So much for college
The boys can get scholarships.
We're off to Lambeau!
Going into debt
So we can see the big game.
Great fans or just dumb?
I'm going to freeze!
With temps in the negative
It is soooo worth it.
Just to watch Brett Favre
Take on those pesky Giants
Will warm me right up!
Ok. So the tickets weren't that bad. The hubby found a deal on
ebay too good to refuse from a guy in our area. Todd has never been to a game this big (me either) and didn't want to have any regrets. When is the next time we will be able to go to a game like this? Ya just never know. I'm just kind of a cheap-o, and always have trouble spending money. But, don't worry, our boys college fund is safe. Once we start saving for it. Ha!

This is us from the last playoff game we went to in January of 2004. It was just the
Wildcard game, but it was still very exciting. See how bundled we are in the photo? It was only about 25 degrees Fahrenheit, and my toes still got icy. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the negative temperatures on Sunday. I was thinking that in addition to my 8 layers of clothing I will also bring Todd's brand new Wiggy's sleeping bag (that we won from
Made in America,
thankyouverymuch!), stuff myself inside, and just peek my head out. Might not be a bad idea.
I'd tell you to keep an eye out for me, since we have fabulous seats, but I will be so bundled up only my eyes will be showing. Guess I won't paint my face like I did in the above pic. And no need for those cute little cheese wedge earrings my mother-in-law lent me last time. And no, I do not own a cheesehead. Although, I do think they are kinda funny.
Okay, now let me hear it all you Packer backers...
Go Pack, Go!
first of are gorgeous!! have to enjoy life while you're young (i sound like my mom, right now!!). you don't ever want to look back and have too many regrets. you're never know when the next time is going to be!! so go, enjoy...and make sure you drink your sons college tuition worth of beer!!
btw...thanks for the encouraging words over on my blog. that's why i have such amazing blogging buddies ;)
There's something a little disconcerting about how you write, "only 25 degrees Fahrenheit." Are you kidding? I can't imagine any colder!!
A-men sista. We'll be at the game too. I'll be sure to look for you. :)
And it will be supercold and dark? Now if only we'd get some snow to top it off. Oooooh. GO PACK GO!
Good for you!! It's so IMPORTANT to nurture you, though all of this mothering -- ESPECIALLY when you have boys!
I'm GLAD you saw that MamaLee post. We know better.
DAYUM those patriot fans and their pretty boy QB are not right in the head. :)
We are vikings fans (go ahead & boo), BUT I do like Brett Farve. That being said, I hope you all don't freeze to death! It's going to be SOOO cold! Good luck - go NFC North!
A Vikings fan on my blog! ACK! NOOOOoooooo!!!
And y'all, who DOESN'T love Brett Favre. Is he the coolest, or what? I mean REALLY! Come ON!
Have a great time! I am sure it will be a fabulous game!!!!
okay, first of all...the volume on my laptop was pretty high, and when you page loaded "Whoomp! There it is!" started and scared the bejebus out of me! holy cow!
great 'ku! hope you have fun at the game and don't freeze your tail off! happy Friday!
oh, btw...yer purdy!
SuchSimplePleasures and Monkeysandmarbles- You are way too kind to me.
Love it!!! SSP and MaM are right, you are GORGEOUS!!!
I guess you’re a die-hard fan. Methinks I’ll watch the Australian Open from the comfort of my own home while you freeze!
Hugs and blessings,
Get some hand warmers...they sell them at Cabela's - do you have a Cabela's near you?????
Bring the sleeping bag.
AND - enjoy the game!
My husband went to his first Packer game earlier this year (when Favre tied the record for most touchdown passes). He loved the stadium! are a true fan! That's wonderful that you get to go to this game, stay warm and have lots of fun!
Those hand warmers do work well, I've seen them at sporting good stores.
cathy- Oh yeah. I've got the hand warmers. And the toe warms. And bigger warmers, I don't know where they are supposed to go. I think I'll just tape them all over my body. heh heh
secret agent mama- you're making me blush!
Kathryn, my daughter just picked your name for the gnome give away. I'll send them to you as soon as I get your address. My e-mail is on my blogger profile.
Woo hoo! I am a Packers fan, too-- I just can't get behind the Griefs. Hope the game is fun.
Maybe you need some of those foot and hand warmers? Check your local Sprawlmart or farm store. They are awesome!
Go Pack, Go.
Have a great time. Stay warm.
It seems I'm in good company. Just yesterday my girlfriend sent me an email explaining why Packers are fans like no other!
