They each had on three pairs of pants (including snow pants), two pairs of mittens, two pairs of socks, two long sleeved shirts, one sweater, two hats, and one scarf. Tommy and Ben stayed out for about 20 minutes both coming in twice to warm up. Joey stayed out for a little longer but was very agreeable when we told him it was time to come in.
They were met with hot chocolate and a roaring fire when all their layers were finally peeled off. And though it was only a few minutes of playing in the cold, they all slept great that night.
Looks to me like you have three different sized versions of Randy from "A Christmas Story!" Remember the part where they are out playing in the snow, Randy in his well-stuffed snowsuit and he falls to the ground and can't get back up because of his snow clothing?
Jeni- That's why I titled this post "I can't put my arms down". Because that is what Randy says to his mom when she finally gets him all suited up. HAHAHA!!!!
PERFECT title, K. Did you tell them they could put their arms down when they got to school?
AFF- Heh, heh, heh. I love that line. :)
I love that line too! They look so cute!
Dang! Now that's cold. I can just imagine them trying to get off those clothes in the case of an "emergency". LOL!
Yey for children exhausting themselves through play! And yey for hot chocolate.
I hope you're feeling a little better!
lol, i can just picture pushing their arms down and their arms popping back up. glad they all had fun.
oh my gosh I love it!!! too funny!
A line from one of my favorite movies! ;) They look so cute all bundled up like that.
That is so cute and hysterically funny! Love the post and the title!
So funny!
I seriously can't even imagine. God bless Texas!
What is sad is that is how I dress (in tons of layers) when it gets in the 30s in Texas. I am pathetic. The photo was funny though! Kids can handle anything to play.
too cute!
It is about 30 here today and my kids only lasted for 6 minutes. And still wanted hot chocolate. I think that is why they went out in the first place.
Oh my! I can only imagine how difficult it is to get everyone dressed. That title is so perfect :)
They look hysterical!
That is AWESOME! Can they walk? Too cute.
LOL - too funny.....the title that is. NOT the weather. ;-)
Love that line! Glad they got to enjoy the outdoors for a very brief time! Bet you were, too.
That is priceless. The things kids will put up with for some outside time!!!
A Christmas Story reference?
Wow, that is COLD. Any envy left that I was holding (from your last WW photo) just ran screaming from the room. No thank you.
Very cute. Good job too. We don't play outside enough in the cold weather--I guess we're all wimps. lol.
Glad you had a get-away...even if it was FREEZING! Fresh air always does wonders!
Good for them for going out in it. My buys won't budge when it is that cold.
LOL don't you just love our weather.
This is why I could never live somewhere cold. When I did this - I could not move anything. I was like a big puffy snowman that was stuck in one position. Though I have to admit - they look a heck of a lot cuter than I did when I was bundled up! Haha!
Sounds like they were all dressed like Joey on that one episode of Friends where he put on all of Chandler's clothes! HA HA HA!
And I love how little Ben's eyes are the only things showing!
Hot chocolate... mmmm....
That is hilarious.
And, yet another reason I enjoy my southern living. I get goosebumps just thinking about that.
Glad the boys had a good time!
I absolutely love the picture, it's awesome, soo cute!
I was so sure you were going to say that after they got dressed in all those layers, one or more of them had to pee. Very cute shot.
That is what I did with my girls today.I told them they could go outside and play but they had to dress warmly. Or no outside play. Then mom went to sleep for a few hours after they came in before going to the Y to swim..
"You'll shoot your eye out, kid!"
I LOVE it!
Oh how that made me giggle! :)
Cold days indeed. Brrrr!
Zero is our threshold for outdoor play -- good for you to let them get outside!
But I don't envy your laundry if they get used to wearing 3 layers of everything just to head outdoors!!
Maybe you could have them change into furry pink bunny suits when they come inside? ;)
Thanks for the funny post! - Julia
OH MY GOSH that is SO cold!!!!!!! It's not much fun at all when it's THAT cold! They look cute all bundled up though. It's like the Christmas Story kid!
and one day they'll tell their own kids "hey I used to play out in -1 weather, so stop whining and go play!!"
HAHAHA great post!!!
So, I just crawled out from under my rock to find that...
...YOU are pregnant! And I need to congratulate you,
Very exciting.
Also, thanks for leaving a comment at my wayward little blog. I'm much better today - the worst is (hopefully) over.
does this mean your nausea is better? did you try any of my remedies?
LOL! I instantly thought of Randy. How clever of you. :)
i love that movie!
adorable pic!
That doggone Wisconsin winter weather!
Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I just think of the Simpson and how the baby looks like a star in her snowsuit ;)
Sounds like something from a movie but colder :)
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