Grace's personality is really starting to shine. She is the easiest baby on the face of the earth. She sleeps approximately 12-14 hours every night. She eats well. She travels like a pro. She spends much of her time crawling from brother to brother, mom to dad, giving out kisses and hugs. She is so close to walking she can taste it. She grabs onto the couch (or table, or mom, or dad, or brother) and stands up with ease. The minute she has her balance she lets go and tests herself, laughing when she realizes she is standing all by herself. She throws mini temper tantrums when I try to change her diaper. She constantly has her chunky little pointer finger on her right hand extended, whether she is babbling to us, showing us what she sees, or scolding her brothers. She is an enthusiastic pointer. She loves looking at her pretty shoes and zooming cars with her brothers. She is very good at shaking her head "no" at us but has yet to master nodding "yes". She screams when she sees mama take the bag of cheese curds out of the fridge and smacks her hands on her highchair until she gets some. She loves noodles, blueberries, and oyster crackers. She can't sit still for five seconds when we are in church but she loves to snuggle up on my lap at home, holding my pointer finger and watching one of the boys' movies. She scrunches up her face and wrinkles her nose when she is really happy. She does not cry often but when she does mama is the only one that can calm her down. When we say, "How big is Gracie?" she throws her hands up above her head as we say, "
SOOOooo big!" When daddy walks in the door she shrieks and claps her hands and throws her pudgy little arms around his neck when he picks her up.
She is sweet.

She is dramatic.

She is inquisitive.

She is smart.

She is calm.

She is silly.

She is curious.

She is a goof.

She is lovable.

She is affectionate.

She is feisty.

She is funny.
She is a dream come true.

At just 10 month old she is ALL THAT and more.
She is beautiful!! :)
She's a little dolly face. Such a fun age. :)
She is absolutely adorable!! And I totally get everything you say. We are experiencing the exact same thing in our home!
What a sweet pea! Love the photos!
My baby girl went from crawling to running...she's always running off and driving me crazy!
But after all the boys isnt she amazing!! :)
I love all these pictures of her that fit your words - so fun! I can't believe you'll be celebrating her first birthday soon - WOW! (and of course we aren't too far behind! ACK!!)
And you're right, she is ALL that for sure! :) Wishing I could meet her in person... (and you too!)
Such a pretty girl! And Hunter does a lot of the same things (scrunching up his nose and face! and he forces himself to snort now cuz he knows it makes Mommy laugh LOL).
she sounds like an awsome little girl... i am so glad you got the little girl of your dreams..
that's a really sweet post Kat. I love how you showcased all of her looks. There are just a million to love, aren't there?
So sweet...and such terrific photos! She's cute from top to bottom (I love baby toes!) How can she be 10 months old already?
Can I just borrow her? I promise I'll give her back...probably right about when she turns two...
I love the many faces of Gracie! She is too cute!!!
She's absolutely adorable! You're making me want another baby. :)
I am totally smitten...sighs....
she sounds deservedly adored!
*sigh* This post made me want a baby for a moment.
SO adorable Kat. I'm very happy for you.
Oh, she's adorable.
I love series of photos like this. You can really see her personality blossoming!
What a great age!
12-14 hours per night? I'm not sure I can even talk to you anymore. 12-14 HOURS PER NIGHT? Where do I get me one of those? Can I steal her?
She is so adorable! You can just see her personality shining through in some of these photos!
She also likes her picture taken! :-) She's adorable, too.
Oh, Kat....this little girl should model!!! She is just precious! Enjoy every single second with her. xoxoxox
She has good photo presence.
And always happy .....
She is total cuteness! How you just don't stare at her all day! And in some of the photos she reminds me of you!
Awwww! I'm totally imagining her smacking her hands on the high chair right now!
She is so darn cute!!!!
I love the pointy finger thing! How cute/adorable is that? :)
She's gorgeous! And I really do think she looks just like you!
Aw! I can't believe she's 10 months old already! She's a darlin'.
She is TO EAT! So so sweet...
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