Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Todd chuckled and said, "Oh, sure. How about a good firm handshake?"
Joey smiled back, "Well, okay then."
They shook hands, Joey jumped out of the truck, grabbed his backpack from Todd, and took off running to catch up with his friends.
Ten seconds after that I got a call from Todd. There was a strange tone in his voice, hidden under his laughter, as he told me what Joey had said. A kind of mixture of pride and sadness I think. And I felt it too. Who knew it would start so soon? Who knew it would feel like this? Both exhilarating that our boy is growing up as he should, and devastating that it is happening so fast. One minute our first little baby boy is sleeping in our arms, and the next he is a little man bounding off on his own agenda. And yet again I find myself asking, "Already?"
Oh, be still my heart.
awww, dang. i hope todd is affectionate with you in public and continues to be so with the boys. i know kids can be funny about it but a guy is no less manly (in fact i think it makes him more of a man) if he is openly affectionate.
I dread that day I'm not sure I would have been as sweet as Todd....I might have forced the kiss anyway :) Make sure he's still handing out lots of love at home :)
How sad! My first grader still lets me kiss him (and he kisses me back!)bye at the bus stop. I at least do it BEFORE the bus come so I don't embarrass him too much...but there are a quite a few kids AT the bus stop so I feel pretty happy that he still allows me to do it all....
Oh, I don't even want to think of those days!
That last shot of him is perfect! He looks so grown up there. Before long, those little girls are going to be beating down your door.
The good news is, the affection comes back. This is only a stage (but man did he hit it early!).
I know it is so sad! But to be fair he is still super affectionate at home with all of us. Just not so much in front of his friends and the "big" kids. He has his rep you know. ;)
I too dread the day when W.W. decides he doesn't want a kiss anymore he's to old for that. I bet it is both a sad and uplifting feeling too as kids grow up.
Cute picture in the slide. :)
So are you allowed to kiss him still? Because if mommy is still allowed to kiss him, then not all innocence is lost! ;)
Oh, what bittersweetness!
The funny thing is that now that my Ben is 16, he has gone back to wanting hugs and kisses again. So never fear! It will return!
Wednesday I volunteered at Jacob's school. I was in the hallway and he kept walking by to give me hugs and kisses. I found myself wondering how long that would last.
Sorry it started so soon for you, but I wouldn't be surprised if he changed his mind. I hope. A little longer anyway.
oh, I would be crying in my tea cup right now!!!!!!!!!! I don't want that day to ever come!!
MQ still gives me a big hug and kiss when I leave her at school, but I wonder how long that will last
It happens fast, doesn't it? With every one of these milestones I catch myself thinking "How exciting!" and "Wait, I'm not ready!" at the same time.
I love that your husband gave him a "firm handshake". LOVE it!
I shudder at the thought of my girls not wanting to kiss me goodbye... be still my aching heart!
Oh say it isn't so!!!!
Such hard feelings of wanting them to be independent than screaming NO when it actually happens.
Beautiful post! :)
Oh man, I can't even BARE to think of that day yet either. I know we should embrace this stage but I'M NOT READY. :)
He is so stinking beautiful with those EYES~!
Oh, how sad. I know how you feel. At least they still give me kisses at home.
Ugh....I so dread this day. Why oh why do they have to grow up??
Aw, so bitter sweet. At least moms can get away with the kisses longer...
It's rough, isn't it? You have to wonder if this stuff is hard programmed... My heart sank for both of you!
I can certainly see how that moment would bring pride and sadness at the same time. I'm sure you'll be glad that you took the time to write about it someday...it's certainly a milestone.
That would break my heart in so many ways!
Awww! I dread the day that happens with our daughter. Definitely a bittersweet moment.
Aww poor dad (and mom). They certainly grow up too fast. And definitely bittersweet.
AW, Todd seemed take it pretty well. I'm upset now when I don't get kisses.
shaking hands... too funny. they do come back around, i think. mine went through a phase where they wanted to appear grown up, especially in front of their friends, but now, at 15 and 11 they will accidentally hug me or snuggle up or act happy to see me, without being too traumatized once they realize what they are doing.
Too soon, too soon. I think it might be a mother's mantra.
Oh that is so funny - is he even old enough to say that sort of thing?! LOL.
It's crazy how fast the time goes by!!! Eddie is already six months old and some days I don't even remember what was like to be pregnant!!! Now I know what my parents meant by don't be in such a hurry to grow up the time goes by fast..... I always catch myself thinking of things my parent used to say to me and I think OMG... I'm thinking this way now!!!
It's so sad the first time that happens!! It just makes reality set in on how much our little ones are growing up!
Oh, you struck a chord with me on this one. I've gone through this with the first two kids, and I'm holding on with all I've got, to the last one.
"A handshake instead of a kiss?" Could just be bad breath.
Oh no...not ready for that!
As Todd leaned in for his normally sought after goodbye kiss Joey said, "Uh, Dad? Could you not kiss me in front of all these kids?"
That is adorable! I can completely relate. I used to receive kisses from my dad too, but got uncomfortable at some point, when I was still young. Amazing since I have no idea what in our culture influenced me to feel that way, at such an early age.
Bittersweet, but oh so cute! My 15 year old son still hugs me a lot, but never at school (of course!), lol.
I'm sniffling for you. I think that would have to pull on the heart strings. But, I am glad Todd's able to take the boys to school.
I know they grow up too fast :( :( :( Crying here.
Say it isn't so!!! I can't handle it. Not yet....
Drew has been that way too and it breaks my heart.It used to just be I couldn't give him hugs and kisses in public but now he's even getting funny about that at home. I hate it and I have to admit it hurts my feelings a little. He's supposed to always be a momma's boy right??? :)
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