Another first yesterday. I vomited while brushing my teeth. It was a completely bizarre experience. I'd always heard about women gagging while they brushed their teeth but it never had bothered me before. Not even a little. As I was getting ready for my doctor appointment I began brushing my teeth. I started gagging a little and it made me laugh. I thought that was as far as it would go. But I was wrong. I wasn't laughing anymore. Luckily I had been too nauseous to eat anything that morning so it really wasn't a big deal. I know, I know, TMI. But this is really a strange first for me, so I just had to share it. And, you're welcome.
On to a more positive first. We heard the baby's heartbeat yesterday at the doctor's office. The nurse found it right away, and it was a loud and strong 157. Such a glorious sound. I could have sat there listening to it all day. It makes everything so real. And now I'm counting down the days until my next checkup.
How funny about brushing your teeth!! Never happened to me, but I imagine that it was too weird!
And congrats on the tooth fairy needing to visit your house. How fun!
And yeah for a big strong heartbeat!! So happy for you!!
hearing the heartbeat rocks.
and the first lost tooth! MQ lost her first two within DAYS of each other! ;)
Awww...your baby is growing up.
And, I never puked with the toothbrush, but I had quite a few dry heaves. Uggghhh.
And, what a strong heartbeat. Makes the baby seem even closer.
I might be wrong (50% chance anyway) but I think you might be having a girl...just sayin'...
What a big boy! That is such an exciting event to loose your first tooth!!!!! Hope the toothfairy was good to him! How exciting to hear the heart beat as well. I was thrilled and wished we could have heard it longer!
Congrats, Joey! That is a big milestone!
Sorry about the gagging while brushing your teeth. Ugh - Morning Sickness is the worst.
Hmm. . . heartbeat 157 - that's pretty fast. Is it going to be another boy?!?!?!
FYI- All my boys heartbeats were in the 150 range, so that old wives tale of anything over 140 indicates a girl isn't correct for us. ;)
I guess y'all just have to wait another two months for our ultrasound. :)
OK, I haven't been here in a while, but what the hell? First Joey practically becomes a grown up and then secondly, I missed your announcement that you're expecting a fourth gorgeous baby? So excited for you?
And I had the toothbrushing issue with both of my pregnancies. With Little Man, it was the ONLY morning sickness I'd have. Brushing my teeth twice a day was absolute hell.
Here are my suggestions if it keeps happening:
1. Use children's toothpaste. The sweet taste didn't make me gag. Well, the first two times. After that, I was back to vomitting. But hey, I got to brush my teeth twice without issues!
2. Brush with just water to get rid of plaque, etc. Then use Listerine to actually clean your mouth. For some reason, I didn't gag or throw up that way.
Or you could forego brushing your teeth for nine months. Great way to get hubby to leave you alone! :)
Congrats and can't wait to find out what you're having (I'd say a boy because of the toothbrushing thing, but since you already have three boys and it didn't happen, maybe it's a girl?)
Aaaaahhhh ... reading your blog brings back so many memories: first lost tooth, the precious sound of a baby's heartbeat, and oh yeah -- that toothbrush thing. I can sooooooo relate!
Keep smiling! (and I'll keep right on praying for you.) : D
I remember when the little boy I nannyed lost his first tooth....i cried lol. The next morning seeing his face when he realized that the tooth fairy came to visit was awesome!!
Julianna is so jealous, she can't wait to lose her first tooth, and she doesn't even have a lose one. I hope the tooth fairy is good to him.
I have thrown up when I was brushing my teeth while pregnant. So not fun, you're right. Good luck with that. No advice, just empathy.
I loved hearing that heartbeat. I'm completely jealous of you right now. :) 157 huh? That's kinda high. ;)
I just read about your boys heartbeats being much for that old wives tale. I know you'll be very excited, boy or girl. what does the Tooth Fairy bring for a FIRST LOST TOOTH. I know my day will be just around the corner and I am curious as to what everyone does.
OO congrats on a great heartbeat!
I survived two pregnancies without the toothbrushing puke episode. Now I kinda feel like I missed out. Not enough to have another one, though!
Losing a first tooht is very exciting! :0) And for the baby's heartbeat!
YAY for the tooth and the heartbeat.
Not Yay for the vomiting while brushing. ;-(
I was just joking with my husband that I knew I was prego this time, before I even took the test, because I started gagging when ever I brushed my teeth. I think that has been my first sign with all three pregnancies. I've never actually thrown up though, close but thankfully not.
I say the same thing to my boys, that no matter how big they get they will always be my babies. I think I just might freak when Bubu loses his first tooth though...
Yay for lost teeth, puking with nothing in your tummy, and hearing a babies hearbeat! What an eventful day. :-) Hang in there -- it'll get better.
I still gag while brushing my teeth. Probably left over reflex from being pregnant so long. You might get it too now ;-)
Well you find the silver lining in everything, now don't you?! ;) Definitely, much better to puke on am empty stomach. Those other two firsts...very exciting!
#1. What a sweet boy! I can see his excitement and how sweet to thank you for being excited with him. Makes me want to kiss his sweet cheeks!
#2. That always happened to me. I usually had to brush my teeth at least twice. Next time as soon as you start feeling it, remove your toothbrush untill it goes away. And go easy on your back teeth.
#3. My guess- boy.
YAY on the first tooth. That is always an exciting milestone.
I never gagged while brushing my teeth but with all 3 pregnancies, mint flavored anything made me nauseous and gag. It was very hard to find cinnamon toothpaste back then but that was all I could use! LOL
I do love those pictures without teeth, though... I always cry when they lose their teeth!
Yay, for the lost tooth.
how sweet that he thanked you for being excited about his tooth.
sorry about the tooth brushing thing..yikes!
it's funny.... when I first found out I was pregnant I was happy but I never enjoyed being pregnant while I was pregnant. And now, that I'm not anymore I kind of miss it! Hearing the heart beat is the best! I'm so happy for you!
Totally threw up when brushing my teeth. Children's toothpaste and the value pack of toothbrushes is all I can recommend. I couldn't even do mouth rinse and gargle without throwing up. Breathing made me throw up, so it just sucked for the first 5 months.
And wow! The tooth fairy is coming to your house tonight! How exciting!
How old is Joey? My 6 1/2 year old hasn't lost any teeth yet. He doesn't even have any loose. And I was one of those women who threw up from brushing my teeth and I hated it. Because do you brush them again?! That was always my dilemma. I always did but I didn't want to.
So sweet that Joey was excited that you were excited. What a cutie pie.
Not sure I'd love the tooth brushing experience, but it's for a good reason, so it's not an all bad thing at all. How exciting to hear the heartbeat, too. I'm thrilled for you!
Awww. Ewww. Yay. :)
for 5-6 months of my pregnancy i vomitted. literally all day. every 20 minutes. i did vomit while brushing my teeth a few times and sometimes even the thought of brushing my teeth would make me gag. the smell of brocoli, cooked or raw would send me running. amazing what the body does while pregnant. what a fun time though. and the teeth losing .... my daughters are loosing them left right and centre.
growing up far too quick.
So you're having a boy. Yep, both my pregnancies the heart beat was in that range. Actually, Nico's was also 157 and stayed that up until the day I gave birth. Very exciting!
congrats on the heartbeat. That must be exciting!
And my son would be jealous about the tooth. He's one of the few in his class who hasn't lost any yet...
i only ever threw up when i was brushing my teeth when i was pregnant! i didn't read ahead and immediately thought 'she's pregnant!'
"Cat's in the cradle..."
God bless you for taking time to savor the milestones in your kid's lives.
Loosing the first tooth IS a big deal...what a great mom, sharing in his excitement;) EVERYTIME, without fail during my first trimester I threw up after brushing my gross. Not one of the most enjoyable firsts! What a glorious sound...that heartbeat is:):) Such a miracle!
ACK! Sorry to hear about the toothbrush incident. I hope that doesn't happen again!!! But yay for hearing the heartbeat!!!!! That's always SUCH a good doctor visit. Makes everything seem so much more real, and calms a few fears :-)
Loosing the first tooth that is so cool! All 3 of my boys had heartbeat in the 150, this baby is 151!
Oh. Congrats all around Kat!
Many blessings, Kat, on your day of firsts...
J/ (
What a wonderful day of first - well, except the vomitting bit...and unfortunately, I can totally feel for you in that one - yep, I was a gagger!!!! Hang in there!!!!
Keep treasuring the firsts...they come and go so quickly!
