Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
The boys had off of school yesterday. We spent the morning waking up slowly and lazing around for a bit. It was kind of nice actually. For a little while, anyway. Then it was pure craziness.
The boys were screaming and wrestling, throwing each other off of furniture, tackling each other, throwing my pillows around nearly knocking over my lamp at least twice, jumping off the stairs, and chasing around the dining room table. Clearly they had energy to spare, and I knew I had to get them out of the house before bones were broken or my house was destroyed in their wake.
We threw on our play clothes and headed out the door to one of our favorite parks. When we got to the park I sensed that a trip to the park would not cut it today. It seemed to me that the boys had so much energy and simple trips down the slide and hanging from the monkey bars was not going to tire them. I looked to my left and remembered all the fun I'd had playing there when I was a kid. It had been there all along, but the boys had never experienced this part of the park.
It is what the locals refer to as "The Bowl". In the winter kids grab their sleds, toboggans, and inner tubes and head out to tackle the hills. In spring the two rival public high schools meet there to drop the rivalry for one day and share the Bowl for a joint graduation ceremony. In summer it is used for kiddie football and soccer games. And in fall it is fun to go to The Bowl just to soak in the scenery.

I called the boys to me and had them follow me over to The Bowl. I showed them the three tiers of hills and told them how fun it is to run and roll all the way down. At first I think they were a little intimidated by the sheer size and steepness of the hills.

And I think Ben wanted to see me go down the hill first before he would give it a try.

So I ran all the way to the bottom and shouted for them to join me.

It didn't take much coaxing. They were off and running.

They didn't make it very far before falling on their faces at the bottom of the first hill. But they immediately got up and wanted to try it again.

I decided to show them an easier way down the hill and had a bit of fun in the process. Joey took this pic of me demonstrating the roll.

That seemed to be the preferred way to travel once they got the hang of it.

After rolling down the hills another hundred or so times the boys decided to run laps around the bottom of The Bowl.

Look at Tommy go. Can you see that little red dot by the stairs? That's my Tommy!

After the laps we headed up the opposite side of the hill to take a peak at the lake.

We looked over the cliff at the beautiful water and listened to the gentle waves wash up on the sand. I even let the boys sit and catch their breath for a minute.

It was getting very close to lunch at this point so we decided to head back. But on the way the boys spotted the perfect little collection of trees. "It's a fort, mom!" They quickly busied themselves with collecting pine cones and big sticks. Two of their favorite things.

Alas, it really was time to get going. We all held hands and ran all the way back down The Bowl, only to have to walk across the field and go back up the other side. By this point Ben was tired to tears. His little feet just couldn't take it anymore. I had been carrying him on and off (whew! what a workout!) but at this point he wouldn't even let me put him down anymore.

Once we got back up the hills the boys were allowed one more breather. I am so nice that way.

On the way back to the car we passed the park, so of course we had to stop.
They did some spinning and some climbing.

