The first one was from Kristen at Loving Our Simple Life. She made her own award to hand out to people who also love their lives. I think this is the best idea and I am so honored that she gave it to me because I really do LOVE my life. I'm glad it shows.

I am supposed to pass this award on to 10 blogs that I consider must see blogs, so here it goes:

1-Sandy at Momisodes
2-Brittany at 4 Little Men...and twins on the way!
3-Laskigal at From the Cheap Seats
4-Stephanie at A Little Bit of Suger & A Whole Lotta Spice!!
5-Molly's Mom at Bitchy and Ranty
6-OHMommy at Classy Chaos
7-Holly at Anglophile Football Fan
8-Michelle at House of Lime
9-Kristen at Loving Our Simple Life
10-Elaine at The Miss Elaine-ous Life
11-I'm Being Held Hostage
So there ya go. My list could have gone on and on, but these are all definitely must see blogs! Yes, there are 11 instead of 10, but you all know I am a rule breaker, right? Thank you, Kristen, Elaine, and Sandy! I am very appreciative of these lovely awards.
Okay. I know I said that I wasn't going to do any more memes, but I found FOUR memes that I had done a while back but never posted. So... I thought I would post two of them now and two of them some other time. I'm sorry, I have no idea who tagged me. If anyone wants to step up and take the blame I'll be happy to link you.
This is the "Finish the sentence with the 1st thought that comes to your mind" meme.
I know.... who I am
I believe... in miracles
I fought....for the right to parrrrrrrrr-tah!
I am angered.... by my anger.
I love.... life.
I need.... my family.
I take.... responsibility.
I hear.... music.
I drink.... a lot. HA!
I hate.... the word "hate".
I use.... coffee to help me wake up in the morning.
I want..... chips.
I like.....chips.
I eating chips.
I wear.... my hair up all the time now that it is getting long enough.
I left.... my heart in San Fransisco. But not really, since I've never been.
I do.....everything!
I hope.... everyone appreciates it. ;)
I dream.... in color.
I drive... an old lady vehicle.
I listen.... to the voices in my head. we-eh-oh-ahhhh!!!
I type..... fast.
I think.... I'm alone now. (I told you I hear music)
I wish... I were on a tropical island.
I am.... frackin' hilarious! But only in my own mind.
I regret.... nothing.
I care.... too much sometimes.
I should.... eat something.
I said... I'm hungry!
I wonder.... if we'll have another baby.
I hair color again.
I cry... when I watch the news.
I lose.... my faith in the goodness of people sometimes.
I leave... my life in God's hands.
-There. Wasn't that fun? Only one more to go!
This is the "Finish the sentence with the first WORD that comes to mind" meme.
Where is your cell phone? Purse
Your significant other? MineYour hair? Brown
Your mother? Best
Your father? Fading
Your favorite thing? Family
Your dream last night? Paradise
Your favorite drink? Captain
Your dream goal? Nurse
The room you are in? Basement
Your ex? Which?
Your fear? Loss
Where do you want to be in six years? Content
Where were you last night? Couch
What are you not? Perfect
Muffins? Puffins?
One of your wish list items? Camera
Where you grew up? Here
The last thing you did? Baked
What are you wearing? Pervert!
Your TV? Large
Your pets? Gone :(
Your computer? Crap
Your life? Lovely
Your mood? Calm
Missing someone? Yes
Your Car? Minivan
Something you are not wearing? Socks
Favorite store? Target
Your summer? Fun!
Like someone? Many
Your favorite color? Peach
When was the last time you laughed? HAHAHA!
Last time you cried? Everyday
Weehoo! You made it! For all of you that read everything without skipping to the end please go back and grab the Spreading the Love award! For the rest of you consider yourselves tagged!
And seriously. What IS up with Favre? What is he thinking? So disappointing. Many of you asked what I thought about the whole situation and I basically think he is giving up his chance to go out with style. He has been in the NFL for 16 years with the same team and he wants to give all of that up. He said just a few short months ago that the only way he would return for another year is if he could guarantee a trip to the Superbowl but that it was just not realistic. Now he thinks that it is realistic learning a whole new offense with a different team? Come on! He isn't being very loyal to the most loyal fans in the league. And I don't like that he is blaming it on the Packers organization for making him decide so early. Of course they need to know early. It impacts the whole team in a huge way. I will always be a big Favre fan, but I really feel that he is tarnishing his image.
Come on, Brett. Use your head. You have had an amazing career. Longer than most guys would ever dream of. Go out on top. Go out with the team and the fans that have stuck by you through it all.
well shucks, thanks *blushing*
the memes are fun too, i may steal them for a rainy day myself ;)
Wow, you've been BUSY! Congrats on the awards and to all of the winners!
Congrats on the awards. You are very deserving. Great job on the meme's, too.
I loved your responses to that first meme. And I admit, I'm now singing that crazy Beastie Boys song.
Congrats on all the bling!
Mike and the Mad Dog (sports radio station in NYC) say the way the Packers should go is to wait until a team approaches them before giving him his release. That way, they can try and get something for Favre like a first round pick or something else - so they're not giving him away to the competition. How awful would it be if he became a Viking or a Bear? You're right - go out with style and class, like the rest of your career. If he's at all interested in broadcasting, you know there are a ton of stations drooling to get him on their team.
