The two littles are still napping and I curl my feet up under me in the chair, pull the blanket up under my chin, and stare at the colorful lights on the bare Christmas tree. Feeling motivated and energized the kids and I took all of the ornaments off both of the trees yesterday and packed them away for another year. But when it came time to take the trees to their resting place I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The glow of the lights just too inviting.
Normally by this time I am itching to get my house back to normal. Not only would the Christmas trees be packed away but my winter decorations would be down to the bare minimum as well. This year I am hanging on just a little longer. Enjoying it just a bit more.
Soon the boys will be home from school. Homework will be done. Snacks handed out. Then off to swim classes we'll go. Ever on the move.
For now I sit in my chair enjoying the glow.

I'm in the exact same spot - just before school pick-up, but they're so much older now - best to savour it.
I must be just the opposite of you in regards to the tree. Usually, I am loathe to take everything down. This year I could not wait to get things back to normal!
There are few rules for the holidays. My college roommate would pull out Christmas music in June and play it because she loved it.
I love to enjoy the trees with just the lights. We did pack it all up today and tomorrow I'll dust and decorate a bit.
I usually leave my Christmas tree up until the New Year, but this year was different. Was anxious to put it away and get the new house in order. But on the other hand, I hated to see it all go. There's just a certain warm feeling about the glow of the Christmas tree.
This made me smile because we are so much alike--our tree is up until this weekend, too.
Yes, that sit and that glow is what I strive to hold onto, too. For at least a little bit longer, yes?
{Lovely words}
I'm leaving my tree up until the Feast of the Epiphany! That's the 12th day of Christmas, right?
I just love that our posts were so similar. :)
And I call the two younger ones "the littles" also!
I did the exact same thing this year, I took off all the deco and packed every thing up... but the Christmas tree and lights I just couldn't take down yet. A friend of mine just told me she did the very same thing as well... I guess some of us just want to hold on to the twinkle and shine a bit more as we face the dreary months of winter ahead. January and February are my worst, bleck. Well mostly just January, there are too many fun birthdays in February to make it all bad. :)
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