This is the first emergency trip to the doctor's office for any of my boys. With three very active boys I am amazed we have not had any broken bones, sprained parts and pieces, or any other massive gaping head wounds until today.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A Massive Gaping Head Wound Will Get You A Whole Lot Of Cool Stuff
Yesterday Joey had a collision with another kid on the playground at school and got a pretty nasty cut above his eye. We took him to the doctor's office and he didn't even flinch when they gave him a few shots in the cut and sewed him up with stitches on the inside and outside of the cut. Ouch. Such a tough guy.
This is the first emergency trip to the doctor's office for any of my boys. With three very active boys I am amazed we have not had any broken bones, sprained parts and pieces, or any other massive gaping head wounds until today.
This is Joe right when he got home from the doctor's. The doctor told us to ice it as much as possible to keep the swelling down but that Joey's whole eye would probably be swollen and black and blue the next day. We gave him ibuprofen to help him sleep and hoped for the best.
This morning his eye was definitely red and swollen but not at all black and blue. Joe was still pretty sore and he decided he wanted to stay home from school. I agreed that another day off might be in order.
Overall, I think that Joey thought this whole getting hurt thing wasn't such a bad deal. He had gotten a happy meal out of it. A bunch of snacks. A new toy. A ton of attention. He spent the day playing board games and drawing outside on the patio with chalk instead of working hard in school. Not too shabby.
This is the first emergency trip to the doctor's office for any of my boys. With three very active boys I am amazed we have not had any broken bones, sprained parts and pieces, or any other massive gaping head wounds until today.
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Words To Live By
Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I agree with you. Ladies of the future, watch out!
We've had more than our share of broken bones and stitches at our house, but the shock of the first was definitely the worst.
I say give the sweetie whatever he needs. I know he'll have great memories of his loving mommy!
He's definitely a handsome little man. Hope he's feeling better. I agree he deserved the day off, and the Happy Meal and the stuff. :)
Rebekah has the same scar. She got hers at ballet.
Oh my! poor little head! He is still quite cute, though! Hope he feels well soon!!!
Poor thing! I think he deserved that happy meal! LOL
He is ADORABLE, even with the head wound!
Glad he's OK.
He sure is handsome! Hope it won't scar too badly.
Aww poor little guy. It's not a bad placement for a cut. His eyebrow will hide the scar well.
I love that he said "now that just looks ridiculous!" HA! Sounds like he's a real trooper. And yeah, the time off school certainly helped I'm sure!
That cute kid of yours says the funniest things. ;) He doesn't look ridiculous at all...just adorable. I hope he heals quickly.
Aw, poor kid! That is pretty lucky to have that be the first stitches. My first had just turned 18 months old when we made our first trip to get stitches.
He is such a handsome guy. I hope he is feeling a lot better soon.
Tough guy! Did you tell him that chicks dig scars? LOL
Wow! What a tough little dude! I flinch at the mention of shots in a wound. He looks great though!
I bet his little scar from the stitches will make him look TOUGH!
Poor kid, he looks like he took it pretty well.
He is a very handsome little guy and his scar will make him more unique than he already is... i agree with the other mommmies he deserves the great treatment for the extra day..
He is definately a cutie! Besides chicks dig scars!! So watch out!! So glad he was okay, we have yet to have that trip to the doctors office!
Yep! And look here, you're getting even more compliments too on how handsome a young fellow you are -even with a red eye right now and stitches!
And to you Kat -yep, you are lucky if that's the first emergency type visit you've had to make with three active boys and a little girl about to follow suit very soon too! I was lucky with my kids in that I really didn't have too many E.R. trips over the years -only one broken arm (my son), a broken nose (younger daughter) and a cut hand requiring 14 stitches (oldest) -that I said was a classic case of dishpan hands for her as she cut her hand on a broken water glass while washing dishes! Unfortunately, accidents will happen with kids and let's just hope and pray than none are more serious over the years to come than a stitch or two or perhaps a cast on a leg or arm. Growing pains for children and parents alike I guess they are, aren't they?
my daughter got hit in the eye with a snow boot but it didn't split open. However, I wanted to say that as the days go on and it starts to heal is when the black, blue and purple will appear.
I've never seen such cute stitches.
oh, owie, owie, owie! I hope he's feeling better. Poor guy.
Love kids...
oh no!!! Poor thing!! For the record I think he deserves the day at home too!
Glad to hear he had a nice time at home. Come to think of it, his day sounds pretty darn good. :)
again glad to hear he's ok!
Stitches or not stitches, he's an awfully good looking boy. :-)
I hear you on expecting years of emergency room visits with boys. Malcolm has already had some gashes in the back of his head glued shut -- fell over backwards into gravel when he was 2 and a half. LOVED the attention at the hospital!
Oh yikes Kat! You took me back to our first emergency visit. You poor thing. He cracked me up with his comment :-)
Oh, my gosh! That is a doozy. Glad he was brave and took it really well.
He is handsome! And the doc did a great job with the stitches. And you survived your first ER trip. A doozy of a day, but you all did so well!
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