Wednesday, March 26, 2008

WW- The First Robin Of The Year

A sign of spring?
Another 7-10 inches of snow is predicted for tomorrow.


Nissa said...

Think positively, Kathryn. Those weather guys aren't always right. Maybe there won't be more snow. I've got my fingers crossed for ya!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I KNOW. That poor robin will RUE THE DAY!

Our weatherman just said another 8 inches and smiled.

I just might vomit.

Kristen said...

Oh NO! So sorry to hear that they are forcasting more snow! YUCK!

Hang in there, certainly it can't be that far away. Hope the birds will at least stay and sing through the snow.

Tanning soon??

Ashley said...

Could be worse. Could be a giant crow and a scene out of the scary movies. Right?

Try to keep your spirits up! Spring will come! It will!

just jamie said...

I'm sending some sunshine your way. Can you feel it?

Brittany said...

sorry to hear there's more snow!!! Maybe it will go away soon!? :)

Great photo! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh so sorry. I'm glad you are getting glimpses. It's been cold here in the Northwest where I've been for Easter...

Cynthia said...

Right there with you...looking for spring...

dawn klinge said...

It's a beautiful photo of the robin :) There's a chance of snow where I am in Washington state tonight also! It seems much too late for snow.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Oh bummer, I really hoped he was a sign of spring for you.
No more of that white fluffy stuff!

Jeni said...

We got snow here on Saturday, day before easter -about 4-6 inches or so and I saw a robin landing on the eaves of our church as I walked in there early Sunday a.m. Haven't paid any attention at all to the forecast for the rest of this week but I'm hoping if you do get snow, that you don't send it on east to us here. I'm tired of the white stuff. But then, I'm always tired of the snow by December 26th so that's nothing new. I'll take the robin I saw Sunday morning as my sign that spring is almost here though.

Family Adventure said...

You know I share your pain...but hang in there :)

Happy WW!


Laura said...

Here's hoping!!!

We got another snow fall last night and they are calling for more this weekend...but I am starting to se the robin and rabbits and that must be a good sign!!!!

Kelly said...

I do NOT envy you the snow!! We have rain predicted almost every day for the next week. Hello April!

And I still have coughing hacking kids. Where's the warm weather?? I want to break out my capris and sandals!!

Head Gaggler said...

Nice shot. I so long for spring! I will wish for warm weather.

Anonymous said...

Winter can't last forever, right. Pretty picture of the robin.

Burgh Baby said...

I don't know, I saw blooming crocuses yesterday. Surely, if the robins are out and the crocuses are blooming, Spring must be near by! Please?

Anonymous said...

That's a great shot. I hope Spring gets there soon. No More Snow!! Happy WW!

OHmommy said...

Oh no.

PLEASE do not send that snow our way. We always get your sloppy seconds.

Unknown said...

Wow, great picture! Spring is on the way - YAY!

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

What a pretty picture! I love robins. Happy WW to you :D

Momisodes said...

We just noticed a few robins outside today too. I'm hoping and crossing all fingers this is a sign of Spring!

Beck said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe it!

ConverseMomma said...

I really hate snow. It is one of the reasons we left Buffalo. Hope the sun shines on you soon.

Anonymous said...

Pretty bird giving false hope to many. I know there were tons around here before it started warming up. I thing we're *slowly* seeing some spring here. I hope you will soon as well.

imbeingheldhostage said...

I'm sorry. I'd rather hear you were expecting something else...
Nice touch with the playlist ;-)

Melissa said...

I love winter, but it really can be a b* sometimes! It is constantly playing games with everyone! Always taughting!

Cara said...

Great picture, sorry to hear about hte snow.

krissy said...

3-6 inches here.....

Someone needs to kick Mother Natures stupid ass right now! I'm on it!!! She'll be getting a butt kicking that will hurt her grandchildren............

Spring???? Where are you????

SandyCarlson said...

That robin looks like he can take on this storm! What a beautiful and sturdy bird.

Lisa said...

Let's screw this whole living in the great Midwest crap & move south? Your boys can marry my girls, and we'll all live happily ever after. Whatdaya say???

Anonymous said...

there will be less snow soon and spring again .. have a nice weeks to come

Anonymous said...

Wow...7 inches of snow?! It never snows in California. It'd be a miracle if I saw real snow here...LOL.

Laski said...

7-10 inches?!? WHAT!!! Save the Robin . . . Save the Robin!!!

OK, Chikeze. I'm depressed. I mean, what the hey!!! I'm actually angry. Upset, even. I was frozen in mid-post the minute they announced the bottom three. WHAAAATTT???

Back to the bird . . . SAVE THE ROBIN!!!

Rose said...

More snow?? Ugh! I miss seeing Robins, why don't I see Robins in southern Calif. Curious.

Bren said...

Hope you get your spring soon. :)

Joni said...

beautiful picture for sure...hold tight, spring is on the way.

Anonymous said...

I tagged you for some linky-love! :)

Sarah in Disturbia said...

Spring is coming . . it has too: )

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic picture!

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson