Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Tommy was standing next to me as I was getting the boys' breakfast ready when he said, "We're skinny, huh?"
Without looking in his direction I answered, "Yep. You are little guys."
Tommy slowly looked me up and down, patted my belly gently, and said, "And you're... shaped like a ball."
Yep. That sounds about right.
Aw, such a cute picture!
Ha ha...so cute! Bubu keeps saying "you're getting bigger and bigger mom!" really loud, patting my expanding belly for effect...in front of everyone. Or "Your belly is big, but the baby is going to be little right?" His comments seem to get better and better the bigger I get.
I love the picture of you and your boys.
Oh my! Out of the mouths of babes!
But, i must say, that is a beautiful photo - and you are not round, just wonderfully pregnant!!!!!
Ah, the choir of truth-tellers. You all look perfectly divine. How are you doing in this last stage?
Gotta love little kid honesty. the other day my four year old patted my belly and asked if I have another baby in there. I had the baby almost eight months ago! ugh! Guess it's time to start exercising!
when I was pregnant i always referred to myself as a beachball with feet
What a little sweetie. Wishing you well, Kat, in these last few weeks of your pregnancy!
But what a beautiful ball you are :-)
At least you know your condition is not permanent, Aiden is determined to remind me weekly that I am big... and there's no baby coming out of me.
Out of the mouths of babes. Such a cute photo of you with your boys. They are very handsome!
Gotta love what kids have to say! You all look so cute together.
How cute...both what he said and the photo!
How cute...both what he said and the photo!
Kids say the funniest things! too cute!
That is pretty honest! I remember my son asked me if I swallowed a basketball when I was pregnant! Ha! Yea...I was REALLY hungry!
So cute! I think you look adorable. :)
I don't think I will be brave enough to post pictures of myself in a few months. I get so HUGE! I can on only imagine what my kids are going to say about me.
haha that's cute. And a ball is definitely nicer than I've heard other pregnant women compared to. :)
Gotta love 'em.
That is SO sweet. If only ALL pregnancy-related comments were just as sweet and said by adorable boys! :-)
Art Linkletter did not live long enough. Out of the mouths of babes.
kids and old people tell it like it is, huh?! SO funny!
Kelli- My boys are not allowed to use the word "fat" in this house so Tommy had to come up with some other word for me. HAha! Still makes me chuckle when I think about it. I had to remind him that he shouldn't say that to anyone else because it may hurt their feelings, and then Joe was concerned I had hurt feelings. I told him my feelings weren't hurt and that I thought Tommy was pretty accurate in his description. heh heh heh
*You were all just too kind to my in my belly shots post that I had to post a full on shot too (taken the same day) to show how wide I look now. hehe
I'm laughin' . . . still laughin' . . . lots more laughs coming out. That boy sure hit my funny bone.
Whew! [chuckle!]
: D
Y'all are all adorable, no matter your current "shape!" ; )
Ahhh. He said it so sweetly.
gotta love such observations, dontcha? lol
Yeah, but you are a lovely ball.
My God! You are the cutest pregnant lady ever! when I was pregnant I looked like something out of America's Most Wanted.
I still love you though despite your cuteness.
That is so cute! Enjoy these last few days of being "shaped like a ball". :)
Awww...that's just plain cute:)
Aww such cuties. And there mommy will lose that ball look in about a month or so.. Just adorable what comes out of there mouths.. Enjoy every minute of it..
Oh they are too cute...and so literal :)
That is so cute!! Not that I am sure you liked hearing it, but cute none the less. And for the record my friend, you look amazing!!!!
You are due about anyday right?? My IRL buddy is due August 2nd and I think you look fabulous!!!
Hang in there, hope all the "pink" buying is going well!
Love the picture! And I guess you won't be "shaped like a ball" too much longer - you are so close! I can't wait to see picture of your little princess :)
lovely picture of you with your boys
what a priceless picture!!!!
*snort* Thanks, kid! lol
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