Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday- Best Buds


Family Adventure said...

I love how Joseph has his arms around both brothers. Very protective - and totally, overwhelmingly cute!

Happy WW!


Stephanie said...

That's precious! I can't wait til my little one has siblings to love on too!

For your question: Yes, Roomba works amazingly! We love it - it gets all the pet hair and little things off the ground. And you can schedule it to run whenever you want. I come home to a vacuumed house every day. I cannot say enough good things about it!

Have a great Wordless Wednesday!

Laura said...

This is an amazing photo - brotherly love & individual personalities coming through strong. LOVE IT!

Burgh Baby said...

So, so sweet!

(Oh, and go Packers!)

Blended in Texas said...

I love the picture- it looks like they're watching a very intriguing movie...

Momisodes said...

Awww..that is a so sweet! Don't you just love it when they're all still? Even if it's just for a moment ;)

OHmommy said...

That one is definately frameable. Yes?

So sweet!

suchsimplepleasures said...

that's a great picture! make sure you pull that one out when they are older and fighting constantly, to remind them how tight they are!!

**"Liza"** said...

awww they all looks so adorable..good thing the all sit still my boys wouldn't do this..;)great shot.Happy WW!
mine's here

Homegrown Tribe said...

That's super cute! I love it when my boys are all sitting together. Then sometimes it hits me... they're all mine! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Awww...That's a great picture! Are they always that lovey with eachother?? Or was this a 'lucky' shot :o}

Julie Pippert said...

Cuties. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so in awe of how they obviously like one another. My husband has four younger brothers. I don't think you could get hands off of throats long enough to take such a shot. (and they are all over 20)

Kellan said...

Your kids are so beautiful and that is a wonderful picture! Some of my favorite pictures from when I was a kid are of my sister and brother and I in these sorts of pictures. Take care. Kellan

Kat said...

Hello everyone!
Yes, the boys do usually get along. They do have their occasional wrestling matches and scream fits over toys, but other than that they are pretty good to each other.
They DO NOT, however, usually sit still this long. They were all feeling a bit under the weather when this was taken. I made a blankie bed on the floor and put in a movie, and they were content to sit there for a few minutes before they got bored.
AFF- To me they all look so different. They all have blond hair, and blue eyes, but their faces look so different. That is probably just because they are mine.

dawn klinge said...

Beautiful photo. It makes me so happy when my kids are loving towards each other. Big brother looks so protective in this picture.

Beck said...

I LOVE how your oldest is being so protective of the two littler ones - aw.

Beck said...

I LOVE how your oldest is being so protective of the two littler ones - aw.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh those 3 are so cute.

I love the little guy on the right with the nuk, he looks SO comfy - what a fun shot Kathryn!

Anonymous said...

The sweetest picture ever! Nothing is better than cuddling. Awwww. Look at your little men! :)

L. Lemanski said...

Wow! What an amazing pic! The boys look content . . . and, well, meant to be. Peaceful and sweet . . .

girlymom said...

Oh that brotherly love- how cute. It's nice when you can catch those moments!

painted maypole said...


Anonymous said...

So sweet what loving looking brothers

María said...

That is ridiculously cute.

Don Mills Diva said...

What a wonderful picture - I am really digging your blog!

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson