Tuesday, July 22, 2008


After trying to eat away my migraine all weekend (and gaining 4 freaking pounds because of it!) I am desperately trying to get myself back on track. Apparently it is not enough to run 4 miles every other day. You also have to eat healthy. What a rip off!

Yesterday was the first day my head was feeling normal and I was able to get in a pretty decent run. Now I just need to stop stuffing my pie hole. The problem is that running makes me hungry. I eat less when I don't run but I don't loose any weight. When I run I eat more and then I still don't loose any weight. And there's the rub.


I also wanted to let you all know how much I appreciated your wonderful and supportive comments on my last post. The response was overwhelming. I was so nervous writing it. I didn't want anyone to feel sorry for me, or think I was trying to get attention, or I don't know. Whatever. Just thank you. Really.

For all of you that expressed interest in taking off those fracking torturous word verifications I have put a little linky on my sidebar with instructions on how to do it. It is under Join the Revolution. Click on Here's How. And thank you for your cooperation. :)


You know you're a mother when your kids are talking about Ironman and it reminds you that they need to take their vitamins.


Anonymous said...

I hope you are back to fully feeling better...there is nothing worse than the migraine hangover that last for days. Thanks for sharing about your dyslexia too....I have a few friends who have it too and being MEN, they don't talk about it. So it was nice to learn about some of the difficulties there are.

Mom24 said...

Your post was wonderful. So, so helpful. Thank you for it.

I hope the migraines go away. Now! The 4 lbs. too. Life's not always fun, is it?

Hope this is a good week for you.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Migranes...no fun. I had to sit in a dark quiet room for them to go away.

Imitrex was wondrous for me.

Anonymous said...

Exercise makes me hungry, too. ;) Luckily, I have struck a good balance, but migraines like you get would completely screw up my delicately balanced system.

Captchas are pure evil. Mine are long, long gone, and I still don't get any more spam than I was getting when I had them on way long ago.

L said...

I can't believe you run 4 miles every other day. I wish I could do that!

Stephanie said...

Good luck with the 4 lbs...I'm still carrying an extra 10 lbs from pregnancy...over a year ago. Sigh...

I hate word verification! I'm all for your revolution girl!

Cyndi said...

I hope the migranes are long gone! I know there must be nothing worse.

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry no matter what, where'd my will power go? Used to run 3 miles a day, but since meeting hubby 10 years ago everythings gone to pot or gone south (that's men for ya)..lol Need to start running again.. hmmmmm and if you see Mr. Will Power tell him I'm furious he's not been in touch lately. ~wink~

imbeingheldhostage said...

That's hilarious-- I read "Ironma-" and immediately went to vitamins. :-)

dawn klinge said...

Still getting those migraines? I'm so sorry! I tend to eat a lot when I have headaches to.

Momisodes said...

Ugh, migranes are awful. I hope it's eased up for you.

Loved your last post.

LOL at the vitamins :)

Kristen said...

I too HATE word verification!! Thanks for starting the revolution!

Glad to hear that you are felling better, and sorry about the migrane. There really is nothing worse. :(

Hope your week is going well!

krissy said...

Oh I hate migrains. They are the worst.

Don't feel bad. I can starve myself for a month and lose a whole whopping 1/2 lb.

Oh well, I am happy with my sexiness. Part of my sexiness awareness. Remember.....

Oh and for migrains....this sounds weird but find the notch that is on your eye brow and push on it for awhile. Both sides. If you are congested it hurts like a bitch but your nose will run like the dickens. But ironically it helps with migrains too. Just some info.

Lisa said...

If it makes you feel any better I stuff my pie hole like crazy & don't run at all. Not helping the clothes to get any baggier, but it sure is tasty!

lime said...

oh man, migraines are just hellacious. welcome back to the human race.

OHmommy said...

oh no.. I missed something? I have to back track as I am just cathing up. So sorry Kathryn to hear about your migranes.

Maddy said...

Well done on the 'remove' verification irritation. If only weight were as easily eradicated! - type in a code and click delete.

Glad you're on the upswing again [mood not weight!]

Tam said...

OOO Migranes....that sucks! Well you are on the MEND now....so go have some fun! Fun Fun FUN!

Burgh Baby said...

I love you for spreading the word about the evil that is word verification. *MWAH!*

kimmy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and I am glad you enjoyed the letter I wrote to my daughter.

You have a wonderful blog here too! I'll definitely be back!


Georgina said...

My Dad a car mechanic always told me to treat myself like a car. I could fill my tank, but until I had burnt off fuel I could not refill. What goes in has to burn off. Best of luck to you, me and everyone out there trying to shed a few. Debs x

Anonymous said...

I just CAN NOT seem to coordinate eating right WITH exercise. I usually do one or the other.

Life in the Crazy Lane said...

I took off my word verification, just for you! Oh, and check out Pioneer Woman cooks this week. She has a zucchini recipe (and it's not bread or jelly - ha ha!).

Molly's Mom said...

Migraines suck. No way around it. The fact that you had it on the weekend makes it even more crappy!

LOL about Ironman and vitamins!

Roxy Wishum said...

What are moms reminded of when the kids talk about Batman?
I love running.
I hate running.
I hate being fat.
I love milkshakes.

Karen Deborah said...

I read those stinkin word verifications and have to retype more than I care to admit.
The Noble Pig uses numbers that aren't tweaked and that is a lot easier.
Hope your head is better, migraines are horrid.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Those 4 pounds are gonna melt off. Okay, maybe not MELT. :)

Migraines suck a duck, so you do what you gotta do!

Robyn said...

I find I eat more too when I am active, I start to justify it. If I run 2 miles I can have this. I wish I could run 4 miles. 2.5 maybe three, but certainly not 4.
I hate migraines.

Chaotic Joy said...

Okay, can I just say that just sucks. I just started back on a diet/exercise plan (OK, not really a plan so much as I'm gonna try to sweat a little) and I really thought that if I ever got to the point you are I would be winning my weight loss battles. At least you must be in good shape. There must be something to be said for that.

I am sorry about the migraine. Awful buggers knock me flat too.

Chaotic Joy said...

Oh, and unfortunately I just had to turn my word verification ON because of the onslaught of Spam. I wrote a whole post about how much I hated that I had to do so. I wish there was some other way.

Kellan said...

I was happy to see you tonight - I have missed seeing you. Hope you get those migranes under control and start feeling much better!

Take care - Kellan

Cynthia said...

Loving your Join the Revolution Movement! Way to get it going:)

4funboys said...

4 miles... that should be worth at least 10 pounds!!!!!!1

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I'm glad the headache is better.

Brittany said...

yes! I want to know why we can't eat ice cream 5 times a day, run, and stay the same weight. Something I will certainly take up with God someday!!

Anonymous said...

Have you wondered if you might have a thyroid issue? Gaining weight like that is a sign. AND, when you need a snack? Try the Quaker 90 calorie bars. They have chocolate and really taste GOOD. They are just enough to get over the hump when you need it.

Kat said...

AFF- I don't think I have a thyroid issue, but ya just never know.
I think instead I'd place my bet on the cookies, potato chips, ice cream, steak, garlic mashed potatoes with extra butter, fajitas with sour cream, popcorn, and EVERYTHING else I ate this weekend. I was seriously nuts. And I couldn't run because of my migraine. So yep. I should probably just watch what I eat. ;)

Beck said...

I binge when I have migraines, too!

My dad is dyslexic AND a writer! He didn't read until he was 10, I believe.

Rose said...

Oh My Gosh! So I'm not the only one wit the sensation that if I just eat enough the migraine will dissipate. It never works, but I ALWAYS want to eat it away!

As for word verifications - eek. I can't jump on the train because I added it to my blog after getting some auto-comment and weird anonymous comments. But I feel your pain. One day to took almost 10 attempts to get the the word verification correct on a comment I was leaving! It kept popping up a similar set of letters that I kept boofing up, but I was bound and determined. So please forgive me, will you?


Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson