WW- A Good Way To Get The Boys To Put Their Toys Away

She is on the move!

On a mission to find toys...

to chew on.

Boys, if you don't like slobber on your toys, you'd better hide your stuff!
Words To Live By
Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
What a cute wind up toy magnet!
She's precious.
She is growing up too fast!!!! What a beautiful baby! So much fun, but I really wonder if boys really care about a little slobber?
Karen- They do! They get really upset when she gets ahold of their toys because she gets them all soaking wet. Ha! Plus, I don't want her choking on the small pieces so the boys have been much better about putting their stuff away. Whew! ;)
Yeah! I can't wait to use that excuse for cleaning their playroom with my kids! LOL.
PS Just getting caught up on some blog reading and love the new header picture! Although it may not be "new", I just saw it.
:) So cute! I have a puppy that motivates the toy pick up around my house.
She is such a little darling!
Those are so cute! She really is adorable. She looks a bit mischievous too. ;)
What cute pics of Grace!!! I love your new header pic too. I haven't been on here for a while so it's my first time to see it. Beautiful!
HA HA HA! Same EXACT thing is going on here. I love it! Go Grace go!! :D
Gage is just beginning to get around - and I'm quickly trying to teach the girls to put away the polly pockets!
Oh my GOSH! :) She is so stinkin' cute!!! She looks so proud of herself, too! Yay!
LOL That works at my house too! What a sweet baby.
I'll bet it works like a charm!
Ha! I loved when Charlie started crawling...all of a sudden I wasn't stepping on little matchbox cars anymore...Jack to too busy hoarding them all in his room!
LOL! How's that working so far?
Oh we're on the move!! How I wish that the baby eating his older sisters toys would help motivate them to clean them up... but alas...
remember those days. this is when you realize when you think your house is clean they still find something.. not saying your house is dirty but babies tend to get a hold of something we forget or dont see..
Cuteness! She has the prettiest little face. And yes, will destroy toys. A good motivator!
LOL! I hope that works out for you :)
Crawling already? I can't believe it.
Way to motivate the boys to clean up.
Yay Gracie!!! But oh my gosh that seems so fast! I feel like you just had her!
that is indeed a highly motivating phenomenon. and boy is there mischief in those eyes!
Look out indeed! Life is never going to be the same in your house!
She has gotten soooooo big!! What a cutie!
Awwwwwwww!! They grow soooo fast! She is adorable. So far Leiella is only thinking about crawling and teasing us a little but that's about it. I love the mischievous smile on Grace's face when she's crawling towards the camera...super cute.
She is growing up too fast!
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Good gravy....I can't imagine FOUR that move! My house is a constant mess with just three :) She looks pretty sweet though!
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