Labor. It hurts. Every once in a while I will remember exactly how much it hurts and I break out into a cold sweat. Oh man. And the crazy thing is, no matter how clearly I remember the pain it always seems to be even worse than I imagined. Scary.
I usually don't dwell on those thoughts too long since I know it won't do me any good. I am pretty good with pain. I can handle it. But it still makes me cringe when I think about it. Maybe this time I should just break down and get a doggone epidural. We'll see.
But today was a welcomed break. Today I didn't think much about labor. Today was the perfect day to relax and get my mind off of the forthcoming agony. Today I got a manicure, pedicure, and haircut. It was bliss! I made the appointment a long time ago and I wasn't sure baby would hold out long enough for me to enjoy it, but I am sure glad she did. Now my hair is looking pretty, my fingers and toes are a soft pinky-peach shade, and I am feeling at ease and relaxed. Hooray for distractions!
Aw, it's good to hear that a day of chilling out and treating yourself has proved to be a helpful distraction :)
It must be so exciting to be almost into the last week now. Try not to dwell on the prospect of labour. At least you're well prepared for your little lady's arrival :)
My only advice would be... remember all pregnancies (and labor) are different. Maybe this one will be easy, fast and less painful. I've got my fingers crossed for ya!!!
I've got nothin but love for epidurals. The toes are completely lovely. I hope this week, and beyond, goes perfectly.
Aw I'm glad you went and got that all done! I was too scared to do anything close to the end of my pregnancy, I was sure Jackson would come the moment I sat down in a salon!
What a nice treat! Love the color. Your counter says 8 days to go...I feel a little panicked for you about labor. Transition is the worst!
Aw! That is so nice that you were able to pamper yourself! :) Your toes look wonderful!!!
Glad you enjoyed your day of pampering and your toes look great! I never had an epidural with any of mine, but really wanted one. I guess I never had the time to get quick I guess.
Beautiful toes! And soon you'll be able to admire them with ease! lol You know, knowing that you're going to get an epidural helps prevent those cold sweats you get when you think about labor! I'm just sayin'. LOL. Regardless of what you decide, very soon you'll be blessed with a gorgeous baby girl and nothing else will matter!
There's DEFINITELY a lot to be said for soft and colorful. :-)
I remember having the exact same freak out before #4 was born. Good luck. I was scared to death of an epidural, but decided to go for it for #3. It was wonderful, even better for #4. It didn't impede my labor or pushing at all, and I highly recommend it. With #4 I truly felt nothing--HEAVEN!
ah, i'm glad you got to pamper yourself before you have a little lady to "pamper."
So glad you got to have a day of pampering. What a good idea. Am thinking of you... wishing you a smooth and painless-as-possible birth experience. Can't wait to hear about the arrival of your sweet little girl!
Wow, the day is coming soon, huh? So excited for you! It`s great you got to have some distraction of the fun variety.
Glad you got a distraction and were able to enjoy some you time!
Good for you, taking some YOU time!
And oh boy, those feet remind me of what mine looked like from mid second trimester on - it won't be long before you have them back, though!
Good for you. I didn't do this and I wish I would have. My baby is here and we are doing great. She'll be two weeks old on Friday. Hang in there! You can do it!
Ahhhhh . . . That does sound like a wonderful, relaxing day. You deserve it!
Those sound like great distractions. :)
Hey, those feet will be perfect focal points for you to look at and relax through your breathing. Don't forget the adrenaline, Kat-- it will get you past all of your fears :-)
Great idea and now avoid that nesting instinct where you want to clean like a maniac to get ready. Your feet look lovely as I am sure does the rest of you.
Epidurals can be nice. You get novacaine for teeth fillings don't you? Sometimes they don't work but the women who have them love them.
That is one girly thing I love to do, get a pedicure before labor...pretty toes make it hurt less right...ha, ha!!
You are one smart woman to pamper yourself now. Your toes look fabulous.
Glad you were able to get a pampering session in and relax.
And, those feed don't look puffy at all.
Good for you. I love the color by the way. I'm sure it was a lovely break and you totally deserve the pampering before the big day.
hang in there know it will all be worth it in the end!
Your toes look gorgeous! Hang in there; she's almost here. I can't wait to see the pictures when she does. :)
Get the epidural my friend!! It is your reward for NOT getting it the last three times!!
Your feel don't look like footballs silly! And glad to hear that you had a wonderful time to yourself thinking only of yourself!!
Hugs to you, and can't wait to hear the big news!
I remember saying something like "Oh GOD! I forgot! I forgot!"
Labor hurts. A lot. You're right but I agree with your mentality (and do the same) and always tried to not think about it until that last moment.
You can stay above the pain. YOU CAN. Good luck hon.
I personally hate feet, so I closed my eyes when I saw that you were posting a picture of your toes but your picture is halfway peeking at me and I can still see your toes, so I will say that your 3 toes on your right foot are very lovely. :)
Glad you treated yourself. And your feet don't look swollen to me. You should see mine! OY!
Oh Kat......soon these fears will all be set aside and you'll be holding a brand new baby girl blessing!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers through the weekend. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
P.S. I LOVE the photo of you in your rocker!
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