WW- What happens...

when the boys find my one and only Barbie doll.
Words To Live By
Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
64 Comments on your last post?
Hehehehe...BTW, I just LOVE being #1 on anybody's posts, and when I am, I scream YAHTZEE!!!!!!
Have a Great Day...G
That is too funny! I don't have any barbie dolls of my own ;)
HAHA! I guess they don't like Barbie!
Oops! I remember the first time I got really mad at my little sister...it was because she did that to my Barbie doll! They're lucky it was their mom's Barbie doll and not a big sisters, I'm sure you're much more forgiving than I was. ;)
is that... "Taps" I hear playing in the distance?
That's what my one barbie looks like from my childhood and I have two frilly froo froo girls.
Poor Barbie.
My son used to do that all the time to his sister's Barbie dolls and now, Maya likes to do that too with her Barbie dolls. Wonder if Kurtis will enjoy the same activity once he really gets into playing more with actual toys?
I'm sorry. My boys do the same thing to their sister's babies. It's really sad. She's not even 2, and she already has naked, headless dolls. Testosterone is pychotic.....really.
Oh no! LOL
Oh yeah, that only makes sense with THREE little boys, right? :)
Then again, I did that to my Barbies too (including shaving their head) - that AIN'T RIGHT!
At least she still has her clothes on!
awww aww and ouch!!
That can't be good!
That's okay. Your boys don't need false representation of the female figure. They've got their Mommy as the best female model around. :)
(P.S. Hoping to get package in mail today to you. Sorry for the delay.)
If it makes you feel better Meggers did that to her Ken barbie..lol She tends to just strip them. Awwww not that you kept your barbie! Very Sweet.
Evidently, she didn't quite understand Ken's request...
girls do that, too
oh the carnage!
I know I am supposed to be taking a bloggy break yet I cannot.seem.too.stop.
And then I come here and I laugh my ass off. Snorting and all.
Oh Lordy, you have no idea how much I needed this.
Why, oh why did you let them find her? Didn't you know what it would mean for her head?
p.s. loving her outfit! ; )
I officialy became the mother of a little boy today when I realized that my pockets where full of trains.
my one and only barbie is also wearing a coca cola outfit! oh, these boys are something else...
Hahahahahahahaha. That is all. (Well, also, sorry, but it is a hilarious picture.)
Boys will be boys. Funny (and sad) how you don't have to teach them that stuff.
Poor Barbie.
Maybe she's feeling like I do as school starts up, running around like my head isn't quite screwed on tight...
At least she's still got a cool shirt!
I'm sorry to see your doll destroyed. I have boxes of toys I bought before I got married, and they are still sealed. It's not that I don't want them to enjoy them, it's that I want to enjoy them someday. And in one piece, is that too much to ask for?
Please call in a detective! LOL! Have a wonderful WW! :)
Oh Barbie...rest in peace!
j/k so annoying when people do that. that barbie would lose her head if it wasn't attached.
Well, at least she's clothed, which is more than I can say for the Barbies at my house.
Oh boy!
Poor Barbie...
Funny that's how barbies make me feel sometimes too. I have to second what Karen said too--at least she was dressed. More dignified. (?)
That's hysterical!
ok, so i know she is your one and only... but... oh my gosh.... i am laughing SO hard. ha ha ha.
Laughing so hard! Am not at all shocked by the graphic nature of this photo!!!
What a difference a little testosterone makes! Too funny!
I recently had a little old lady say to me "boys are great, they will ruin all your stuff and house, but they are great!"
HA! You're lucky they didn't give her a Mohawk!!
Poor, poor Barbie!
Hmm, I guess this is what Rachel gets to look forward to.
I'm sure it could be worse.
So funny! That's boys for ya!
I don't think you have anything to worry about until he starts sleeping with headless dolls . . .
Poor Barbie. She never stood a chance.
My so got jealous of the doll I got & he broke her leg taking aim with a cricket ball at her!
Boys will be boys...they will make the girls cry...
Gorgy Porgies...
HAH!!!!!! Boys!
Barbie got what was coming to her.
Oh no!!!
It's rare when a doll survives in a house with boys. We want to see what they are made of.
LMAO yeah the same thing happens to my daughter babies when brother are around.... boy's will be boy's
And they want a sister? Poor little lass! I think I did the same thing to my Barbies.
hahahaha! that is why we are a Barbie free home!
HA! Such a boy thing to do.
PS - I love her outfit!
My boys would do the same thing.
Laughing Out Loud!! Love it!
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