Last winter we never got enough snow to go sledding. When we saw that Friday's snowstorm had brought us a few more inches of white stuff we decided it was time to head out to our favorite sledding spot.
Finally everyone was old enough to go down the hill on their own sled all by themselves. A very exciting moment.I rode with Grace on the first trip down the hill just to make sure that she wasn't afraid. It is a big hill especially to a 3 year old.
After the first time down the hill Grace told me she wanted to do it on her own. Or, "By. My. Sef!" as is her favorite expression.
Yep. She liked having her own tube better. Todd and I took turns sending her down the hill and then running down to the bottom to help her walk back up. She was such a trooper walking up that big hill. I was positive that we would have to carry her but it was one more thing that she wanted to do by herself. She did let me hold her hand once she realized how steep the hill was and how slippery it could be.
It was over two hours of fun. Even though every single one of the inner tubes developed slow leaks shortly after using them for the first time, and Todd had to quickly run out and buy new tubes (we may just stick with our plastic toboggan and some saucers as the second set ALSO developed leaks. ACK!) we all had a really good time.
It was the perfect day for sledding. The weather was gorgeous. Little snowflakes flitted down all around us. We were actually sweating as we climbed back up the hill. It was a great day.
Back at home we had to start getting ready for a night out. We had friends coming in from out of town for a pre New Year's Eve party at our favorite restaurant. All of Todd's close friends live at least an hour and a half away and mine are even farther, so it is not often we get to have a night out with them.
I was the designated driver for the night and I'm so glad I was. Our friends stayed the night at our house and when I saw how everyone was feeling the next morning I was pretty happy to have been the "responsible" one the night before. Besides, if you'd ever meet me you would see that I do not need alcohol. As a matter of fact I even got the "I can't believe you've only been drinking water!" from the new girl in our group. I can be pretty goofy. And nerdy.
After such a late night on Saturday we spent all day Sunday lying low. After church we all had some naps. Then the kids went outside and played in the snow for a long, long time while I made cookies and did a mountain of laundry. Today is one of my favorite days of the year. I love New Year's Eve. Probably more now that I have kids than when I was a single girl. It seems that New Year's is played up so much when you are a young adult that it rarely, if ever, lives up to the hype. Todd and I used to have a blast skiing and partying at the chalet with our friends when we were younger, and I think we will be able to do that with our kids when they are older. But for now, I am happy to make new traditions with our kids. Simple plans, but always fun.
Tonight we are having tons of appetizers, juice in fancy glasses, a roaring fire, and favorite movies. It is fun and relaxing at the same time. A great way to say goodbye to this year and ring in a new year.
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve and a peaceful, blessed New Year!

Happy New Year's to you Kat! The sledding sounds like so much fun. I have promised my son that if we don't get snow this year, we will go to the mountains and find some. :)
Happy New Year and good on you for being the DD!
Love the sledding pictures but not going to show them to my kids because they would be tremendously jealous!!
Here's to a great 2013!
That looks like a fun group! Yeah for being so much fun without alcohol! The last few years, we've begun a new tradition of champagne a nd crab legs on NYEve. I love it!
The sledding looks like so much fun. We don't get enough around here, though Christmas day proved otherwise. I hope your New Years Eve is a special one! Enjoy!
Bless you and your family, my dear. Give each of those little ones a kiss and hug for my sake.
It looks so fun, it ALMOST makes me want to experience snow. Almost. lol
Wishing you a Wonderful 2013!
sounds like a lot of fun for both the kids and the adults. :)
happy new year, kat!
It all sounds wonderful! My most memorable NY eves have always been the simple ones. It's nearly 2am here, so I can officially wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and wonderful new year!:)
It all sounds wonderful! My most memorable NY eves have always been the simple ones. It's nearly 2am here, so I can officially wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and wonderful new year!:)
Lime- I had fun going out with the adults, but I swear I love sledding as much (if not more) than my kiddos do. So fun. :)
Wow that looks like a awesome place to sled! We had to drive over two hours to go sledding... We have not had a single flake of snow where we live yet this winter, I can tell you I have some super disappointed kids around here! Still holding out hope for at least one good snow fall around here, but it doesn't look like it.
That looks like some awesome sledding! And so much fun.
Yay for a grown up night out, too. Begin DD is sometimes the most fun of the evening.
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