He is gone too soon
He still had so much to do
Can you explain it?
None of us immune
To wreckage and tragedy
But this was a shock
He leaves a daughter
A loving family too
Where do they go now?
Don't know why I grieve
For someone I've never known
I feel off balance
He still had so much to do
Can you explain it?
None of us immune
To wreckage and tragedy
But this was a shock
He leaves a daughter
A loving family too
Where do they go now?
Don't know why I grieve
For someone I've never known
I feel off balance
It's silly really. Or maybe not so silly, but strange. Yes, strange. Strange that it is affecting me like this. I don't know why. But it is. There is a catch in my breath. A stick in my throat. For someone that I've never met. Someone that I do not know.
I try to change the channel every time it comes on. But his smile is so mesmerizing. And his eyes are so distant. I want to turn the channel but I don't. Instead, there is a pinch in my gut. A sting in my eye. He was a dad. He was someone's daddy.
It makes me so mad. It makes me sick. Can the press have some respect? Why interview the family? Why follow Michelle? They are in mourning. They will look sad, tired, and worn. Is that really what you want to see? Can't you have some respect?
I just don't know why it is affecting me this way.
It is sad.
It's sad when someone so young, so beautiful, so talented, so worthy of life dies. :(
Not being a big movie person, I'm not too familiar with him. But when I read that he had a 2 yr old daughter, my heart broke.
It is all so sad. Especially the poor daughter. Can you imagine?
that is sad, indeed. :(
I am right there with you with the feeling in the gut. Does it hurt because he was so young? Does it hurt because he was a dad? Does it hurt because he was an actor that seemed to have so much promise, that was interesting, captivating and challenging? Does it hurt because it was so unexpected?
All of the above?
I think any death -- any death -- is personal. Deat stirs up emotions in us to reveal our own vulnerabilities.
Yeah, I'm not a big movie person or celeb follower, but this hit me, and my spouse, strangely. I care, which when you think about it, doesn't make much sense. But it just bothers me, especially since it looks like a freak accident.
He was one of the children's and my favorite actors. My 20 year old daughter called to talk with her sisters and cry with them when she found out. What made her so upset was the news that whatever he took to change his physique for the Batman movie was relatively untested, and may have been what prompted such tragic behavior. So sad. :(
ugh.... me too ...
there was a pic of michelle and matilda where michelle looked like she was worn out and matilda was smiling beautifully for the camera -and it hurt cuz she just didn't know .... how do you explain to a 2 year old....
you know...i was strangely affected by it, too!! i have no idea why. it just shocked me and saddened me because, it was so unexpected...especially because he seemed so full of life. an amazing talent...lost.
my heart breaks for matilda. because, she will hardly remember her daddy. and, that is so incredibly sad!
beautiful haiku! you're awesome!
and...i heart you, too!!
I totally agree - I was surprised by how upset I was when I first heard of his death.
Touching haiku! It is so very sad and sickening the way the media is stalking Michelle.
I know, it really is shocking, and so sad.
His death is one sad thing, but the media is another one entirely. They make me sick. They have no respect or common sense. It's disgraceful.
Death, especially in one so young and successful, is hard to understand. We’re reminded of our own mortality … and raises questions about our own lives. Of course we feel sad and grieve.
Hugs and blessings,
So well done. Sincerely.
this truly is sad. and you expressed it very very well.
What a great post. I love your courage and honesty. I feel the same way too when ever I see his face. I know for me it's because he is a dad to a little girl that will grow up never knowing her talented father....and that is such a tragedy.
Because he was a person.
Because you are w wife, and can understand someone losing her partner; because you are a mother and can understand how a mother feels to lose her child, even an adult; because you are a mother and a daughter and can understand how a child will feel to lose her father.
I feel so sorry for that baby girl who will never know her dad. Tragic.
Yes, it is sad. This was a nice tribute and some very wise words!! You have a good heart, my friend - that is why you can not catch your breath.
Take care - Kellan
Yes, I feel so sad for Matilda Rose. I guess once you become a parent, stories like this shock us even more. My heart ached for Princess Diana when I heard the news of her death.
death so young is always senseless...very nice post.
Great haiku.
Sometimes celebrity deaths, especially when you know that person was a parent, just get to us.
You wrote a great tribute.
It's crazy but I think some of the movies he did touched us in a way no others have done before, maybe that's why everyone is reacting the way they are?
Poor Matilda.
I always find it sad when someone dies who is the same age (approx) as I am.
A tragedy, indeed.
What poignant haiku. Lovely.
It got to me, too. I don't know why, but I'm upset.
I feel exactly the same way. I don't know why it upsets me so much, but it really does. I guess it has to do with thinking that he might have been one of the few actors that was truly thankful for all he had.
I know. It's so weird when we feel sad when celebrities die. I remember how sad I felt when Princess Diana died. I felt like I had lost someone close to me for a long time.
I reacted in a odd way . . . he wasn't a relative or a friend, yet his death was so startling, shocking. Young, maybe that is it. So alive, definitely it. Just a baby, really.
There are no words for the relentless press except--we are ALL human. Please, please show respect. Maybe that's too much to ask. Just wait, a new news story will emerge and hopefully he and his family will find peace.
Touching . . .
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