Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just Call Me Bessie

Joey: "Hey mom! Is this the little green pillow you used to put under your arm when you would milk Ben?"

Me: "Yep. Uh... wait. What?"

Joey: "Is this the pillow you would use when you used to milk Ben?"

Me: "Do you mean, is that the pillow I would put under my arm when I was breastfeeding Ben as a baby?"

Joey: "Yeah. That's what I said."

Me: "Um, yes. That's the pillow I used. Although more accurately I was the one being milked."

Joey: "Huh?"

Me: "Yes. That's the pillow I used."

Joey: "I thought so!"


Fratzels said...

Hi - just found your blog through a comment you left on DesignHerMomma (well said, by the way).
Your blog is great. This post made me laugh out loud. My Little Man still asks about the special milk that came from my belly.

Mom24 said...

That is so funny! I love it. Hey, at least he remembers how a baby gets fed. It makes me sad that so few kids are aware of breastfeeding--I think it would help more women do it when they grow up.

Amy said...

Oh that is too funny! And yes, I did rather feel like a cow being milked!

Jessa said...

So, that's an interesting perspective...you milking the baby. Very cute!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

When you milked him...that's too cute!

HM said...

I have never heard that one before! That is SO cute! Milking Ben....love it!

Anonymous said...


this is something my boys would have said in a room full of guests.


i'm crackin up.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

I often felt like Bessie myself! Especially when I had to pump.

Kristen said...

Oh no way he did not say that???

That is hysterical Kat!!

Imagine what they will say when (hopefully soon) baby 4 is using the green pillow!!

Hilary said...

Udderly adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha nice one. I love muttering stuff under my breath too.

just jamie said...


Sorry, couldn't resist. So cute.

Cyndi said...

That is so funny! And what a detail to remember!

CC said...

Darn it! I was also just going to say, "Moooooooooo!" but Jamie beat me to it!

dawn klinge said...

What a cute, funny thing for him to say! ;)

Momisodes said...

LOL! It's incredible the things they remember.

I hear you on being milked. I referred to myself as The Dairy Queen.

Tammy said...

Too funny! I just love how kids say things.

I went back and looked at your pictures from the Turkey Run...you looked awesome. Way to go!

Fire Hunt said...

Oh that is too funny. My Boys just asked why my milk was gone. It is so funny the things they remember.

Unknown said...

Joey so funny. HA HA HA!

Rachel said...

Ha Ha!
This made me laugh so hard and now I have to share a story with you.
With Princess I had a double electric pump, the first time Nate walked in on me using it, he took one look at me and Mooed! I nearly died laughing, as did he. I totally felt like Bessie!!! :-) Thanks for the giggle and the walk down memory lane.

love that kiddo of yours.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Bahaha! I laughed out loud!

Anonymous said...

Moo is what came to my mind as well. As I read this to my husband, we both laughed. I told him I would have named the post - MOOOO!

Growing up, a lady I knew had 4 boys. When she was breastfeeding her last, the third boy asked her what she was doing. She said she was feeding the baby milk. He looked at her and asked if the other one had kool-aid! I STILL laugh about THAT!

The Griper said...

shuckins, a story like that is one of my earliest memories as a wee lad of 4. still feel a little embarrassed about it as i think back.

walked into the bedroom one day while my mammy was changing the diaper of my sister. i just stood there a few minutes speechless. i was actually in awe and wonder at what i saw at the moment. then finally i had the courage to speak up.

can you imagine the question i asked my mother when i first found out that you girls are built differently then us guys?

always considered that as my first lesson in sex education.

Robyn said...

that was funny.

Roxy Wishum said...

Very, very funny.

Molly's Mom said...

So THAT'S how Wisconsin produces so much cheese...!


Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

Oh, those boys. I know the Borden feeling you speak of... Was this the Boppy?

Wendy said...

HA! Kids are so funny.

Stephanie said...

I'm assuming this would be a Boppy he speaks of?

I'm cracking up at you "milking" him! Hahaha!

Tonya said...

Thanks for a good chuckle! I love the way he saw that :)

lime said...

LOL, oh yeah, there were days i said,"just paint black spots on me and hang a bell around me neck." cuz that's what it feels like.

there were also days i told my husband i wished my breasts were on velcro so i could leave them with him (my kids wouldn't take breast milk from a bottle) and have a little time to myself.

that said, i did enjoy breastfeeding and was a little sad when i weaned my youngest.

Nissa said...

I just love hearing the funny things kids say. You just never know what's going to come out of their mouths next! :)

Bren said...

How funny!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love them. *L* At least they can only get away with calling us cows at a young age. ;)

painted maypole said...

milked! he he he

Sharon said...

My -- at the time -- four year old son, was fascinated by the concept of breast feeding, when his little sister was born, and he developed the uncomfortable habit of asking every woman he met "What's in your boobs?"

Chris said...

That last comment was actually me, sorry about that -- I have this bad habit of leaving comments under my wife's account.

Rose said...

that's great! Too funny. all the puns that popped into my head have been stated. Great minds think alike.

Kelley said...

Delightful. I love the way kids' minds work.

By the way, I've gotten way behind on blog posts since I was gone for a week, but I've thoroughly enjoyed all the ones I've read on here today. I think I was behind by about 12. Oops. Those ghost stories were so freaky!

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson