I WILL NOT make the hubby try and keep up with all three boys in the water tonight so that I can hide indiscreetly beneath my sweatshirt and jeans on the observation deck.
I WILL NOT be so concerned with how I look that I forget to have fun and enjoy my boys' laughter, squeals, and shrieks of delight.
I WILL NOT look nervously around my peers to decide who is vomiting at the sight of my large, pale, pasty thighs.
I WILL NOT make my boys lounge up and down the lazy river for hours so that I can hide the majority of my body underwater.
I WILL NOT compare myself to all the other "hot" moms at the pool tonight.
I WILL NOT make fun of the hubby when he acts like a girl and complains that he feels fat in his suit too.
I WILL NOT be one of those women who is too concerned about what she looks like that she can't let go and have some fun.
I WILL NOT take the body that I do have for granted because I know in 20 years I will look back and wonder what the hell I was complaining about.
I WILL NOT forget that all the other moms are probably just as self conscious and therefore too busy to notice what I look like anyway.
I WILL NOT let my boys think for one second that it matters how I look in a swimsuit. Because it really doesn't.
Kat, get in the water.
Have fun with your gorgeous hubby and children-- those people aren't vomiting because of your pasty thighs, they are choking on their own jealousy because you're beautiful and pregnant. Now, go get in the water.
Wow. Good for you! I hope you are able to follow through on all of those and really have a wonderful time.
Have fun. Enjoy it. Don't worry.
Ohhh the water will feel so good!! I loved water, when I was prego!! Enjoy it! :)
Very nice Kat... get in the water and have fun. One thing is for sure... all those other moms are probably worrying about similar things.
I agree with imbeingheldhostage!! And I guarantee you look better than all the other moms!!
I have always thought (hoped) that a woman in a swimsuit having fun with her kids is infinitely more beautiful than the hottest of hotties. I hope you have a terrific time tonight. (And for the record, when I was pregnant with my third, our family went to the pool all the time... she came out and is an avid swimmer! How's that for a fun side-effect?) ;)
- Julia at Midwest Moms
Good for you!! Go. Have a fabulous time. And don't worry because all of the other moms will be thinking about what they look like too! :)
I just took our two to an indoor pool/play area today, and they LOVED it. LOVED LOVED LOVED it. Great energy burner, and now they are sleeping peacefully!
Have a great time tonight!!
Get in the water and have fun. You are gorgeous. Lots of other moms there will be jealous of you. :-)
That's right!! Just have fun, because really....who WANTS to get into a swimsuit in January? NO ONE, even the ones with rockin bodies....IF they even exist. :)
As someone who was just at a pool party in Jan. (and not even pregnant so I had no good excuse like gas)- go and have fun. Give yourself 5 minutes to be nervous, self-conscious, etc. Then let it all go and have fun! Be a kid again! Have fun with the boys! You will be coolest mom there because of it!
Very cute..."will nots". HAVE FUN and I'm sure you look great, preggo and all in that suit;) It's all relative anyway, right?!
I'm sure you will look fine. Just remember your second to last one, because at this point in the year everyone is pretty darn pasty.
All of that .. PLUS.. have fun blowing gas bubbles in the pool water. ;)
That really sounds like lots of fun and I know you would never ever miss a moment of fun with the boys. You will LOOK GREAT!
Just think, you'll be keeping track of four kids soon so have fun with "just" three! ; ) I do hope you all have a good time!
I hope you kept most of your pledges and played like a kid in the water.
Good 'Will Nots'--every one of them!
The worst: SHAVING in January. God knows I don't pay for a wax between October and May. :)
You know I hate how I look my suit but like you said you cant let the kids know how you feel.. Esp with having two very sensitive little girls like I do to worry about..
that's a good list of "i will nots." i hope you have a fantastic time.
Good for you!
Happy swimming!
I will not, ever stop reading your blog! I love this post and have fun!
Hope you had fun and didn't care what people thought!
Holy POO*!*
I'm a HORRIBLE bloggy buddy. You JUST said that you were thinking about another baby...Is that ALL you have to do woman? Just SAY it, just THINK about it...Just blog about it??? Where have I been? I am SO embarassed and ashamed. I'm so out of it...
CONGRATS to you!!!
I'm sure you rocked that suit*!*
That was so good. :) I hope you had fun. I have an indoor swim park event coming up in a few weeks, and believe me, most of those thoughts have gone through my head as well!
Good for you! And I hope your sickness subsides soon. I wish I was that brave...I'm not pregnant and am terrified of swimsuits right now.
And, you will look beautiful not doing any of it.
And, seriously, if they all have kids, they don't have time to look at you, anyways....so have a BLAST!
You crack me up. :) I do think it's kind of wrong to hold an event requiring swimsuit wearing in winter. I'd need to shave, and that just wouldn't be cool.
From one catholic to another, Hallelujah!
the continuation must be:
I Will .......
It is more easy to say not than yes to ....
I think people would faint if they seen me mostly naked right now. Ha!
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