Patiently, Tommy stood by and cheered Joey on through all three of his Student of the Month awards. Now that Tommy is a big 'ol first grader he can receive the prestigious award as well and he has been doing all he can to achieve it. So careful in his work, trying his best, a flawless attitude.
Today it was Tommy's turn to receive his Student of the Month award.
Today it was his turn to get the applause and pose for the picture.
Today it was their turn to cheer him on.
Way to go, Tommy! I knew you could do it! Congratulations!
Soon I will be taking my own turn as well.
For the past few years Todd has been the one to take little trips and getaways. A few hunting trips. A visit or two with friends. Each time he would come back home, thank me for the time away, and urge me to take a mini vacation of my own. It just was never that easy for me to get away. I have a few close friends but they all live far away. If I wasn't pregnant or breastfeeding a baby than my friends were. The last time I was away from my family (it was just for one night) was three years ago when my best friend and I went to a concert and I was pregnant with Grace. It has been a while.
On Thursday I am flying to Oklahoma (all by myself) to visit my bestie. Our lives have finally synced up and made it possible for a little getaway. I booked a hotel for two nights so that she can get away a little bit too. I am so excited.
I am nervous. I used to love flying. Now it just seems like another way to leave my beautiful children motherless. I know I am in more danger driving my car to the airport than actually flying on the plane (trust me I thought about car accidents too much as well) but I am still paranoid. It is a wonder I am not a shut-in with all the craziness that goes through my head.
And, (don't yell at me) I feel guilty too. I know it is silly but I feel guilty for leaving Todd with the kids for four days. I know that is crazy. He just went hunting and was gone for a week. And he is thrilled that I am finally getting away. But I still feel guilty. I know it is "our" money but the fact that I don't physically make any money makes me feel especially guilty spending it this way. Again, Todd would roll his eyes and tell me that is silly but that's how I feel.
Mostly, though, I am thankful. I am thankful that I have such a capable and willing partner that is excited to give me this opportunity for a little me time. I am thankful that I will get to spend time with my oldest and dearest friend, to see her new house, meet her new friends, and hang out with her and her family. I'm thankful that I know my kiddos will be in good hands and that I will not have to worry about them at all. And, I am thankful that I have such a loving hubby who is more than happy to take turns.

Completely get your guilt and paranoia!! Have a spectacular time on your getaway :)
congrats to tommy and yay you! welcome to being a normal mommy with the guilt feelings but just get on the plane and go. honestly, you'll enjoy yourself and come back refreshed, which makes you a better mommy. it's great that todd is urging you to do this and that things work out with your bff. have a great time!
I have a lot of craziness that is constantly going through my head too...totally get it! But despite all of those thoughts, have a wonderful trip. Time with old friends is priceless. Your kids will love their time with Dad and will be so glad to have you back when you get home. Have fun:) Thanks for stopping over to my humble little world of craziness.
Oh wow, I'm excited for you... time away, sigh, how wonderful. :) I understand the mixed feelings though, I would feel the same. But getting to see a good friend, well that's just the best!!! Hope you have a blast! :)
I hope you have a wonderful trip! I have a hard time leaving my son but, I always come back refreshed with new things to share with him.
YAY for Tommy. and yay for you for taking a trip to visit your bestie. you will have a fabulous time, enjoy it!!
oh my goodness I feel the same way about flying when I leave my kids alone. I had such anxiety last year when we went on our cruise. More so then when I just go some where because my hubby and I were together. We would orphan our kids if something happened. And the couple we are leaving them with were coming with us :0 All that to say, YAY Tommy and have fun on your trip!
Tonya- I KNOW!!! The hubby and I haven't had a vacation together in too long but when we did (4 or 5 years ago) I had the same anxiety. But now another problem is that the only people we really trust to watch our kids for any length of time (our mothers) are not able to watch them right now. Todd's mom is struggling to be the caretaker of his dad (who has Alzheimer's) and my mom has had such health problems (although she is doing well now). We wouldn't wan to burden them with 4 kids for days in a row. We've been thinking about Todd's sis but I don't know. Either way, I would freak out leaving my kids. I also picture horrid things happening to my kids while I'm gone and then me not being there for them. Bah!!! This crazy brain of mine.
good for Tommy on his award and good for you too as well on getting some time for yourself! we all need it from time to time!
Hope you and your bestie have lots of fun!
Good for Tommy and good for you too as well on getting some time for yourself. we all need it from time to time! I hope you and your bestie have lots of fun
Congratulations Tommy! Great job!!
I hope you have a wonderful time Kat. Of course you're going to feel everything you're feeling, but you'll be safe and you have a fabulous time! Enjoy your time away.
You know I do this (travel a bit) fairly often and pretty much every time I go through the same range of emotions. It's just how we are engineered as mommies and wives, you know?
But I want you to GO and have a great time and I'll pray that your trip is a safe and fun one for ALL involved!! YAY KAT! :D
OH and GREAT job Tommy!!! ;) Such precious children you have...
Cheering wildly for you! How grand to get away!
Yay for you! You desere a getaway. Have a blast. 2 summers ago I flew to FL by myself to stay with my best friend. I felt the guilt too but my hubby is a lot like yours. And you know what? I missed my family but not as much as I thought I would, I enjoyed the time with my best friend and her 2 girls and it was so good for me. I was so happy to get back home to my guys too and I felt refreshed.
Relax and enjoy!
Oh exciting! I hope you have the best time!
Bet you won't yell as much when you get home again! It's about time luv, you have a great time!!!!!
Congrats on so many levels here -for you for the opportunity to catch a nice break with your friend and to the kids on the award(s). Maya got a student of the week or month -can't remember now which it was -last year in 1st grade and this year, she and Kurtis both got some kind of community spirit award. I don't know what that came from but I do know Mandy and I were both proud as punch over the awards the kids got and the kids -no big deal to them! Oh well. It's just so nice to see the kids get recognized though, isn't it?
ah... here's your trip info. away with your bestie??!?? fun AND fabulous. drop the guilt and enjoy!
Congrats to Tommy (and family, because you all had a role in it).
So glad you got away and had such a great time.
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