Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
As summer races to an end I am finding myself trying to cram as much summery fun in to a day/week/weekend as possible. Last weekend we went boating all day Saturday and Sunday. Every day this week has been filled with some kind of outdoor fun at a park or in the sprinkler. This weekend we will be going back up north to the in-laws' cabin and the week after that is the highly anticipated county fair. All of it is so fun and exciting that the boys are wiped out by the end of every day.
Yesterday was no exception. I decided to take the boys to one of our favorite spots on the beach to dig in the sand, throw some stones in the water, and soak in the sun. This spot is nearly always deserted and we love to pretend it is our own private beach. It is just a few short blocks from our house yet we don't go nearly as often as we should. Though after the fun we had yesterday I'm sure we will be spending much more time there in the future.
Joey, on the other hand, couldn't resist. The last time we went in Lake Michigan the water was freezing so when Joey dipped his pigs in this time he was thrilled to find how warm the water was. After that there was no stopping him. The boy who last year screamed bloody murder if you tried to get him into the warm, calm inland lakes past his ankles was now plowing into the waves and body surfing. I was so proud.
And each time they would rush back and show me their treasures. 
My ears were filled with, "Mom, look at this one!" from Tommy, and "Mum! Mum, mum, mum, MUM!" from Benny.
All the while as the boys were enjoying the sand Joey swam.
We returned home from that glorious day at the beach tired, sandy, and hungry. The boys each had a jelly jar of their favorite stones to remind them of the good time they'd had and proudly showed their daddy when he came home from work.
There is just something about pictures of the ocean that gets me every time. Even in winter I will go to the beach b/c I love to look, smell and hear it.
We still have a little summer left here. Since it's TX, it will be probably a few more months. Even if I am somewhat ready for Fall...
aww - that is such a sweet friday story! love boys!! great day and way to end the summer??
How wonderful to be so close to the water & yay for Joey! I love the picture with him soaking wet! And I love the jars - how wonderful!
And no, I don't know if there's anything in the belly yet.....we'll have to wait & see!
Aww. What a lovely day and what a lovely set of pics to capture the memory.
That sounds like such a perfect summer's day. Happy Friday!
I love days at the beach. You took some great photos. I never thought of the Great Lakes as having waves...learned something new today.
Dawn- I think many people don't really think of the great lakes as having waves. Visitors are always shocked how much Lake Michigan looks like an ocean when they see it for the first time. And these waves are nothing. They get HUGE. The city I live in is considered the #1 fresh water surfing site in the world. Imagine that, huh?
People are always underestimating the strength of the lake. I can't tell you how many swimmers and fishermen have been rescued this year in our city alone. Nuts. And MAJOR cargo ships have sunk in the lake due to the rough waters.
Ok. I'll shut up now. There is your Lake Michigan lesson for the day. ;)
I love the Great Lakes. We used to frequent Eerie, before having kids. We've not been up since. We need to make a trip. :)
Wow, I didn't realize a lake could have waves like that. It's like the ocean without the salt! It looks like he had a great time body surfing!
Oh, Lake Mi....how cold you are! It's always too cold for me.
That's so nice that you have your own "private beach" so close to you.
Love the photo story! I'm not quite ready to have Molly tackle Lake Mich., but I'd like to start her out in the bays around Traverse City...clean little beaches and shallow water.
Do you guys get people walking out on the piers when a storm is on? Maybe not as much, I guess the storms usually come from the west. Our waves will just get HUGE during big storms coming across, and people think they won't get washed off the pier. Uh, yeah. They have. You've gotta respect the lakes!
How absolutely JEALOUS am I that you live by such a gorgeous place!!
I love the jelly jars with their treasures. What a wonderful way for them to store their memories of that day!
there just is that special something about going to the beach during summer.
Soo many things to discover and collect.
Hope dad gets to go some day :-)
have a great weekend and enjoy the last bits of summer
A lovely 'collection' all round.
