So, you all want my yummy beef stew recipe, huh?
Well, I was going to add the recipe to yesterday's post and then decided against it when my instructions sounded like this:
-Brown the beef cubes until the sizzling turns to popping sounds.
-Add water. I don't really know how much.
-Add Oregano, Parsley, Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, a Bay Leaf, Celery Salt, and Onion Powder until you think it tastes right. Cover and simmer for an hour.
-Add as many potatoes, carrots, celery and onions as you want. Cook for another 30-45 minutes or until you think it is done.
Know what I mean? It would have been so annoying. You would have been like, what the frig kind of a recipe is that?? It is just one of those that I had to watch my mom do, taste what her stew tasted like, and then try to copy. Ya just gotta see it to do it.
We LOVE beef stew in our house :) You remind me a bit of Rachel Ray and her use of hands to measure out ingredients :)
p.s. Love the fall color mums!
Did you get the word "frig" from Grant on Ghost Hunters?? LOL I had never heard that till he said it.
I love those mums. Every year I say I will plant some and I have never gotten around to it.
Your post is so FALL! I love the mums, although I'm skipping them this year. I'm great about watering them for the first few weeks, then I get tired of it and let them die. This year I'm skipping the guilt!
The beef stew sounds yummy. I haven't made beef stew in months and months, and I can't wait for my first batch. I just want to let it get a bit cooler first.
So, if you're was the Open House? I have my fingers crossed for you.
If you have those beauties planted by your house, how can it not sell?? They are Beautiful!!!
Seriously, might try the stew. Even with the crazy directions. Between your directions, and a little Betty Crocker help, maybe I can pull it off! :) Maybe.....
That's about right though.
That's how I cook. A bit of this, two pinches of that, shakes of this and ish of that.
You should see the insanity that ensues around here when I try to 'solidify and quantify' my recipes for Mouthwatering Mondays.
It's sad.
I love fall colors to...the mums are gorgeous. I'm just the opposite with how I cook...I still need recipes. I'll think of myself as a good cook when I can finally cook without recipes.
Hi there, girl!!! Your beef stew recipe sounds YUMMO!!!! :)) I might have to make it this weekend myself. We are finally feeling better and some nice, hot beef stew sounds just right!!!! :)
P.S. You are hilarious in your descripions of the ingredients!!! :)
That's a perfectly good recipe, I am writing in down as we speak. I will let you know how it goes over in my house. Thanks again.
Sooooooo glad fall is here!
I don't think I've ever seen pink ones like your first photo, those are beautiful.
I have a few recipes like that. I could probably make yours though. Just eyeball it.
We have to get some mums to put out front soon. The previous owners of this house were ... well ... horrible landscapers. Lots of river rock and a few prickly bushes. Strange.
Love Fall and Mums...
Love the pictures...and isn't that how the best meals are cooked? A little of this, a little of that?
Kathryn, that's how I make my mom's beef stew, too. I have always thought those were the best "recipes". I didn't grow up with women who followed recipes. We just learned from each other. And the bay leaf is really the secret ingredient!
Peace - D
Gorgeous mums!!
Aren't you so sweet to share?
And the mums. Jealous.
Mine, I don't think they like it here . . .
I don't blame them.
Maybe if I feed them beef stew?
Great pictures :)
The orange mums are my favorite!
I make this but a little different
I add cabbage as a veggie. My family called it boiled dinner! Now you
just have to hand over that choc
chip cookie recipe that's so good!
your stew is missing some okra and tomatoes (southern...i know)!
ALL of my recipes are like that! thus, why my friends keep asking for my healthy recipes i am cooking right now and i have no idea how to post them! guess i will follow your lead if they don't back off! :-)
I'm with RiverPoet.. those are absolutely the best recipes. Lovely flowers.. wonderful photos. :)
That's my kind of recipe too.
Guess who is having stew for dinner?? mmm mmm mmm.
That's a recipe I can follow. Too many directions and I screw up! I think I may attempt this!!!
It's sooo......Homecoming.
Don't cha just LOVE FALL?!?!?!?
those are gorgeous flowers and i totally get the way recipes like that work. they are just embedded in you.
It sounds almost exactly like my recipe!
Those flowers are gorgeous.
FYI: I read this post in my reader on Wednesday and by Thursday I had mums on my porch. Thanks Kathryn.
I can't believe I haven't been here since 30 Sept!! What is WRONG with me?
Love the flowers, they are so beautiful. Love the recipe too. In Scotland, we add sausages to our stew. It's just a shame you can't find them here. There's too many spices here for it to taste the same :(
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