Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm Back

It has been a full and busy week. The hubby took off of work this past week and we have been having a great time. We have packed so much into every day and still found some time to relax. The fourth of July was everything I was hoping it would be. We went from fireworks, to picnics, to friends houses, to parades, to festivals, to fireworks again. The boys stayed up until 11 at night for a few nights in a row and still managed to be well behaved and have a great time. It was fabulous.

I think this may have been the longest amount of time that I haven't written a post or commented on blogs. But I made a decision. I decided to relax and enjoy every moment with my kids instead of taking a million pictures and thinking of how I could write about it. I decided to lie outside in the sun with a good book instead of chaining myself to the desk in the basement to comment on each and every post my bloggy friends wrote. I decided to snuggle with the hubby at night instead of sneaking downstairs to write a post about how cute the boys were that day. And, man, I really enjoyed the week. I felt like I was finally enjoying the summer the way I should be.

And maybe it opened my eyes a bit. This week reminded me to be more present every day. And I guess that means I need to spend less time on the computer and more time living life. I've decided to post less. Maybe only a few times a week. I'll still be commenting on your posts but maybe not EVERY post the way I was. I don't know if this will be permanent or just a phase I'm going through. But life seems to be flying by, and I want to catch it.

So, I guess I'm asking for your patience with me. I'll still be here, just a bit less.

And while we are at it I'd like to ask for something else too. Your prayers. My mother-in-law is going through a health scare (think of the C word), and is in fact in surgery right now. I didn't mention anything before because she is a private person and I didn't know if she would be comfortable with it or not. But the truth is that she is very important to me and I would like to have as many prayers for her as I can get. I have a good feeling about this, but I know prayers always help.
Thank you, my dear bloggy friends!


Momisodes said...

Welcome back :) So glad to hear you had a wonderful week.

Kudos to you for making real life a priority. The virtual one will always be here :D

My thoughts and prayers go out to your MIL.

Unknown said...

Good to "hear" from you, but I understand needing a break. Sounds like you soaked up some wonderful family time! Good for you! And, as they say, "we'll see you when we see you!"

Praying for your MIL...

Karen MEG said...

Ha, great minds think alike ;). Amen to everything you wrote.

And sending good wishes to your MIL and hope everything goes well with her surgery.

lime said...

sounds like you've got your priorities in order. sending prayers for your MIL.

Mom24 said...

I had a similar epiphany on our vacation last week. I'm not exactly sure either what it will translate to, but it's interesting to see how much time the internet can suck away. I liked being more connected with my life and less connected with the blogosphere. Shhh. Did I really say that out loud?

I'm glad you had a wonderful time. Prayers for your MIL.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

First off, the C word is near and dear to my heart, so prayers are on their at mock-speed.

Kudos for re-prioritization. A few months ago I did the same thing. I now only blog 3 days at most a week for 1 hour each and that's it. I do what I can. Maybe that will change - maybe it won't. But right now, I feel better about it. So, I feel ya. :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't post today, and I usually post every day but Saturday. It feels funny, but I needed the break, and I have far less going on in my real life than you do, so it's even more understandable. I'm glad you had a good time!

My thoughts with your mother-in-law. Always not a nice word to hear, but I'm glad you have a good feeling about things, and I do hope she does just fine.

Fire Hunt said...

I don't know how you do all your post! I am good to get one a week:) My thoughts and prayers going out to your MIL!

Anonymous said...

There's the answer to the email I sent you. I'm glad you are enjoying your time with the boys. I've cut back a bit, too. I don't force it anymore, because it seems forced. And, I've also forced myself to stop commenting on every post. If you let it, it will take over.

Kristen said...

Kathryn, I so love everything you wrote about!

I was just discussing only commenting 2 or 3 days a week. My blogging is for me. That I can't stop. But, one day it will be a wonderful book to give our kids.

But, I am so glad to hear that you loved everything about your time together, and a big "you go girl" to spending more time with your family. :) They ARE the most important things.

Prayers and thoughts to you and your family during this time with your MIL. Praying for peace and healing.

*PS- hope your dad is doing well.

4funboys said...

the "C" word is tough... so I'll keep your family in our prayers.

I think you're on to something... about the blogging... living life, not spending so much time on the computer.

Jeni said...

Having been down the road myself with the "C" word, and having had many, many prayers sent up on my behalf too, I will keep your MIL there, in thought and prayer that all turns out for the best. It can be a really terrible disease, for sure, but it can also be beatable too quite frequently these days. Just think positively no matter what, as it does help to heal all around with a good attitude -also promotes less fear of what's happening too -for all concerned.

RiverPoet said...

Your family has my prayers, of course, and I'm not going anywhere. Your blog will always be in my reader, so I'll see you when you post.

Take good care - Peace - D

Anonymous said...

So you're choosing to live your life instead of blogging about it... Well there's a novel concept! :-) Good for you, I say.

And I'm sending you my most heartfelt wishes and prayers for your m-i-l.

dawn klinge said...

I said a prayer for your MIL. I'm so sorry that your family is experiencing this right now.

