Monday, March 3, 2008

Voicemail Hostage


"Hi. Dis is Tommy. Mumma can't talk cause she's sick. She has a sore froat. Cause Ben was sick, and den Jo-Jo was sick, and den I was sick. And I bomit. And den I bomit again. And now mumma and daddy is sick. And mumma doesn't want to talk. Cause her froat hurts. And we went to da grocery store today and mumma said I could walk wif her and I didn't haf ta sit in da cart. So I walked. And I hepped mumma. I hepped carry da groceries cause I was so good. And mumma said I'm good. Cause I'm a good boy. And I am gonna be free in a couple weeks. And I'm gonna have a birfday cake wif a firetruck on it. And it sprays water. Like Joey had on his birfday cake. Cause he is 5. And he is at school right now. And I'm gonna go to school when I get bigga. And when mumma was driving back home afta da grocery store da car started slidin' and mumma said, 'oh shit!', and I said, 'don't say dat. dat's a nawny word!', and mumma said, 'You're right. I'm sorry. We almost slid right into that snowbank.'. And den I said, 'you should be careful, mumma', and she said, 'I'm trying, honey.'. Cause it is snowing outside again. And I'm sicka da snow. I just want summheir. Cause den I can..."

"Tommy," (croak, cough, hack) "what are you doing?"



This post is in participation with Monday Missions sponsored by Painted Maypole. Today's mission is to post as a voicemail message. Head on over to PM's to see more Monday Missions.


Anonymous said...

Now *that* was funny! Hope you feel better soon - bad stuff going around everywhere it seems.

the dragonfly said...

Ha! Absolutely adorable. :)

Julie Pippert said...

I hate to say how cute is that because you're sick! ACK! But oh how cute is this, seriously. Get well soon!

just jamie said...

Such a cute idea. Well said. You're talking our language.

Feel better.

MARY G said...

Great post! Love it, and your site pic.

Brittany said...

shouldn't say bad bad words Mumma!! ;)

Feel better soon!!

OHmommy said...

LOL. I love how kids talk. nice job capturing it!

Blended in Texas said...

Cute and hilariously funny! Hope you're feeling better soon! =)

María said...

Feel better!! And that was a great capturing of his voice, I felt like I could hear him!

Nissa said...

Was that real?! lol
Feel better soon, hun. Sounds like everyone's getting sick!

Kellan said...

Adorable post, Kathryn, but I'm sorry everyone is feeling so sick - hope you all are better really soon! Take care - Kellan

Chrissy said...

So funny! Hope you feel better soon, and I really hope you don't bomit.

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I'm so sorry you're sick! Feel better soon. Darling post!!

Tonya said...

I have an almost free year old too. So it was funny reading that as I can totally hear it in my head! My little guy is excited about going to kgool (school) when he is 3!

Melissa said...

That was really cute!

Feel better soon!

painted maypole said...

ha ha ha ha ha

hope you get over the bomit quickly. yuck.

krissy said...

That was so cute! I love the way toddlers talk! And mommy did a good job at translating!

Feel better soon! I hate the flu!

Anonymous said...

WOw. You got that voice perfectly.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

That was PERFECT! Feel better soon - those are orders!

Laski said...

Classic! Awe . . . too, too cute.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful when they correct you? Like when I burp & am told "Excuse you, Momma." Kids. I hope you all awake tomorrow in the land of the living.

Ashley said...

Dang...that's one loooooonnnggg voicemail! lol Funy!

imbeingheldhostage said...

I'm so sorry you're sick! But I am sorry-er for me that I can't get here within the first 10 comments, what am I number 150 or something? ;-)
This was a fun post, and.... did you notice? Did you notice what I did JUST FOR YOU on my blog?! (hint: starts with "No more" and ends with "verification").
Hope you're better soon and I'm wishing you snow melt and sunshine.

Kristen said...

Hope you are feeling better. :-)

And don't worry about the *oh sh--* comment. I also would be the one in our family who has said it more than once while driving.

Hard to remember, and in my defense, also while sliding on ice just like you. I really need spring!

Hope you are getting lots of rest.

Liv said...

ooof. how cute was that? in it's infinite sickness. and to prove how dense i am, i was like, "dear Lord, he's so small and already talking about soon being 'free'? Poor Darling!" and then i was all, "OH! he's almost 3!"

see? i ramble in comments almost as much as in VM.

david mcmahon said...

Hope everyone's on the mend now!

Melissa said...

I love those phone messages. I just visted Maypoll's website and saw hers! These are great!

dawn klinge said...

I'm sorry you're sick; I hope you feel better soon. That was the cutest little message. Your little guy is adorable!

Amy said...

This was hilarious, I could totally hear your little man saying it! Hope you and the fam get to feeling better soon. This cold season is unbelieveable!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your sick, that's sad! I am lucky I am still fine!

ConverseMomma said...

I long to have these convos with my kids. Jack is so close at 21 months. I have a ways to go with Molly since she is only 8 months. Great post!

Cynthia said...

Feel better!

Rose said...

Too hilarious!! Oh, what they do when we're sick! (makes my head hurt just thinking of it.)

Anonymous said...

I tried to comment earlier, but it wouldn't load! So funny AND SAD. Get better soon!

If you're still within 48 hours of getting the flu, call your doc and ask for Tamiflu!!

Unknown said...

That totally cracked me up. How hard was it to type in "toddler-speak?" LOL!

Hope you feel better ASAP!!

suchsimplepleasures said...

feel better!
that's so funny!! that whole post...hilarious!
btw...whenever i ask my 4 year old what he is doing or how he is doing...he replies...anyfing!!

Gone Back South said...

Hello, I found you on David Macmahon's blog. Great blog! But I was momentarily confused when the music started playing! Talking to toddlers is exhausting isn't it ... but very cute too.

Homegrown Tribe said...

That was cute!

Hope you feel better soon.


Tom Quinn. said...

My name is Thomas, and I have a brother named Benjamin. Reading this blog reminded me of us when we were kids. I laughed, then I cried, then I ate a nutrisystem chocolate peanut butter bar, then I cried some more; this time it's not because of the blog, but because I'm eating a nutrisystem bar. I hate getting older.

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson