Todd used to leave me little notes all over the house when he would go deer hunting. I would pull back the blankets to get into bed and see a Post-It on my pillow saying, "Good night, honey! Sweet dreams! I miss you!" The next morning I would get up and go in the shower and on the shower handle a Post-It would remind me, "Taking a shower, babe? Don't forget to scrub behind your ears!" I would grab my favorite mug out of the cupboard and a Post-It would be tucked inside telling me, "Still tired, sweetie? I made a fresh pot of coffee for you, just hit the ON button on the coffee maker." I would open the freezer and yet another Post-It would ask, "What are ya
eatin', hon?" Goofy little notes that made me laugh and roll my eyes would be left all over the house. I loved every one of them. I have kept a bunch over the years and they always make me smile when I read them again.
Todd doesn't do that much anymore. I suppose it is because I am no longer at work when he is packing to leave. Now I am hovering over his shoulder with our three little ones hanging onto his legs. It is pretty hard to hide love notes when the person (and three nosey monkeys) is in the house.
Yet for this trip he still managed some surprises for me. When I pulled back the blankets to climb into bed on Thursday night I found an envelope on my pillow with a romantic card inside it. Just sweet enough to put a smile on my face.
The next day I was busy getting Joey ready for school, visiting my dad, making lunches, scolding boys, and all the other household dailies that come with the territory. At the end of a long day there was a knock at the door and I happily accepted these from the delivery lady:

My favorite colored roses and a card thanking me for "holding down the fort" while he is away. Good man. Smart man.

These are the kind of things that make his trip manageable. Not the gifts of flowers and cards, although I LOVE them, but knowing Todd appreciates what I'm doing. Just being appreciated. It makes all the difference in the world. And
I certainly appreciate that he knows that.
Definitely good man, smart man and definitely lucky Kat!!
Those are gorgeous! MWAH
Wow! What a thoughtful husband he is!
Yes. Appreciate DOES make all the difference. I can't wait to hear about the rest of your week. I hope it continues to be wonderful.
Yep, it's all about the appreciation and it's all so very welcome. What a great guy you have, and how lucky he is that you appreciate his appreciation, too. :)
You have a sweet hubby! Being appreciated is an awesome gift alone...but the flowers and card don't hurt! :)
Kudos to Todd for being sweet and romantic in the way romance works now that we're moms. I would kill for some roses.
That is the sweetest thing and you're right, he is very smart! He will be able to hunt for years to come!
Wow, you definitely have a keeper there, Kat! Holy cow, looks, brains and sensitive...
So, started reading that book Twilight book yet? ;-)
You are right on the money. Every so often my hubby will just say thank you and it's the best present ever.
He's raising the bar pretty high...I may have Garry drop by for a read. ; )
You are so blessed!
What a sweet hubby! It definitely pays to have the hubs show appreciation (and I'm sure flowers help LOL)/
He knows he has a good thing going for him and it looks like you do to!! They are beautiful!
Sweet hubbyand a smart one to.
He definitely earned 'points' with that one. What a sweet guy! BTW,, great blog!
a great catch! I like the idea of sticky notes... works much better than the lipstick on mirrors (too much work to clean up!)
Sounds like you have a real keeper there, Kat! That's great!
That is the big thing I think, being appreciated. J gave me some flowers before he left, not quite as pretty as yours(gorgeous).
That is SO sweet and just proves what a wonderful relationship the two of you have. I mean, like you said, it's not he "stuff" but the act of showing his appreciation that means the world...
Hope everything is going fine while you're "holding down the fort." : )
You're so right, it does make all the difference. I'm glad he appreciates you. How's the knee?
I agree. It's the thank yous and feeling appreciated that is the best.
But the flowers. They are beautiful. I love how you captured them in that light.
awwwwwwwwww, just sounds to me like a man in love, that's all. besides, it is just his way of keeping an eye on you so that you don't stray.
then he runs and hides after saying that :)
this is WONDERFUL. I love it when my H does things like this. I think as a woman, one of my biggest needs is KNOWING that I'm appreciated.
You've got a good man there! How sweet of him to think ahead like that. He should hold a seminar ;)
CAN I sign my Husband up for a CLASS with yours...seriously...HE should really get paid to teach this stuff to the NOT SO SMART MEN around....Beautiful flowers...and yes SMART MAN
Good man for sure! Wow.
Now that is a good man!!! WOW! My husband goes hunting too! But I don't get any of those cute little notes.... does Todd hold hunting 101 training sessions?
I love those roses too. What a very nice, smart man. Good luck with the rest of the week!
so sweet!
ok, i'm off to gag now (In a fit of peevish jealousy...)
Those are my favorite color of roses too. They always brighten my day.
That is so sweet that your husband does that for you. Mine doesn't go away very often but the last time my little one and I traveled to see grandma, hubby left a note in the car, in our suitcase and a third one tucked in between my son's diapers.
I think it's hard on him when we leave. He doesn't know what to do with all the silence!
Painted Maypole- No need to vomit. Trust me, there have been plenty of trips he has taken when there was nary a note and not even a phone call. But this time he did a great job, and I'm trying to focus on the good. hehe ;)
Man alive - that's perhaps the sweetest thing I've ever heard....he deserves some sort of award! LOL. And you're right: smart man.
Definitely a good man! Lucky you!
Those flowers are gorgeous! My son-in-law here gave Mandy a dozen roses in the same coloring for her birthday/Valentine's Day combined this past year and they were sooooo pretty. I'd never seen any with the toning of the colors like these (and hers) were. I think I loved the flowers as much as my daughter did.
Oh -and I really liked the wickless candles you got too! Very pretty! Lucky lady, you are!
how wonderful is that? he doesn't take you for granted and he makes sure you know it.
Not only is he sweet, but he's smart!!!
The roses are beautiful!
Wow, Todd is a GENIUS! I suddendly feel so plain. Thanks for the inpsiration to do better for my sweetheart.
Now THAT is a good man!!!!!!!
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