Even some sliding. But now it really was time to go.
By the time we got home (two and a half hours after we had left) and I'd made their sandwiches all three of my troopers were bawling into their milk. They were sobbing through their entire lunch telling me they just wanted to go to bed and that they weren't hungry. You know my boys are tired when they don't even want to eat. They finished their sandwiches (which is all they could manage the energy for) and slipped into their beds without a word, happy to rest their weary bones.
Oh, the silence in the house was pure bliss. Mission accomplished.
never ever mess with mom's house!
Especially when she is a runner! Maybe you should carry power bars for those guys so they can keep up with you! Talk about a benefit of exercise.
Oh my gosh, what fun all around. Tiring them out to the point of wanting to sleep is just perfection.
Score one for mom! That sounds like a great time. The pictures are great, too.
LOVE these photos - my kids and I would LOVE to have joined you - what fun!
That looks like a blast!!!
I would have been crying into my milk, too! Sounds exhausting!
That was one full day! No wonder the boys (and you) were exhausted!
Awwww! It looks like such a FUN day!!! Man, I wish we lived by you!!! We would have a BLAST!!!! :)))
Wow-sounds like they were really exhausted! But it looks like they had a lot of fun getting that way!
What a Mom. Sounds like a terrific day. I could so relate to the beginning of your post. I love those nice lazy mornings, and then it seems like there's a tipping point, and oops! we were without routine/purpose too long and it's chaos--time for an activity. What an activity you came up with. I can imagine how much you enjoyed naptime!
I bet they were knackered. I'm thinking I need my own version today to get the girl to take a nap.
Love the photos of your sweeties they are too cute.
Sounds like a great day! That was a great idea! That is so funny about them just begging to go to bed. So cute!
You are one fun mom!! I miss rolling down hills. It's flat where we are. That looks like such fun!
I miss nap time...it was a sad day when they gave it up!
Good for you!! I'm big on the 'run 'em until they nap' methodology!
LOOK AT YOU with all the pics!
I'm lovin the rolling hills! We used to have a hill park like this in Colorado- and it was always packed on snow days so the kids could sled.
or roll...!!
Wow! I'm so exhausted after reading that! My 3-year-old is quietly playing toddler games online, and my 2-year-old is quietly playing with her dollhouse ... *grin*
Awesome pictures at the park. I love your idea of running down in the bowl or rolling in the bowl great idea for helping to wear them out too. Sometimes playing on the playground equipment just isn't enough I have to agree.
yeah for momma - love this post - awesome hills!!
Rolling down that hill looks like so much fun! You are one amazing mama. ;)
Wouldn't you know that I am the sore one today? Ugh. My thighs, my arms, and my butt are really sore from running up and down those hills while carrying Ben.
I asked the boys if their legs were sore at all today and of course they said, "Nope". Ugh.
Oh to be young. ;)
The best is when they are so tired they go to sleep before dinner and sleep straight through to the next morning....(did I just say that?)
Yes, my children HAVE done that before!!
Oh my does that look like some major fun!!!
Well done, Mama! That looks like the perfect day off!
Great pictures. It looks like you all have such a fun day!
Sounds like a great day. I wish we had hills to roll down around here. Everything is just too flat. My boys say weee! on the on/off ramps of the freeway, or when going over the railroad tracks. Pathetic.
GREAT thinking! I used to love rolling down hills, now when I do it it's met with a THUMP, BUMP, THUMP, OH! Still fun though, just hurts more.
When my son and his cousin fight (there as clothes as bro & sis) I make them run two laps down and up the hill behind us. Pretty soon they're so tired, they don't have the energy to fight. :)
Good job mom!
Oh yeay what an awesome day! How fun.
Looks and sounds like SO much FUN!!
My Ben would still fight sleep even after all that. You are lucky they all went to sleep.
Like they always say, a good child is a tired child, right?
I so need a hill like that! I love that shot of them holding hands from the backside. It can't get any cuter than that.
Great pictures. :)
PSF - Dueling Parents
I love the roll! That is my preferred method too :)
Oh my gosh you are SMART!!!! LOL
Fantastic pictures!! I love them all :-)
Great pictures!!! I cracked up at the one of them falling. I bet they had a blast. Man, I wish I could get Aiden to ask for a nap. In fact,I've given up fighting with him for him to take one this afternoon. No free time for me. :(
How fun!!!!
I want to live by The Bowl! Thinking our kids could use a romp around there a couple times a week!
Great pictures and fun post. I feel like I was right there with you all enjoying every moment too. :)
Looks like great fun. And I love when you can tire the kids out so much that naptime (or bedtime) isn't a fight.
What a COOL place! Is it wrong that I love that shot of your son biffing it on the hill?
Next time you are planning to have so much fun. Call me, I can be there in 8 hours. ;)
I am tired after reading that, but you know it sounds like so much fun!! Especially The Bowl! Love the pictures - especially running down the hill for the first time. Poor little guy in red's leg is up pretty high. haha Fierce falling going on. I'm glad you got to enjoy the quiet time :)
You are the best mom ever. What fun!
The Bowl looks like an amazing spot to run around :)
Ah, I can imagine how blissful that naptime was :)
Congrats on getting all three to nap at the same time. I'd certainly consider that to be a successful outing. I love how it is so obvious your boys adore each other.
i think i see many more trips to the bowl in your future! ;)
oh, that's just so much fun... used to roll all the time as a kid... and I don't believe my kids have ever had the pleasure...
hmmm... might have to do that soon...
J/ (goteeman.blogspot.com)
Oh how I love that! Boys and a big field - can't go wrong there!! Just wait until winter...they'll be double tired from walking through SNOW!!
What a fantastic day! Love that field and those hills... as would my two little monsters!
I think my boys would get on well with yours. ;-)
Brilliant! Positively brilliant. I should have read this post at the beginning of today instead of the end. Probably would have saved me hours of insanity.
You? Brilliant I say!! That is the best solution to a day off of school I've heard in a while. We need a Bowl around here!!
And the pics? A perfect way to capture a perfect afternoon. LOVE it!!
I am so happy I stumbled across your blog! What an awesome entry. That looks like such a beautiful place to hang out! How fun!!:)
What an absolutely PERFECT, perfect day!!! Their faces are priceless.
I envy that you are so close to the lake. They must love seeing that. J has the river, but it just isn't the same.
You kept 'em busy, but at least you gave them a few breathers :)
Woo Hoo! I'll drop Harrison off at your place after church tomorrow. You run him out too!
Love the pictures of all the exhausting fun!
What is it about us boy mums that just seem to know when it's time to get out and go to the park??
Great photos. Looks like they had a fab time.
you are so stinkin' cute! rolling down into the bowl-- your kids are lucky, lucky boys.
Fun PSF!
All of the pictures are great, but the one of the boys running and tumbling down the hill is my favorite. You are making great memories. Thanks so much for the blog mention. That is the big league for me to be in your Saturday picks!
How wonderful. You are such a fun mom. The pictures are priceless.
what a FABULOUS place to get to play! and you are one smart mommy to tucker those boys out with so much fun.
wanted to also stop and say thanks for the birthday greetings you left at my place over the weekend. much appreciated. :)
Sounds absolutely perfect*!*
I love to find places where they can just R~U~N and you don't have to worry. Poor sleepy boys...yippee quiet time for MOM*!*
Wonderful photos~wonderful fun*!*
Great roll technique!
You are such a fun mom!!
Awww I remember rolling and sledding down certain hills in England where we grew up. What a great day you guys had! I miss grass you can sit and walk barefoot in. I live in FL it's a sand pit with crab grass..lol
Anyway looks like you all had a blast, bet they slept great that night.
Well done Mom!
Fun, fun, fun, fun! I want to run down that too!
I've never been one to want to roll down hills, but you & the boys made it look so fun that I want to join in next time! Great photo story, Kathryn!
OK, I am technically finished reading up until the newest WW, but I had to come back and comment.
The "bawling into their milk" had me laughing out loud. That was so funny, I could totally picture it! What a great story -- and, it's always nice to see where blogger friends hang out and live, know what I mean?
Oh my gosh. Take ME with you PLEASE?! (And my family, too of course.)
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