I've stolen one of your memes to use in the future:}
Thank you Thank you Thank you!! Blog awards make my day, and yes dear, you are so deserving of all of yours!
Now I need to officially get off my duff and do my blog award post.
And no you do not rot! :)
Happy Saturday friend! I hope you are enjoying that super cute family of yours.
Thanks!!! Now I feel like I really have to try and live up to the award :) I might have to do memes soon; I have to work the next 2 weeks and won't have much time to write :(
I'm going to go check out those blogs as I've only read one or two before! I love finding new bloggy friends :)
Congrats on your awards Kathryn. You are one of my must reads in my reader.
Thanks! (Im blushing)
I read all the way to the bottom and WOW GREAT MEME'S!!!!! I am so brain dead that I can not even do them anymore! Congrats on the Awards!!!! YOU are most def a must read!!!!!!
Wow! You covered so much!
Congrats on the awards.
Boo Brett.
Yes, you are very funny.
I miss the music.
Now I am going to bed with "I think we're alone" playing in my head.
You would not believe how p.o.ed my husband is at Favre. I agree with you, don't ruin it now just stay retired.
Congrats on your awards. Your "freaking" awards. I love that word, too.
Target has us all suckered in, doesn't it? Oh, that reminds me. I need to go tomorrow to get ...
Congratulations, Kathryn, on all the great awards - you truly deserve all of them.
Hope you are having a good weekend - Kellan
Congrats on all the cool awards!!
You're so darlin'.
Congratulations on your awards, Kathryn. You deserve each and every one of them. You chose some wonderful recipients. Those are some of my favs, too!
Aren't little boys the best.
I have 4. Life is busy but fun !!
Can I say I love you all the more for picking Target as your favorite store? And, I'm thinking you are a big fan of chips? Thanks so much for the award, tootsie. You're so in that same vein for me.
Congrats on the awards, those are always fun
Note to Brett, you are losing yourself some street cred, man. Fish or cut bair.
wow-- THIS is your "taking a break"? You covered so many things, I don't know where to begin! "Pets:gone"... want mine?
"What are you wearing?: pervert" -- hilarious. I have a story for this, but it just points out how naive I can be.
And thank for the pretty little bloggy badge-- I am SUPER flattered that you'd think of (and break to rules to include)me.
Happy rest of the weekend :-)
Fun memes and awards. I think all those random facts can be so enlightening about a person. Or not. :) If I had some extra time I'd do some, too, but I just barely got time to read all my blogs on the list and comment. (My family would rather I was making Sunday dinner at the moment, but oh well.)
Thanks for all your wonderful comments. I appreciate every one of them, even if I can't acknowledge them very often- occupational hazard of being a mom of a new baby and 3 delightful and occasionally psycho boys. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. :)
Congrats on the bling! Woot!
And Favre. Oh Favre. Oh oh Favre. Talk about a rock and a hard place!
Congrats on your awards! You deserve them. Yours is definitely one of my staples, that is for sure!
And thank YOU for my award! I love, love, love it!
Happy Monday Girly!
Awards and memes are fun! YOu just reminded me that I still have two awards to give out! LOL
Interesting meme. I really hate passing on awards as I always think anyone who blogs anyway deserves one for opening up their lives to total strangers.
CJ xx
Wow! How fun....nice post!
Congrats on your awards and those were great memes!! I think Farve is going to be watching football this season from the comfort of his couch. I totally agree with you, he should stay out with class. Who knows what will happen though in the wacky NFL.
Aww, thank you sweetie! I'm so glad to see you with all these well deserved awards :)
LOVED your meme answers. Chips, coffee, and caring too much sometimes? You and I could totally be BFF's :)
Those memes were FUN! Congrats on all your awards! You totally DESERVE!!!xo!
Hey now...congrats on your awards!
Hey Kathryn - hope you had a good day! See ya - Kellan
Thanks for the award love Sister! And right back at cha! I can't believe you think I am a "must see" that is so awesome!
Love your finish the sentence meme because I liked your answers. Part of the reason you are a "must see" for me too! : )
I am going to have to do one of these catch up memes someday! Or just hope people forget they tagged and awarded me!
Congrats - all well deserved!!!
Thanks for a great list of blogs to check out.
Love the memes - great way to get to know you even better!
wow... congrats on all the awards! You deserve them, really you do!!!!!
Whew! what a post!
And Amen on the Brett Favre BS. Amen Amen.
Love your memes.
What awesome awards.
I cracked up on the one MeMe, the first WORD that pops into your head and you said Captain for favorite drink. I don't see you as a Captain drinker.
On the comnplete the sentence I like the one where you say I am.... frackin' hilarious! But only in my own mind. Me Too!
Hey girl!!!! I'm stealing one of your memes - it's fun learning about people through those - you should always throw one out there every now and then!
And yay for my sis on your Must See Blogs!
One more thing - totally agree with your Favre comments!!
Awe . . . I'm commenting right after my little sis. How cute is that?
THANK YOU a zillion times over. You are so awesome!!! I feel so honored.
And you, you so deserve each and every award. You were one of the very first mom blogs I ever read. You had boys, I had a boy. I was hooked and have been ever since.
You rule, Kathryn & totally deserve all those cool awards!
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