You past week sounds like so much fun. I've been thinking about ways to limit my blogging time as well lately. It brings me a lot of joy, but it also takes a lot of time.

Beck said...

Praying for your mother-in-law....

Tonya said...

Glad you are back and I understand about the computer. I will be praying for your mom-in-law.

Anonymous said...

Sounds fabulous! I'll be doing the same next week.....there will be a guest blogger too!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Prayers for you MIL coming her way.

krissy said...

I never understood how you could keep up anyway. I cannot do it. I can check up on everyone but I don't have the time to comment everyday.

I'm proud of you for taking life over blogging. And I am going to prayer for you mother in law. I hope for the best.

Love ya girl....have fun!

Brittany said...

Way to go lady! I applaud you for taking time out to be with your family. Less blogging is a good thing! We still all love you and are glad you're our friend! :)

María said...

I'm glad you took time to focus on those guys of yours. Your MIL is in my thoughts.

Cyndi said...

I'm glad that you had such a good week. My computer was out for almost a month and I ended up really enjoying it. And, my house was much cleaner.

Maryeliz said...

Oh, your wisdom. Good for you.
Meanwhile, prayers ascending for your MIL.

Kellan said...

Welcome back, Kathryn and thanks for coming by to see me - I always enjoy seeing you!! I understand your feeling the need to spend more time with your family. I have been doing that more and more lately. I'm still blogging, but if I don't get around to everyone or feel like posting - I just don't do it. Take care of you and I will keep your MIL in my prayers. Hope all went well with her surgery. Kellan


With everything going on in your
family, I can understand 100% on why
you decided to slow down. Kids grow
up so fast these days and you have
to stop and smell the roses and enjoy
your sweet boys! Prayers for your
MOL and I hope everything goes well
for her.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Isn't it amazing how perspective changes everything? I've been posting less too, and feeling more than OK about it too, for the same reasons. Sometimes the time it sucks can just overtake everything.

Best wishes to your MIL, I'll be sending prayers her way.

Molly's Mom said...

Glad you had a great week--we all need that, and more than just once in a while!
Thoughts and prayers to your MIL and you guys as well...

Stephanie said...

So glad you had a good holiday and that you are now back!

I will say many, many prayers for your MIL. That's a very scary thing to go through and your family will be in my thoughts...

imbeingheldhostage said...

Good for you!! I think we're all stepping back a little, and I'm sure we'll come back together as strong when the yuckyness sets in again (boo winter!). My prayers are with you and your MIL!!!

Hilary said...

Sending best thoughts your way for your mil.

Keep enjoying those summer days with your kidlets. We'll see you out here in blogland when it's right for you. :)

Bren said...

Prayers for your MIL are on the way. :)

Sounds like a nice week. Sometimes stepping out of the blogosphere and back into our real world is just what we need.

Tam said...

Will be sending prayers That way to all you guys!

Lately tons of blogs have been on this subject of to blog and not to blog and when to blog. I think blogging is meant to be fun and not add stress to our lives. I think it is suppose to be an escape WHEN we have a moment and to connect with other MOMS, get advice on cleaning, Raising kids but I do not think it should be an all consuming pasttime. I also know that in the blogsphere that if you post once a week or whatever you feel bloggy GOOD Friends will visit! GOOD LUCK!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

I'll be praying for your mom-in-law. That's scary business.

And I know exactly what you're writing about. It's so easy to get caught in documenting the moment, that you lose the real meat of the moment all together.
Your post is a good reminder to catch the heart of life while we can!

Mary Beth said...

Since I only bring my laptop home on weekends and Helen's usually using the decent computer for our business at night, once I go home, my life is computer free. I have caught myself jotting notes in longhand (gasp) for posts in the future. But it's relaxing knowing that I have no control over using the computer - it's just not an option.

Welcome back to the blogosphere - know that we will always be here for you however long you take off:)

Cynthia said...

Prayers for MIL...and good for you for enjoying your summer:)

OHmommy said...

Welcome back Kathryn.

Your MIL is in my prayers. For sure.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I think it's wonderful that you took a blog break (although I missed you) and that you will blog less and have fun more (although I'll miss you).
You have my patience!
I'm glad you are having fun.
I found myself on one of our last camping trips, worrying too much about pictures and not enjoying myself enough, and I made myself stop! I put the camera away.
Your MIL has my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Living life rather than just writing about it is a much better choice, memories will stick around for every but the children will not :)

Roxy Wishum said...

Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Please know that your writing and your ability to be transparent with your feelings are helpful to many and that is why so many read your blog and follow your life. I have already prayed for your mother-in-law and your dad tonight. I encourage you to give all you can to your three boys (o.k., four) but remember sometimes that includes taking a "macro" view of life that writing helps provide. God bless you, my new, distant friend.

Lisa said...

First off - prayers to your MIL. I hope all went well.

Second, I'm with you on soaking up all of this wonderful life. Our internet's been down for almost a week (I have Hubby's work laptop right now & am stealing someone else's signal) and I didn't realize how much time I was spending online. At first I was really missing it - and I still do - but it's also a little freeing, you know?
Glad you enjoyed your break!!!

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson