Our little baby is a...
wait for it...
it's coming...
Can you freaking believe it? I can't. I'm still in shock. When referring to the baby I still trip over saying "she". I don't know if I think she is going to spontaneously sprout a penis in the next few months but I keep thinking, "what if baby really is a boy and then he'll feel bad that I kept calling him a girl". I know. I'm lame. I'm just so used to boys. This is going to be like being a first time mom all over again.
The ultrasound went swimmingly. The ultrasound tech was the best we've ever had. I told her how I'm usually nervous, thinking of all the things that could be wrong, so she explained every step of what she was doing. It was so fun. She was very enthusiastic and told us over and over again that baby looks perfect. She was so patient trying to get every perfect shot she could while baby moved and flipped and bounced all over. She couldn't believe the positions this baby contorted herself into. Baby was hiding behind my placenta, and upside down, and then would flip in a second. It was crazy. The tech was also very patient with me when I made her confirm, confirm, confirm, confirm, confirm, and confirm again that baby is a girl. Anytime she would get anywhere near the baby's bottom she'd say, "See? Still no penis." And then at one point the umbilical cord was in between baby's legs and she said, "Nope. That's the umbilical cord." before I could even ask. It was very funny. She was fabulous. And she didn't even get huffy when the doc came in and I asked him to confirm as well.
Doc took one look and said, "That's a vagina! Trust me, I see them all day long. I don't know much, but this I know..." I was laughing so hard I was afraid I would pee my pants.
Still, it hasn't really sunk in.
I am just so relieved baby is doing so well. Doc said that everything is looking fabulous. Baby is right on schedule. The only thing he mentioned is that my placenta is attached a little low, but not too close to my cervix, so it won't be a problem. However, he said I will feel tons of movement because of where the placenta is and how baby is situated. That explains why I felt the kicking so early.
Our families are all very excited for us. We are so very excited. And the boys are excited to have a little sister to love on. I'm sure as it all sinks in my excitement will just grow more and more.
So, for your viewing pleasure, here is our little lady.

As it turns out approximately 78% of you guessed correctly. That is craziness! Great job! Thank you for taking such interest and making this even more fun for me.
YAYYYY!!! I was hoping after 3 boys you'd get a girl!! :0)
Now go get that PINK yarn!!!
So glad to hear that all is well and that you get to say she, her, sister, and girl!!
Congratulations Kat!!
I am so excited for you! Congrats! I was in the pink camp too!
Congrats on finally getting a girl! Wow, that will be a whole new change of pace...is your husband ready for that?! Great ultrasound pics. I always love the profile ones.
Wa-ho!!! How exciting! I thought you might be having a girl..just sayin'...
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so exciting . . . and now the shopping begins!
Yep! You can do the pink yarn now, for sure and love every minute of working on that blanket too!
When my kids were born, was back in the dark ages when there was no sonograms to tell you what you were having -strictly a toss of the coin. When my grandchildren were born, my daughters had sonograms with each baby but we only knew before the grandsons were born that it was going to be a boy. Well, that's not entirely true. Mandy didn't want to know the sex when she was pregnant with Maya -first (and only) granddaughter but when she fell down the stairs a week before Maya's birth and had to have a sonogram then, the tech said something to her and used the term "She" so Mandy knew it was a girl then but she didn't tell anyone that she knew thus, Maya was a surprise for all the rest of the family.
New babies and thoughts about them just get me feeling all soft and fuzzy inside ya know, excited for you and your family and very happy to hear all is well, baby is doing fine too! Now you can have a "name the baby" contest next.
Aw, I'm grinning up a storm at this news. CONGRATULATIONS to you and all the family, Kat! What a sweet little baby she is! (Love the plow pose!)
hey !!!!congrats !!!!
am so happy 4 u !!!!
cute lil girl doin her yoga thr.. the USG pic was so cute !!
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I almost squealed, but it's past midnight and I'd wake up the family. I had to check just one more time before I went to bed, though.
I'm thrilled for you!!! Having a girl is SOOOO wonderful when you already have three boys. Trust me, I know! :)
If your boys are anything like my boys, they are going to absolutely adore and moon over and love their baby sister so much. They might love her a little too much, actually. You might want to watch for that. ;D
Okay, now I need your address so I can send you hairbows. I promised, remember?
My email is kelleybirrelli@yahoo.com.
I'm serious!
What did your boys think, or where they just like "Ah, we already knew it."
Congratulations on your wonderful news! She sounds like she's going to be really active and give the boys a run for their money.