Telling us that you didn't have breakfast before this toothbrushing incident was fine. Had you told us in great detail exactly what you'd had for breakfast would have been TMI. ;)
Congrats on your firsts. :)
First tooth? Wow... I can't even imagine that yet.
Hooray for a strong heartbeat!
Yes congrats on the tooth. At least he didnt scream for an hour after it came out like Kora my oldest did. Yikes was it horrible. She just cried even though we explained to her that she was going to get a new tooth in its place..
I loved going to the Dr and listening to the heart beat with each of the girls esp since I didnt feel the youngest move as much as I did with Kora.
What a great day! I can see how proud Joey was and I can feel how wonderful it was for you to hear that strong heartbeat! : )
Yay, for your big man!!! Wait! Whoa! Why must they grow!?!?
J is breaking in a few new ones (and loves to let me know--he's developed a new SIREN whine--awesome).
Oh, and that little heartbeat. Is it not one of the most amazing sounds EVER?
I always loved that first heartbeat - a beautiful sound.
I hope the nausea goes away soon. I don't know how you mothers do it.
As for the lost tooth -- until my own kids started losing teeth, I never thought about how creepy it is that all these little kids are walking around with their teeth falling out.
Awwww!!! Your first born losing his first tooth!!!! Wow!!! Soooo exciting and such a milestone!!! :))
And hearing that heartbeat for the first time, there is nothing like it!!!! What a good day, girl!!! :))
I am hoping your nausea goes away soon b/c that does not sound like fun!!!
Have a good week!
Love, Cissa
wow. I had a great comment and blogger ate it... oh, no mentioning of eating, sorry.
I'm so excited for you for your day of firsts, hope the nausea goes away soon!
Isn't that the best? I still remember the first time I heard Karys' heartbeat on the monitor. It was just so surreal to me.
And Congrats to Joey for his first tooth loss! I bet he was so thrilled!
Sorry about the toothbrushing incident. That's never happened to me personally, but I have heard about it :(
How wonderful to hear that swishy washing machine heartbeat sound! Yay!
Ugh. Poor poor Kat. I hope the nausea subsides - doc didn't give you meds for it? I'm sorry.
Kudos to the big boy on losing his tooth. Did you cry?
love the sound of that pitter patter too! God is so full or miracles, huh?
and the tooth - me still my mama heart that wants to stop this whole growing up thing. Yay Joey!
To clarify- the reason why I think you might be having a girl is all the vomiting/naseau you've been having. You mentioned before that it wasn't this bad with your previous pregnancies. My sister who has an 18 month old boy is pregnant with her second. She was vomiting allot with this pregnancy and never had with her first pregnancy(her boy). I kept telling her she was because she was probably having a girl. Low and behold she 'is' having a girl! She had a CVS (Chronic Villi Sampling) done so there aren't many chances that they're wrong about it. ;) Noah also had a high heart rate- around 154 or so. I thought he might've been a girl...uhm, nope, he wasn't. I've never, ever, ever thrown up with any of my pregnancies but then again, I've only been pregnant with boys. I can't wait to find out what you're having. Either would be exciting- girl or boy! Defintely nothing wrong with having another boy- I'm working on making our fourth! ;) Take care and hopefully you'll get to feeling better soon! (And yay for a strong, healthy heartbeat!)
To note- all my other boys (except for Noah's) heart rates have been in the low to mid 140's. This baby boy's has been hovering around 142....goes to show you can't always go by the old wive's tale!
A heart beat! How exciting!
And yey for Joey. I do love a toothless grin!
Aww, what a great shot of him with his tooth :) Definitely a bittersweet moment.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I rarely vomitted, but it was always the toothbrushing that set it off.
AWW. His thanking you for being so excited with him just about made me cry!
I threw up while brushing my teeth once, too! We should start an Extra Special Morning Sickness Club. Lucky.
I'm so jealous! We are STILL waiting to hear our bean's little h/b! Congrats on that milestone!
And I don't know if you remember me writing about it, but, I gag EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I brush my teeth. Thankfully I've only thrown up three times total from it, but the gagging is just as annoying. LOL
The heartbeat is a magical sound, Kat. It brings back beautiful memories for me.
Congrats on hearing that heartbeat, what a blessing! And congrats on lost tooth. Milestones!
I cried every time I heard my babies' heartbeats for the first time! Hope the boys feel better soon!
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