This past weekend was a bit stressful. On Friday my mom went in to the doctor to get an Eco cardiogram done on her heart because it looks like she may need open heart surgery. This while also fighting Multiple Myeloma. To say that this has me worried is an understatement. My mom is stressed and worried, and her usual flippant attitude is gone. That is a worry as well.
Then on Friday night I started to feel kinda sick. My stomach was feeling pretty upset. I ended up ridding my stomach of it's contents that night and early into the morning on Saturday. The rest of the day was spent trying not to move too much. Thank goodness Todd was home and able to get the boys out of the house for most of the nasty, rainy day to leave me to recover. But still.
And I know I said I wasn't going to write about it anymore, but here it goes. This house selling process is starting to take its toll. I know that houses in our area are taking an average of 12 months or longer to sell, but this 7 months already feels much longer. And I also feel like I am on a timeline here since we want to buy that other house before someone else does. Not to mention the process will get so much more complicated in a few months when we have a newborn here. PLUS, I am normally a very organized person and have the nursery and clothes and everything all ready by now. I haven't even bought anything for baby because I have no place to put it. I don't even know where we will be living. So frustrating.
Add to that the fact that Ben is still in his crib because we can't fit a twin size bed in that room and I'm starting to feel a bit nuts. Joey and Tommy were both out of their crib well before their 2nd birthdays, and I know Ben is ready. Every night he crawls into Tommy's bed and doesn't want to get out. I didn't want to get him a toddler bed because he is pretty big already and close to the weight limit on most of them. I felt like my hands were tied. Plus, PLUS, now is the time to potty train the little fella. He has been ready for a while (Joey and Tommy were potty trained at 2 years too) but I've been waiting to get him out of the crib first. See how this all wraps together? Ugh! I know I'm making more of this than I probably need to. And yet.
So. I've decided to stop the madness. My mom's situation is out of my hands. I will put it all in God's hands, were it is best dealt with anyway. So please. Pray for my mom if you would.
The house will sell. It will just take time. If we are meant to have the other (PERFECT) house, we will. I suppose this is helping me to learn patience. And, because this has been taking so long we have paid off some big bills. AND! Because Todd settled a massive case at work recently he should be getting a pretty hefty bonus that would help us with moving expenses and even new furnishings and updates for the new house. So there ya go.
This morning I bit the bullet and decided to order a toddler bed for Ben. And it is adorable. I also ordered some new bedding that I think he will love. See?

The bed also looks similar to the one in the pic but it is a caramel color and has little side rails. It is gonna look great! :)
Breathing a sigh of relief. After a week of rain the sun is finally making an appearance. Figuratively, and literally.
HUGS!!! Things will work out. I'm saying a prayer for your mom.
Will pray for your mom and the house situation both--but I am glad that you have that in perspective. Paying things down while you wait is a good feeling. We kept T in a crib until he was 3 1/2 because the crib made his old bedroom look smaller--poor kid didn't get into a big boy bed until we moved. COme to think of it, he's pretty screwed up so I can blame that! Glad you got the toddler bed!
You're in my prayers!
Hang in there!
The bedding is adorable.
Whew! You have a lot going on. Add pregnancy to that...and overwhelming!
That little toddler bed is super adorable! I'm sure Ben will love it!
You made the right choice, Kat, putting things in His hands.
You and your mom, and your house stresses are in my prayers.
Take care!
I hope everything works will. My prayers are with you and your family.
(((Hugs))) Stressful indeed. I'll be praying for you and your Mom.
I love the bed, and I really hope the house sells soon.
Adorable bedding!
I hope your mother is doing better. I'll keep her in my prayers!
I am sending you my warmest thoughts for your mother's health and a huge Whoopee! for your big tum and it's contents. As to the rest, it is only patience for now...over here we are saying, 'don't move, improve' in other words, adding on to your existing house. Just love the bed...looks like baby bear's.
Moannie- A good thought, but unfortunately we have no room to improve. Must move. ;)
Stressful indeed! Will be thinking about your mom and everything else will work out. It is hard to be patient.
