aren't those few rare moments just worth more than words?

Happy Birthday to Mama and Baby Boy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me cry ya big jerk. But that's OK because you redeemed yourself when I laughed at him in the swimming goggles with the football (it's a bloody FOOTBALL, alright? OK, just as long as we're clear on that...)

Top post, but that's why I love ya.


P.S. This is my way of getting you back, here's what I wrote to my littlest boy when he turned one in January:

Family Adventure said...

Happy 5th birthday Joseph! I know you'll get your birthday wish!

And Kathryn, you are one lucky mommy!

Heidi :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Kathryn, that is so sweet. He is precious! Happy Birthday, Joseph!!!

Burgh Baby said...

Happy birthday, Joseph! You've been adorable from the start.

Laura said...

Tears are in my eyes. What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing.



Julie Pippert said...

How beautiful was this! How beautiful is he! Oh happy birthday!

Lisa said...

Beautiful post - you made me get teary! And my, those eyes are going to break some hearts. He is adorable!
Joey sounds like such a great little guy. I hope he has a wonderful birthday. Congrats on five years of motherhood!!!

krissy said...

Oh my goodness! He is just beautiful! Those eyes, oh those eyes!!!

Happy B'day to him! Thanks for sharing your cute little family with us!!

Homegrown Tribe said...

What a sweet birthday wish! Happy Birthday big guy!

Kellan said...

Hi Kathryn - I hope your sweet boy had a wonderful Birthday and that you all had a good weekend - see you later. Kellan

Anonymous said...

Kat, I bet you're going to love having a 5 year old! It is such an amazing year of growth and independence!

Happy Birthday.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Oh Kathryn, this was such a beautiful tribute and post. Can you imagine where the time has gone? I loved those photos - he is truly beautiful my friend.

And sincerest thanks for all your PT advice.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Babies become five year olds... Almost too much to imagine.

Anne B. said...

That's so sweet. Thanks for sharing.

imbeingheldhostage said...

I have a confession. Every day, I click onto your blog, read your wonderful stories and tributes, look at the pictures and then I open up another window to read other blogs...while your playlist plays away. In case you're wondering if anyone ever notices, I do. And I always like it.
Oh, and your beautiful boys look like they were all cut out with the same cookie cutter :-)

Daryl said...

What a lovely birthday tribute to a truly adorable little boy.

Laski said...

Kathryn . . . why do you do this to me??? The pics are beautiful. Happy b-day to your handsome little man . . .

Amy said...

Beautiful! Your post and your boy!

OHmommy said...

Awwww.. happy birthday. That last picture is so sweet.

There are so many birthdays in feb... what happened 9 months before feb? LOL

david mcmahon said...

I hope he had a great day and that he had a wonderful year.

Mandy (ZenMonkeyMind) said...

that was wonderful! Great pics! Happy Birthday to your sweet little boy!

Anonymous said...

Wow... that was precious. Happy Birthday Big Boy...

Unknown said...

Well just melt my heart! I love how he wants you to be best friends forever - SO sweet!!

I loved watching him "grow up" on this post too!

Happy Birthday to sweet Joey!

Bren said...

Beautiful post! And I love all the pics!

Unknown said...

Hey, I am back to let you know that I have tagged you for a meme! Have Fun!

suchsimplepleasures said...

xoxo...hope you had a wonderful weekend!

bindhiya said...

Dear Kathryn,
"Happy Birthday to your cute Baby"
and ♥ and hugs to his mom

girlymom said...

Oh those eyes! He is so precious!

Happy Birthday Joseph!!

Nissa said...

That was so sweet, and I loved your photo montage!

just jamie said...

Oh My Gosh. Absolutely darling pictures of your sweet son. Those eyes!

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson