Hosted by Cecilyand Mamarazzi
Now looking at this picture makes me a little melancholy. It seems their childhood is just as fleeting as the cold nights were. They get bigger everyday. These jammies will no longer fit them next year. Their toes will be jammed up to the front of the footies, the sleeves will barely make it to their wrists. And once again we will run out to the store to get the next biggest size.
This morning the boys wandered downstairs in their underwear, sleep still worn across their faces. They plopped down on couch next to me (and next to me, and on top of me). I closed my eyes and breathed in their warm, musty smell, willing myself to memorize it before it too changed.
I only had a few moments of peace before the boys were abuzz with questions and excitement about our weekend trip up north to the family cabin.
"We'll leave as soon as we can." I answered.
"It takes just over three hours." I reminded.
"Yes, you can take your fishing poles." I reassured.
"If you are good this morning we'll get some bakery." I bribed.
"I know you are excited but please quiet down. Grace needs her sleep." I begged.
On and on it went, my melancholy pushed to the back on my mind as I wearily answered question after question and continued to shush the boys.
I know this weekend will test my patience (just like this morning) over and over again. The car ride alone has the ability to drive me to insanity. But holding this picture in my mind should give me a nudge towards extra patience and help me remember just how fast it all goes.
First, the pic is so cute and your children are so adorable. Love those PJs. Have a great weekend and enjoy your time!!!
Tenny @ Simply A Mom
That's it. You are coming to my house to snap a picture for me. I can't even get my two in a good picture..they look fabulous!
Have a great time...and remember to breath them in.
Oh the footy pajamas. Never has anything else ever nudged my womb with such fervor. And my womb is CLOSED, mind you.
Maybe you should take the photo with you in the car. Stare at it whenever you're about to go bonkers!
They are adorable!! I hear you on the long car trips and we only have two! It is just amazing how fast time flies! Have a very happy and blessed Memorial Day weekend!
This made me smile. Yes to offten I get crazy when I have kids crawling on top of me and I just need a break, but I remind myself soon they will want nothing to do with me.
Have a great weekend.
I love that pic! the baby is adorable....not that the others aren't! Her smile is just so sweet. My 1st grandbaby will be here in July and all baby pics catch my eye now.
I'm a new follower from Friday Follow! I hope we can get to know one another!
That's truly an adorable picture. Yes, it's very fleeting, but it is incredibly hard to hang on to that feeling, isn't it?
Have fun this weekend.
beautiful picture. Enjoy your weekend, and hold on to your sanity!
Have a fantastic weekend!!! :)
They are too cute. And you are right - it does go by way too fast.
That picture is precious! I adore Grace's little smile. Have a great holiday weekend friend!
That's a really good perspective! And just think - at least they can still WEAR footed PJs. When my kids are too big for those, I will be very sad.
It may be surprising how easily it comes, you've already succeeded in the most important part by acknowledging how precious it all is.
Didn't that sound wise? It's easy for me to dole out wisdom while in the trenches ;-)
Grace with her little smile. OMGosh is that child gorgeous.
(sorry about the deleted comment, it was worded wrong and sounded like I thought YOU were doling out advice)
Awe, what a sweet picture! I hope it stays fresh in your mind during your trip and I hope you have a great time!
Four little peas in a pea pod press, one grew, two grew, and so did all the rest...
Adorable, so stinkin' adorable, they are. And so obviously siblings.
hope you're having a great weekend away. :)
Have a great weekend. I love the footie jammie picture, so cute. My patience is getting tested too but with house projects :)
Oh I love footed PJ's.. they're too cute!
That picture just makes me grin...who could look at that picture and NOT Smile back? They are all so cute and look so much alike!
And the years fly by SO fast....
Yo are oh so right about how quickly the change and grow and before you know it they are out the door with the keys..... Hope you had a great weekend.
Love it! Sometimes you do need a sweet little reminder that among everything that tests you, time is flying by! At least, I do.
Have a great weekend and enjoy your time!!!
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