I think I have all the necessities covered. The pack n' play is set up next to my bed with soft, pink sheets. All the necessary clothing items have been purchased. Many adorable outfits and lots of onsies in varying shades of pink are ready and waiting to be worn.
I even have baby's first pair of pretty shoes.
Everything has been washed and neatly packed away in, what else, pink bins on the changing table that has been placed in my room to act as a dresser. Can you also see my brand new sling from Slinglings? I am so excited to wear baby in it. I always liked wearing my babies but never had a proper sling that didn't dig into my shoulder or hurt my back.
And! This lovely stroller/carseat combo finally arrived last week and is all set up and waiting for baby's first ride.
I think I have a sufficient amount of pink for baby now and I can safely say, "I'm ready when you are, baby!"

Get plenty of rest. Before you know it, you'll be too busy to think. Good luck to you.
Looks like you are ready! I am sure she will be very pretty in pink.
Oh I am so excited for you! Can't wait to see some pictures of your little girl. :) Will be waiting patiently for the whole story! Since I only have a couple more months to go, birth stories top the list for me.
It's kind of neat that we are both going to have the 3 boys and then a last little baby girl combo...we will have lot's of stories to share! :)
YEA!!! This is so wonderful! Savor each moment!!!
I think you have the pink covered:)
Oh my goodness, I love all the pink! So cute. I can't wait to see pictures of the little princess.
Oh, I think you finally hit me with a "broody" moment. I LOVE this part of getting ready for baby. I am so excited for you, your stuff is adorable!!
Can't wait-- you are taking the laptop to the delivery room, right?
So much fun....Enjoy these last few days of waiting!
That is a ton of pink! I was like that too when I had my girl...and two years later we're still all pink! She loves it too!
Ohhh all of the pink is SO cute! I can't wait to see pictures of her :)
Such fun stuff! Glad you will have a baby girl in the house soon!
So exciting only 12 days to go. She is going to be one lucky girl to have 3 older brother to look out for her.
holy Pink, Kat Woman!
Aw, she is totally going to be styling! Those shoes are just darling.
YAY!! So glad that you are adding a little pink to your life! And the home from the hospital outfit is just too cute! :)
Waiting with baited breath for the big day!!!
Aren't you just LOVING the pink? I know I am. That outfit for her to come home in is so sweet, I love that your husband wanted that for you. And those sweet shoes *swoon*.
Can't wait to 'meet' your girl! : )
How exciting for you! I love the coming home outfit. So cute.
any day now and you will be posting her picture! love pink and purple for girls :)
Oh my...all that pink is so cute! My ten year old girl still wears pink all the time. I'm so excites for you. :)
you're not excited to be having a girl are you? so lovely. praying for a safe delivery of your little lady.
We are all excited to see her too!
The little shoes...the shoes!
You are ready. Love all the outfits and pink things. Gotta love those girly things.
I am not even close to caught up with your old posts, but I am so thrilled for you and for seeing all of this pink. I'm ready, too!
Oh! I love all the pink in my house and am so excited you get to have that now too :) So excited for you!!
Now that is some serious pink!! Can't wait to "meet" your new pink bundle!
I love all the pink. I was never that organized with either of our girls.. I never had a changing table and a proper bedroom baby stuff like that.. I always used the floor or our bed for changing the girls.. Enjoy her when she comes and enjoy being pregnant for the last week or so.
I love that going home outfit! I can't wait to see the 'she's here' post.
I'm smiling--pink and brown is one of my favorite color combinations.
congrats on your sweet little girl!! i just happened upon your blog and its been super fun to read! thanks for sharing, I dont think your feet look even a little like footballs!! very pretty little pink toenails!!
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