Hang in there, Kat. Everything WILL work out, and hopefully a little package will be arriving soon for you. :)
Oh girl, things will work out, although I know what it's like to be in a "limbo" a little bit. My husband's job situation is currently that way...
Prayers for your mom and that bedding is cute!
Sending you some stress-free energy! Ohhmmmmm.....
That really is quite a bit on your plate. Your mom will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. As well as hope that your house will sell quickly. The waiting around is awful. I hope with the warmer weather of Spring, traffic and interest will begin to pick up.
It's beautiful, and yes, you can bet I will include your mom (and you all) in my prayers. You will get through this-- turning it over is the best thing you can do right now. Relax. take care of you, everything else will fall into place.
Just remember the good old Serenity Prayer -take control over what you, and you alone can control. Well it doesn't say that in those words, I'm just paraphrasing, but in essence that's the meaning and that's exactly what you did too. And it does help, immensely, as a destresser.
I will most certainly remember you and your Mom especially, in my prayers. For her, with those ailments, it is hard to not worry but as much worry as she can shed, or you can help her to shake off, will help her a lot. And the house -yeah, that will also resolve itself in time. I know, unfortunately the "in time" thing doesn't usually play to our own particular time schedules, but it's something that's out of reach in the control realm too so not much else you can do there.
And I love the toddler bed! Wish we could do something like that for Kurtis here but a move to a bed like that would never work for him at this point in time.
Oh that all sounds so stressful, I'm sorry! I'll keep your mom in my prayers. That bedding is similar to the crib set we have for Jackson and we just love it!
Had to catch up a bit again (like usual), but it looks like everything is piling on at once. You're right though, focus on the things you can control, not the can'ts. It's difficult not to stress though, especially being pregnant. The view is so much different when you're pregnant. I'll be praying for you mom, she is a strong lady.
Btw, that cake she made looks DIVINE!
Whew! Reading that post made me feel stressed. Good for you for giving it to God and making the best decisions for your family even if they weren't the ones you wanted to make. Hang in there!
Hang in felt like that post was a deep breath out for you....I'll say a prayer for your mom and I am always thinking about you all. It is out of your hands, and keep thinking on the positive side of things!
Oh girl, that IS a stressful weekend. I hope you are feeling better and I will certainly say a prayer for your mom.
wow women that is stressful. I am potty training right now. We just got done with our first day :) Take care of yourself and don't worry everything will work out to God's will. He is in control.
Very cute bed and bedding. I am not ready to move my two year old yet.
I will be praying for your mom.
I hate selling a house, that is stressful all by itself. I love the bed, too cute.
Good for you. Stress does indeed have a way of becoming manageable when it's broken down like that. Sending best thoughts for your Mom.
I really love how you started out all stressed but by the end of the post, you totally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
I'll praying for your Mom!
I know how frustrating things that really aren't in our control can be... hang in there.
And it looks like Ben is getting a lovely new little bedset! I'm sure he'll be thrilled.
You have *so* much going on right now that stressed out moments make sense. I'm glad that you are able to pause, take a breath, stand back and get some perspective. The bedset is just adorable!
Your mom is in my thoughts, and I hope that everything is fine. I understand that brand of stress, and it's hard feeling like there is not much more that you can do other than to be there and to be a great daughter, and that, I know you are.
Sorry I havent been around much lately. I have been busy and I am looking at going back to school here soon. But glad to hear you got the little guy his own bed. I remember when I put my girls in there own beds.. It was a relief not to have to lift them out of the crib anymore.. Hope all is going well other wise. You are in our prayers also..
Things will work out they always do.
I can see why you're stressed. PLUS, you haz hormones so it only compounds everything. But, you're right, in time things WILL work out. Sending best wishes, your way.
Good for are organizing your worries and putting them where they belong! THAT my dear is the BEST kind of organizing there is*!*
Let go, let works!
Sometimes I find it SO hard to let go of things and give them to God. I wonder why we do that to ourselves? It feels so much better when I finally unburden myself, physically like a weight is lifted off.
I love the new bed and bedding, and I am saying prayers for your Mom.
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