Wow. I'm impressed. I haven't been to a game of any kind since college. Now that I think about it, I realize I haven't been to anything fun almost as long. You inspire me!
LOL. Enjoy the game, honey!
The hubby just came home with electric socks for me. I think he is a little worried about me being cold seeing as how I am cold when our thermostat is set at 68. he he
Have fun. Sometimes ya just gotta do stuff like this.
have a great time and try to stay not-frozen (i was gonna say warm, but then i realized how dumb that is!)
Lucky ducky! My BIL would be so jealous. Have a glorious time!!!
Have a fantastic time!
LOL at your music!
Hey this is what I say...enjoy life and take memory making opportunities when they come your way.
And go by REI and get those warming packs to insert into gloves and boots.
I'll throw some rooting the Packers way. I decided they were wicked cool and got to be a bit of a fan when my family lived in Madison.
Wow! Have a blast. Last game I was at in FREEZING cold temps was "Da Bears." They beat Detroit. Yeah, like who doesn't? My sucky hometown team. Anyhoo--have a blast (not a cold one with those electric socks!).
Congrats on your trip~! Not a packer backer (die-hard, waiting to be crushed this weekend Bolts supporter) but am jealous you are making the pilgrimage!
Great ku and your boys are beautiful!
my stepdad and my uncle are going to the game. i am SO jealous ;) ENJOY!
I hope you have a good time, and I also hope you don't get frostbite. My husband is rooting for Green Bay now that Dallas is out of it.
I'll be home drinking hot chocolate during the game, thinking of you. Have fun.
So much fun, so much fun! Do stay warm - I'd be over by the place where they let you trade cold beers for hot coffee drinks with lots of alcohol to stave off frostbite, but you do what works for you ;)
Thanks for visiting my first Haiku Friday, too!
Oh, have fun. Mama Geek said she'd be holding a sign with her cheesehead so I knew it was her. What are you going to do to let me say, "PUPPY!! IT'S KATHRYN!!!" Cause I will go in slow mo to find you. Way to get the tickets. And, I jumped at the music, too. Wasn't expecting it.
Stay warm. I'm cold just thinking about it.
Have a fantastic time! :)
I'm not much of a football fan, and neither is my husband, but our Son? Totally loves it. Packers are his favorite team too!
Have a great time Kathryn - stay warm. See you soon. Kellan
Have fun!
Oh you'll have such fun. Go Pack, Go!
Holy moly, you're going to the game! So fun for you...and cold. I'll be right there with you (in my warm house with my HD TV) rootin' for Brett! Go Pack Go!
Woo hoo! How exciting! Have a blast and Go Pack!
How FUN! :) have a wonderful time!
Very nice. Have fun! :) But Brr try to stay warm.
Fellow Packer-backer! I loved your haiku this week; quite appropriate given the fever across the state.
Holy frick. That picture gave me the chills. It looked so cold! I love watching cricket on tv -- its always being played in tropical sunny places. The polar opposite of hockey!
Have a great time! Remember, it's only fun when you can't feel your fingers or toes anymore. The last time I went to a playoff game, I hugged so many total strangers I ended up sick for a month. But it was worth it to see the Jets kicker miss two easy feild goals. Since the black and gold are out of it, I'm Green Bay all the way for the next few weeks.
that is funny!!! hello in spanish!! and...sounds so familiar...when my oldest son was 4, he know azul was blue...thanks to dora...but, told my mom, when i was trying to have him show in spanish!! so, your comment...i think i just laughed even harder because of that memory!!!
Oh, goodness...enjoy the game! Can't say that I envy of the reasons I am glad to be out of Montana is to not have to deal with those crazy temps!!
WOW! What a fan you are! That's a great pic of you both at the game in '04 :) Stay warm and have a blast tomorrow!!!!
How fun! I can feel the excitement already.
Thanks for visiting my scrolling Sat.
Happy Saturday
All the Packer Backers in this house say, "Superbowl Here We
Come!" GO PACK GO!!!!!!!!!!!
Have Fun & Keep Warm! This is
the big #50 comment you've been
waiting for!!!!
Omigosh, even though cold, that sounds like SO MUCH FUN! I'm a Brady fan myself. But, I hear Favre's THE MAN! Enjoy! And, you're so gorj!!!
Im sitting in my living room watching the Pats and chargers right now - and they keep flashing over to Lambeau proclaiming that its currently just 1 degree there right now. Have fun!! :)
Gosh . . . just finished watching the game a bit ago. At the very least, I hope you stayed warm . . . here's to next year!
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