Wednesday, July 23, 2008

WW- Have Fork, Will Eat

Maybe I will get to eat a hot meal again someday.


Mom24 said...

So cute! Believe it or not, I miss those days of not getting a hot meal because I was feeding someone else. Of course, it's all relative. Sometimes I feel like Mark and I start eating 10 minutes behind everyone else by the time we cut up the meat, put the ketchup on the plate (not there!), grab the straw they forgot, cut up the vegetable, ...!

Those curls are too precious.

Life in the Crazy Lane said...

Wow, everything is staying so clean!

Wendi said...

I love it when they learn to use utensils!
Happy Day!
Looks like he knows what he is doing.
And those curls?

Laura said...

OK - he is too cute for words!!!! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! And so neat!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, B! He's such a big kid now. And, too cute!

Stephanie said...

WTG! I think mine needs to take tips from yours on fork mastering!

dawn klinge said...

Yay! Big milestone! Have a great day. ;)

Tonya said...

He looks so happy about feeding himself. Bring on the hot meals :)

Snap Catch said...

She's enjoying it freely... Cool catch for WW!mine's up too hope you can drop by.... Happy WW!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Of course you will, when he's about 18. We could grab a hot meal together even... what are you doing on June 10th, 2024?
Benjamin's looking tan these days, what a cutie.

Anonymous said...

It's an art, Meggers is turning six and still hasn't quite mastered the fork.... and the knife forget
Dinner consist of a lot of dropsies and using the fingers to help scoop stuff onto the fork.
I should probably mention she has some fine motor delays.
She tries so hard I can't help but smile and say good job.
Meals are generally luke warm around

Brittany said...

oh my! When did he grow all of those curls!?!? SO cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so very super cute, and look at that hair!

Kristen said...

Oh those curls are just the best!!

Hoping that you will again SOON eat a hot meal. It really is all you imagine it could be! :)

Melissa said...

Hot meal? Whats that... I dont understand, you mean McDonalds? I swear a hot meal for me must mean that, because even when I do cook, I am the last one to sit down and actually start eating soooo by then COLD. Cold mac & cheese can be yummy too... or not :)

Head Gaggler said...

Oh how cute. My youngest is determined to feed herself too. She isn't doing all that well at it.

Cyndi said...

It is so much easier when you can just hand them a little bowl and let them go at it. Until after dinner and you have to clean it all up, that is!

Anonymous said...

There is always that hope!!

Momisodes said...

Aww, so cute! And you can totally still see the tray!

*high five*

Fire Hunt said...

That is so fun. Gavin just got that down at 18m but now he is 22m and will not us it.

Unknown said...

He's doing good! And such a cutie - I just adore his hair! What's a hot meal again?? ;P

Kelly said...

So cute, and look at those adorable curls!!

4funboys said...

how sweet...

those pictures remind me how fast time has gone by...

love the hair by-the-way!

Molly's Mom said...

Those eyes! And those curls! So, so, so CUTE! Your guys are going to be serious heartbreakers someday, you know...

Bren said...

Ah, there is hope! He's a cutie too. I just love that little grin.

Anonymous said...

I still eat from the sink as I fix it - I kind of like it actually.

María said...

Ugh. He's TOO cute!

Robyn said...

My daughter still barely uses a fork, her hand seem to work so much better I guess.

CC said...

You go guy!!!!!!! And teach my almost 3 year old to use her darn utensils too!

Tam said...


Karen Deborah said...

He USES a fork? How did you do THAT? There is no food on the tray, how did you do THAT? That is a baby, a baby with a bowl of food and he still has beautiful CLEAN hair, how did you do THAT? Are these real pictures?

Cara said...

Great shots, he look so proud of himself using the fork. I felt the same way when my first one started to fed himself, yeah a hot meal for Momma. Now I am back to square one with the baby, but totally loving it.

Rick said...

just passing through - adorable child.

Anonymous said...

Oh those big blue eyes and those curls! I'd let him drop noodles on my kitchen floor:)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

He's doing great! Do you think we could get some lessons over here?

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

He is adorable (and I must add a VERY neat eater - what's the trick)? :)

Anonymous said...

His curls are to die for! I just want to twirl one around my finger. So cute!

Cynthia said...

Oh the curls!

krissy said...

Don't ever cut those curls. Adorable. I love your little guys. They are cute as heck.

Word Verification??? Off! For you! It took me a gazzilion minutes to figure out how to turn it off but it was time well spent.

I knew along time ago too that you have dyslexia and I never put the two together. Sorry Love.

For you, anything!

Be Inspired Always said...

How cute are the curls.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Lisa said...

Can not get enough of those curls. Too freaking cute!

just jamie said...

oh, the curls. the sweet, sweet curls...

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson