By the time we got home it was past the boys' bedtime and yet they were starving from all the swimming. They gulped down some toast and fruit and were practically asleep before their heads hit their pillows. It was a wonderful night all around.
I had to drag them out of bed this morning in order to get to school on time, but they had incentive. Today is "crazy hair day" at school and I promised the boys I would spike their hair and dye it red. I had some left over Kool-Aid from this past summer that worked perfectly as the dye. I felt like I was a punk kid in high school (I loved dying my hair red, blue, or purple) all over again.
The boys were very pleased with their results. Joey had a red mohawk and Tommy had sharp, red spikes. They were so excited to go to school and show everyone. It was definitely worth the red dyed fingers I will most likely have for days.
It's a fun fest around here, I tell ya! The fun never ends!
Glad you had a fun time!
And, you are the coolest mom, ever.
I'm pretty sure I would be terrified to use kool-aid in hair!
It is a funfest, I guess I'm a little too old to ask you to adopt me.
Yep -I think omitting the "hair dye" for the youngest one was a wise move! Definitely, little kids don't need any help with putting all kinds of marks on cream-colored walls. My daughter and I have become experts -most of the time -in keeping crayons, markers and such out of the hands of creative little artists who love to redecorate the walls in the house!
I'm glad you had fun. The boys look adorable. Good call on leaving it off Ben, although I think I'd declare Bathtime! as soon as the others come home too. ;)
Super fun!
You're such a cool mom!
Kat, I'm so glad I read your previous post - the kids have been invited to a pool party (indoor) this weekend and I have to wear a bathing suit which I hadn't planned on until June. 'Cause I will have lost some weight by then, right? Now I can psych myself up for it a little bit more.
Glad you had a good time!
oh they are so cute!
So awesome you were able to have some fun and spend some time in the hot tub, that sounds nice.
Yeah, kool-aid hair dye. that brings back fun memories!!!! The boys look so cute!
HOW cute!! I love their hair!
Yes, lots of fun happening with your crew:)
Gotta love those crazy hair days and spirit weeks at school. How cute are they. :)
I love school spirit weeks. I consider my stepdaughter my own personal human-sized Barbie and on spirit days she gets to be wild Barbie!
You chose well. I'm sure you were darling in the swimsuit as you sported a BIG white smile (trumping those feared thighs) and followed it with kool-aid stained fingers the next day. What boy could ask for more in a mamma? Good sports beat out a perfectly-toned ones ANYDAY! : D
Glad you had fun! The boys looks so cute.
I updated my blog after you commented and I think I win mother of the year. NOT!
Way to go--having fun and NOT worrying about anything else!
You're such a good sport with the Kool Aid! HA! Those boys are all SO cute Kat (no matter what their hair looks like!) : )
Love their punk rock 'dos!! So adorable!
Too cute! I think I have crazy hair day most days but your boys look so much better with their crazy hair!
Those three boys are just adorable.. Enjoy them while you can. You know when I was pregnant with both girls I loved the hot tubs even when they warn you, you shouldnt sit in them. It helped with the back pain from the car rides we took where I could be in them.. LOL..
Too funny!
And good idea with keeping the redness out of the little one's hair - I can only imagine the places that would end up!
Your blog is so cute and your kids are precious!
I love the boy's hair! ;) Glad you had fun at the waterslides.
How talented you are with hair and
Kool-aid!!! Must be in the genes? How cute they look!!!!
I'm glad everyone had a great time. Love the do's. I don't know why you wouldn't want little red prints all over:)
Glad the pool thing worked out, and how cute are your boys!
Kool-Aid! That's creative. My little guy was sporting a mohawk the other day when Big Sis got a haircut. The stylist put red hair gel in it for him but it never dried completely. He got it all over the car. So good thing Ben wasn't dyed red!
cute, never heard of kool aid for hair dye but that is a much better use for it than drinking it!
How's the nausea?
That's a funfest in my book too!
Hey Kat - saw your comment on 5Min4Parenting and clicked over because I also have three and found it exactly as you described. And also, our kids are the same exact ages. Except no, I'm not expecting a 4th.
Nice to *meet* ya!
Even with spiked red hair, those three are still the cutest boys ever!
I'm LOVIN' the hair-do's!! They look too cute. We've got a lot going on at school this week too for Catholic Schools Week. In fact, I'm going to post about it tomorrow. I'm too tired tonight!! Tomorrow is PJ day at school so they are excited about that!
Good for you for going swimming with the boys. I bet it was a great time and I'm sure you were adorable in your suit!
Awww! I love their hair!!! You did a great job! I bet they had a lot of fun at school!!! :)
Glad to hear the swimming was fun as well. What a great couple of days!! :)
Have a good week, girl! Hope you are feeling better!
they have got to be the cutest lil punkers i have ever seen!
You are an awsome mommy and your boys are adorable!
Don't you just love it when the pop out of bed? I'm going to have to try that Kool-Aid thing~too fun*!*
So glad you had a great time!
Love the hair!!!!!
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. The photo is actually an older photo - I am not quite that size...yet...getting there!
Thank you for all your lovely support.
Great hair. Now my question is: how long does it take to wash that OUT of their hair?
Very cool !
Love the spiky hair!!!
An indoor water park sounds like so much fun! I need to look into that! The boys look so proud of their hair. You did a great job. I never did figure out how to die with kool-aid though. I am sure my daughter would love it.
I was halfway through my first pregnancy with Ramekin, my oldest, when we were in hawaii and had access to the hot tub. Sigh. I use to sit on the top stop with my feet in, wishing I could submerge for more than a minute or two; didn't want to cook the baby.
Wish we had one of those now... just love them!
For all those who were wondering, the dye washed out easily. Almost all of it came out with warm water alone, and then the shampoo took our the rest. And you know how light my boys' hair is, so that is saying alot. Easy peasy!
All you do is take a package of Kool-aid and add a TINY bit of water. Just enough to mix the powder around. Then carefully apply it to the hair. If any of the Kool-aid falls drips onto the kid's face try and wipe it right away. It does cling to skin a lot longer than hair. ;)
You're such a cool mom!
ok... more cute pix! must be your subjects. ;)
Glad you had fun... the pics of the boys in their snow geer is so funny.. Anyone in the cold can relate. Brrrr,,,,
Ha! Your boys are just adorable.
Hooray for funfests!
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