Although the sun is actually shining today I still feel slow and sluggish. I haven't been feeling well lately, either. I have a fever, and my body is achy and cold. My stomach is crampy, my head is poundy, and I just want to curl up under my covers and come out when it is spring.
Luckily, when the hubby came home for lunch he watched our screaming banshees while I took an extra long shower. Nothing like a hot shower to pull you back from the dead. I felt somewhat normal again. I walked into the living room after my shower and the hubby says, "A package came for you.". Huh? For me? A package for me? Weeeeeehooooo!!! I felt like a little kid. It was from Jen at Get In The Car! She had a giveaway at her site, and I had won. She sent me two books and some tea. What a lovely, lovely lady. It sounds silly, but her kind gesture really did help to turn my mood around. Thank you so much, Jen!
Also, I took my daily click on over to read what Kellan had to say at On The Upside, and found out that she had given me an award. Yeah! It is the "A Roar For Powerful Words!" award. This award means so much to me coming from Kellan because I really love the way she writes. If you haven't already visited her today you must click on over because her post is both scary and hilarious all at the same time. She is awesome!

I would like to pass this award on to the Painted Maypole as her posts always give us so much to think about. She writes with a conscience and with passion. I always love reading her blog.
Alright, my head is starting to get foggy and sloshy again. Now that the boys are down for their naps I think I'd better seize this opportunity, grab one of my new books, a nice hot cup of tea, and get in my pampering time.
Oh yeah, and one more thing...

Go Packers!!!!!
You are very welcome for the award - you deserve it!
Hey - thanks for coming over and leaving the well wishes - I am fine - only need to remember about that bra thing the next time I ever have to call 911. Hope to see you tomorrow. Kellan
January exists solely so that everyone can celebrate my birthday. If you want, you can celebrate my daughter's, too. Other than that, January is a big old BLAH!
Congrats on the award!
January is a chance for new beginnings, self-reflection, building friendships put aside during the holiday madness, clearing out the Christmas tree mess.... yeah, I'm not buying it either. I spent the whole rainy day counting how many days until this month passes... and the number didn't change all day!
Congrats on your award, well deserved!
Look what you can find when you are seeking (and needing it most). YAHOO!
So glad for you.
We are cheeseheads (sad, but true) and we're not that FAVRE away from the bowl! Go pack go!
And I agree January is so stinking long (especially in WI if you live here too). OY VE! Bring on spring!
A Pink Lion for ME!!??!?! Oh, thank you. I, too, am feeling a bit under the weather (not as bad off as you, though!) and have had a crabby day (tech week and bad traffic and no sleep, oh my!) so this makes my day. Thanks.
Hello! Nothing like a hot shower and a package in the mail. Lovely!
Hey Kathryn,
Isn't it funny how just when we think life is blah, something good happens? I'm glad you had two such pleasant surprises today. The award is well deserved :)
That is a whole lot of fun. Lucky you!
And January exists so my favorite boy can have a birthday, of course. Other than that, phh, nothing.
January can be so blah! Isn't it grand when an act of kindness brightens your day! You deserve it!
imho, jan and feb...they both suck, big time!!! i like march, aside from the fact that it's mine and my daughters birthday month but, it holds so many springtime promises...
congrats on winning books! that's enough to lift anyones mood!!
have an awesome day!
ok...that was funny! i was leaving a comment on your blog while you were leaving a comment on my blog. ok, i'll post for thursday thirteen about all the reasons why i shouldn't have married my ex husband!!! remind me please, ok?!
Congrats on the award.
Go Packers Go!
Congrats on the award.
January is great because the days are finally getting longer, which is very notable here in London.
Way to get another award. You so deserve it. And, you have to put that Go Packers up for each post this month! What a great way to round out a truly shitty day.
I hope you enjoyed your tea time! The January blah's are contagious- why can't we all be bears and hibernate, wouldn't that be great?!! I wish I liked cold weather, it would make it a bit more bearable, ha ha ha.
Awwww... seems like January is looking up for you, huh? I'm so glad that you had some sunshine today. I hope you get to feeling well soon!
Yeah, I have to add my name to the
list of January birthdays!
I remember lots of snowstorms and cold weather when I had birthdays.
I love it when the sun shines in
January. GO PACK GO!
Congrats on the awards, i feel the same about Jan and most of Feb, roll on spring
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