Best wishes
Beautiful! The beach is my favorite place to take pics!
I know, you know I feel this cuz I share your pain in a few months. This was beautiful and that beach is SO serene!
Looks like the perfect summer day. I wish we could have that kind of fun in our dirty Mississippi! LOL
like another commenter i was surprised to see waves breaking on the beach. i mean i have been to lake michigan but i didn't remember waves like that and it was not somethign i expected.
it sounds like it really was a wonderful day. yay!
summer summer summer time!!!! is....about,.....to officially...be.....over:-(
What a fun day! I love the pictures. And what treasures! (The stones and the boys!)
I can't believe you live SO close to all that beauty! Color me jealous!
I love the boys rocks in the jars, how neat.
Have a great weekend girl!
Oh summer how I do still miss you...
That jar photo is really wonderful-- ok, they all are, but I am trying to be pleasant seeing how I am seething with that green eye'd monster problem again. You had summer.
You have had really terrific posts this summer with your boys, and made wonderful memories for them to keep in those little keepsake jars in their hearts. What a great Mom you are-- embrace it. Happy weekend Kat!
Wow, what a beautiful spot! I wish I had that down my street. Lovely photos!
Mmmm, such a gorgeous place to be. I loved the last shot - something so sweet about collecting favorite stones to remember the day.
What a beautiful day you had. I'm kind of jealous. Lakes gross me out, but water is so peaceful and soothing. That's so great that Joey has learned to have so much fun. Awesome. Have a beautiful weekend. We're trying to squeeze every drop of summer out of our remaining few days too.
Lovely day. I don't even know how I lost you off my list but I found you again. my techno idio----cyncrasies! Your boys are so cute, I'd be wanting to nibble on them, all salty and sandy. It's so great to live near water like that, I miss it.
oh wow! i would love to live that close to the beach. we just get to go once a year...
what a great day of memories!
me too me too me too!!!
Oh how fun!
So glad you got a chance to hang out with your kids at the beach.
Summer is going way too fast!
Great Pics Kat! Love them!!
Wonderful day!
I once went swimming in Lake Michigan .... my sister lost one shoe, a red tennis shoe.
I had a similar day with my family yesterday and it was amazing. Great pictures and I agree...I will miss summer too!
Precious! Sounds like a great day. I bet the boys slept well that night!
Oh, I am so envious of where you live. My boys would LOVE doing that. I might never get them home again. How awesome that you are able to take advantage of such a terrific place.
We live minutes from Lake Michigan as well. We don't go down there enough. The photos on my blog of my son are taken by Lake Michigan earlier this summer. We went to feed the ducks and take a long walk. Very nice pictures...great day at the beach.
You are incredibly perceptive with your photos and stories. I love how you captured the massive lake and thousands of rocks contrasted with the three simple jars half filled with special treasures. Your boys will be especially sentimental men.
How wonderful that the beach is so close to your house!
The boys are so cute running back and forth with the rocks. I love that last shot with their treasures...
Beautiful pictures, beautiful boys. It amazes me how your lakes look like our oceans!
i can't say i'm going to miss our winter! those are great pictures. enjoy the rest of your summer!
Awww I love the photos and the one of the rock collection is a really cute shot.
I grew up with the cliffs and the beach so I always love photos like that.
Looks like an absolutely perfect day of spontaneous sun fun!
One more thing!!! I hope you don't mind but I added your blog to my blog list so that I can easily check to see/hear any good news you might have!!!
Lovely post, Kathryn. We're heading for spring in a week - but I had ice on the cars this morning!!
oh lake michigan, how I miss you....
Hi Kathryn, I came here via David's blog where he has named this post as one of the ones to check out this week. I can see why! What a wonderful post about innocent fun. I'm so glad you've posted about your day out with your boys complete with photos. It will be a day to remember always! The time goes by way too fast and before you know it, you'll be like me relishing the time you spend with "their" children.
What a perfectly beautiful day. Your kids were meant for summer days.
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