Found one! Forget the pumpkins, gimme the chicken! Curious Mmm. Lunch!
Good old fashioned family fun.
I love how you and Ben fed the donkeys. So adorable. And, like a moron, I thought the one on the bottom was his foot - and was thinking that was one mighty intelligent donkey. Is Todd naturally warm? You're all wearing long and he's in shorts.
CUUUUUTE! I just love "pumpkin patch" days. My kids will never be too old to enjoy a good jack-o-lantern experience. My daughter away at college picked one up at the grocery store for her dorm. *sigh* She's growing up. :D
Loving the pumpkin pictures - the weather looks amazing. You have a beautiful family! I love the family photo - one day mine hopefully will sit still and smile like that :)
Those are such great pictures! Like others have said, I like the family shot too. We always get so wrapped up in taking pictures of our son that we forget to get in the picture with him. Duh!
Love the pumpkin farm... esp the one that has animals and rides out to the pumpkin patch to pick your own. So totally fun! Did you have to pick straw out of their hair? Most kids can't resist the Hay bales!
Great shots, but all I can think about is dang it, I can't believe Todd is in shorts and I'm freezing my butt of here in MT. Totally not fair. Unless of course, he likes it on the colder side.
Be grateful for each new day. A new day that you have never lived before. Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably. We can squander, neglect, or use them. Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today. Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
I love how you and Ben fed the donkeys. So adorable. And, like a moron, I thought the one on the bottom was his foot - and was thinking that was one mighty intelligent donkey. Is Todd naturally warm? You're all wearing long and he's in shorts.
What great pictures :) I love the last family shot - priceless!
adorable! you have a beautiful family!
Fun times! I love the one with the chicken, and the donkey, and the family one too!
Ah, what fun. I love moments like this!
What a good looking family!
CUUUUUTE! I just love "pumpkin patch" days. My kids will never be too old to enjoy a good jack-o-lantern experience. My daughter away at college picked one up at the grocery store for her dorm. *sigh* She's growing up. :D
It is a tough decision...picking the perfect apples can time time too:)
What a great Christmas card photo!
Boy, your farm put ours to shame. And that is one beautiful family picture!
What a great family picture! My son always has more fun chasing the chickens around too.
Looks like the perfect fall day!!!
BTW, you have such a beautiful family.
making memories!
What a great day with the family. What a great looking family!
Such a sweet family....
Looks like you and your fellas had a great day!
Beautiful family photograph. Looks like you all had a good time at the pumpkin farm. :)
You look like you had so much fun! That picture of all five of you should be your Christmas card. Beautiful.
Great shots. You and Ben feeding the donkeys is cute.
Loving the pumpkin pictures - the weather looks amazing. You have a beautiful family! I love the family photo - one day mine hopefully will sit still and smile like that :)
Great family photo! What fun!
Take care - Kellan
Wow, great photos from what looks to be a really fun day. Perfection! Happy WW!
Awwww, how fun!! And that last picture is just plain perfect!! What a super cute family you all make!!
You do look like the perfect family, you know that? I envy your autumn activities. Ours is just slipping by us for some reason.
Oh what wonderful photos! I love the family shot - that is great.
thanks for your great support and comments on the Fringe! I really appreciate it!
Y'all are like the cutest family ever!! All of these made me smile. And I have a hard time picking a pumpkin myself... : )
Those are such great pictures! Like others have said, I like the family shot too. We always get so wrapped up in taking pictures of our son that we forget to get in the picture with him. Duh!
(I love your blog design too!)
Love the pumpkin farm... esp the
one that has animals and rides out
to the pumpkin patch to pick your
own. So totally fun! Did you have to
pick straw out of their hair? Most
kids can't resist the Hay bales!
i love all the fall/pumpkin patch pictures i'm finding on everyone's blog. i LOVE fall!
Oh SO much fun! These are great photos! :-) You do have a beautiful family.
That's the best kind of fun! I love the family picture.
awesome pics! Love the one of the chicken. BTW....thanks for the comments on my blog, totally helped.
What fun...and what a beautiful family!
What a beautiful family!
yeah! We were all going to go today but I got sick. Feeling better, maybe we can squeeze it in tomorrow.
I love the family shot too!
Perfect, perfect day! Looks like it was a lot of fun.
what great pictures to go with a great day!
Looks like fun!
I love the family picture!
Such a beautiful family!
Great shots, but all I can think about is dang it, I can't believe Todd is in shorts and I'm freezing my butt of here in MT. Totally not fair. Unless of course, he likes it on the colder side.
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