Oh . . . Oh . . . Oh . . . How exciting!!! Those big brothers have no idea what they are in for with a princess on the way. What a grand post! I'm so glad I popped on before bedtime. You made my day. In a world fraught with misery, the celebration of this sweet pink baby brings tears of joy to my eyes! May God continue to bless you, my sweet Kat. : D XOXOXOXOXOX . . .
I would have bet the farm on it that you were having a boy. However...
That is awesome!!!!!!!!
This is going to be so exciting and also so different!
Congratulations to all of you!
OMGosh Kat, can you believe it? I CRIED! I scrolled down quicker than a screen should have to and then tears shot out of my eyes when I read you are growing a (busy) little girl. It's amazing how I have grown to care so much about you and what's happening in your life through this blogging thing. Sorry I didn't wait, I did check first thing this morning though ;-)
Time to pink up, lady!!!!
Who HOot! There's a mini-Kat coming!!!
I'm all teary! I knew it was a girl, I just knew it! I am SOOO happy for you! xoxoxoxo
Awwww!!!! Congratulations, girl!!!! :)) I'm sooooo happy for you!!!! :))
How wonderful! She looks just beautiful and perfectly healthy & I'm so excited for you to experience all the joy and drama that comes along with having a little girl!!!
WHOOP! Go girls! I am so excited for you! She is just beautiful. I knew she was a little lady and her brothers will just adore her. Congrats to you- so happy for you and your family! Yayee! A girl!
How exciting! A little gymnast in a pink leotard!
I'm thrilled for you!
Congrats!! To you AND your boys! They are going to love having a little sister, and she's going to love having 3 great big brothers. :)
Congratulations! That is one lucky little girl having 3 big brothers to look out for her! And now you don't have to worry about the blue yarn - you can pick something girly.
Yay! That is so exciting! I totally knew it ;) You are going to love the girl clothes they are so addicting :)
Whoo hoo! Congrats! I think it'll be fun for the boys to have a little sister! (You can still use some of the boys' hand-me-down clothes and add some new girly outfits, too. My girls wore some of Will's old t-shirts and pants and still do, for that matter.)
Do you know how many times I checked your blog yesterday?! I even have a feedreader, but I thought maybe it was behind, so I checked anyway. :) Yay! Little girls are so much fun, and she's got such wonderful big brothers.
Congrats on the baby girl...shopping for girls is so much fun!
I'am so excited for you! Congrats! We will know in one day if our baby is a girl or boy!
Congratulations on your baby girl. She's going to be so blessed to have three big brothers to look after her.
OMGoodness I am so excited for you. I have a feeling you are going to be in shock for days and days and days. A Girl. Wow. After three boys it is going to be surreal. Like starting all over again or something. How did your boys react? All three of my boys were firm on wanting a sister for the longest time, and now Bubu has changed his mind for the most part, not sure why. I'm pretty sure I will react in much the same way if told I am having a girl...I just can't fathom it.
Congrats to you and the boys, Kathryn. I knew it. God would NEVER disappoint a little boy who prayed for a sister for a solid year.
Wheeeeeee!!! Pink and bows and flowers it is! It's gonna be like a whole new world for you!! I'm so excited for your family. And SO very happy to hear that baby is healthy and perfect. : )
Hooray! She looks like a little gymnast already. I don't think I have ever seen a baby in the position she is in in that last picture! Crazy!
Well, I hope someday that I will follow in your footsteps. Congratulations to all of you!
I'm so excited to read about all of your adventures with a girl in the family!! How exciting. I'm so happy she is healthy and developing just as she should be!
I gasped out loud, started smiling and even clapping seeing this news. Boys are cool, but I am *so* excited that you are having a girl. Finally. That's just plain awesome. She will have plenty of big brother to look over her, and that's cool, too. Yay, Kat, yay!! Todd must be over the moon, no? Yay for a girl, yay!
I was on the edge of my seat all night. :-) I'm so glad everything went well, and very excited for you it's a girl. How fun to have both. Congrats!!!
I'm so glad you can breath a sigh of relief that she is healthy!
And, I love the yoga pose!
Such a cutie, I can tell! Congratulations! Now, go buy some pink bows!
Such amazing news. Joey must be doubly thrilled. What a beautiful blessing, I am so very happy for you! No wonder you couldn't find a blue yarn you liked!! Go get some lilac! Woohoo!
YEA!!! Congrats! Your little lady will be th apple of her brothers' eyes!
AWESOME! It's wonderful news! Very happy for
all of you! We all prayed for a little girl! XXXOOO
Sooooooo happy for you Kat!
hahahaha, I KNEW it! that boy of yours has a direct line to god's ears the same way my oldest girl did. best wishes for a continued healthy pregnancy. i look forward to "meeting" your little pink sweetie when she enters the world.
WooHoo! Hooray!
Hugs and God Bless!
HA! I knew it the minute you typed your skin and hair were not going well with this pregnancy!!! (My only hint I was getting a girl as well. ;-) )
I'm absolutely delighted for you... and I expect that, like me, you're going to enjoy shopping for a bit of pinks and lilacs over the coming months to supplement all the little boy clothes you have. :-)
Congrats. Now you can stop. Whew.
As a mom with two boys and another baby on the way(gender unknown) I say CONGRATS! I too would have no idea what to do with a girl. Enjoy!!!
Congrats. That is the neatest ultrasound picture with the legs.
Congrats and welcome to my world!
78% of us couldn't be wrong. ;) Congrats, Kat. So glad to hear she's a healthy one. :)
"I don't know if I think she is going to spontaneously sprout a penis in the next few months but I keep thinking, "what if baby really is a boy and then he'll feel bad that I kept calling him a girl".
I thought the same thing!!!
The tech kept having to say "Seriously, I see no boy parts, just girl parts."
My head is still spinning . . .
Yes, I'm back and I spilled the bean. Today!
wow, congrats!!! girls are so much fun to buy for :)
Congratulations! She is going to be special--and maybe a little spoiled?
CONGRATULATIONS! She's got it made with 3 big brothers watching her back:)
Yay!!!!!!! Fairy princesses and rainbows and ballet classes!!!! And girl clothes!!! Girls have the greatest clothes!
Yay!! Congrats!!! I drove the ultrasound tech crazy, asking her to confirm over and over. We just have so much boy stuff, I didn't want to have to re-buy girl things unless she was SURE!
HOLY COW!!!! Congrats, girl!!!!
Pink yarn! Problem solved! And I am so incredibly happy for you, even though I have never met you. You go girl! Go crochet your little heart out!
Congrats - an d she looks beautiful!
Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wrong. But good wrong.
I was totally thinking about you on Monday. So glad I get to find out the news.
and I don't think I've ever considered Ultra-sound pics as "cute" before. But your little girl really is cute! Congrats on her health and yours! :)
Congratulations! I am so glad you guys are both healthy. And while I KNOW you would have adored another little boy, I completely understand the joy it is to have a girl after only boys. It's a wild ride, experiencing another gender after only having one. May your daughter be healthy and everything you ever imagined.
Congrats again!
Congrat Kat! I am so happy that A)she is healthy and B) she's a girl. How much fun is that going to be with 3 big brothers. Like you said it will be like a first time mom with a girl for you.
I love her photos, and the yoga position one is great!
Kat, that is terrific! Girls are so...much....fun.
No, seriously, I love my girls, and you will too! I'm very happy for you.
But I have to be honest - I may never get the visual of spontaneously sprouting penis out of my head.
I am sooooo happy for you! I was really hoping you'd have a little girl because they are SO much fun! And how protected will SHE be with 3 older brothers! Fantastic! Many, many congrats to all of you!
YAY! I was right! haha. Congratulations! I can't wait to see her...I know you can't either! I know she'll be beautiful. Congrats again.
Wowee wow wow! Here's hoping she doesn't "spontaneously sprout a penis!" :) Congrats!
I just knew I was missing some exciting news this week!!!! I was down with the flu and haven't been keeping up on my reading!!! I AM SO EXICTED FOR YOU!!!! HOW AWESOME!!!! And your probably right... it will be like being a new mom... if we ever had another and the baby turned out to be a girl I would feel that same way... even though I only have one son.. that's all I know!!! You'll have to keep us updated on the differences of taking care of baby girl over a baby boy!!!! CONGRATS!!!!
That is so exciting! I am so thrilled for you all! I just assumed and (kind-of hoped) that our second was going to be a boy so that we would have an excuse to go for a third...but when they told us Olivia was a girl I just couldn't believe it! I just kept thinking she was a boy...I was so nervous painting the room purple and green, getting all the pink clothes, cutting the tags....with Jake we had to have a amnio, and I had genetic confirmation that he was a boy, and with her, we didn't have to.....all we had were the three lines of her va-jay-jay. I just really couldn't believe my luck. One of each. :) I am so happy that you all went for it and you are getting your little girl....and boy do I feel sorry for her when she is a teenager!
Well, another boy would have been amazing but a little girl is just AMAZING!!!!! You all must be so excited!
Girls, well, they are a whole new ball game... and the shopping, the cutesie shopping ... :)
Can you tell how far behind i am with blogging?
CONGRATS im so happy for you , i know how strange it was getting a boy after 2 girls . Everything was different.
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