PSF- I Like Even Numbers

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Sometimes words simply aren't needed, so just imagine me nodding my head and smiling.
Words To Live By
Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
as soon as I read the title I knew what was to follow!!! Congratulations to you!!! That is such wonderful, exciting news! We get to be pregnant together - how fun :) And what a lucky little one!!! What is the due date? Have you told the kiddos? How are you feeling???? ENJOY it, dear! Prayers for your sweet new baby!!!
Wow. Congrats.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting! Hope you're feeling well.
Kat!!! That is so exciting! Congratulations honey!!! I had an inkling when I saw the title... but I wasn't sure!
Yipppeeee you wonderful mommy you!
YEAH!!!!! Congrats! That is sooooo exciting! Can't wait to hear the details.
Wow...EEEEEEEK! How exciting is that. Congratulations friend!
CONGRATS, There i was expecting a post about your love for numbers . Im so excited for you and no im not going to say anything about hoping for a girl as that bugged me (when pregnant people always assumed if i did not have a boy this time my life would be over) , i hope you have a healthy baby :)
Awesome! Congrats! Very, very exciting news.
Good for you! Enjoy this pregnancy- before you know it, the baby will be walking and talking. ;) I'm also prego with baby/boy #4 and I can't believe I'm already about halfway through with this pregnancy. It's been flying by this time around! Hope you're feeling well!
Yay!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations Kat, I'm so happy for you!!
What an AWESOME early Christmas present! SOOOOO thrilled for you!!!
Woohoo!!! Congratulations!
NOW you know why YOU felt the way you felt...ummm those few hard days with the boys! LOL
Congrats Congrats Congrats!!!!!!
I know think you are officially busy at the end of July eh? :)
Congrats to one of my best bloggy friends. Truly a wonderful Mother who should be having tons more babies!!
Do you care if I hope it's a girl?? :)
Yipeee!!!! I am so THRILLED for you and your family!!!
Now, I really want you to lighten up on yourself....I was so pleased to read your last post, but this explains soooo much!! Keep up the good work being a new mom, but don't beat yourself up, if you feel yucky or tired....just take it one bit at a time!!
and she was complaining about being sick,,,geeeez. gives the title of your last post a whole new meaning, doesn't it?
Woo hoo!
I'm thrilled for you!
I'm pulling for a girl! ; )
*disclaimer - I am sure you will be overjoyed with either, I am just sayin'!
Congrats Kat!!!!! : )
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so totally delighted for you.
That is one of the best sights! I like even numbers too. I can't convince my husband to even ours up.
Yea!!!! Congratulations!! That is wonderful news! I wish you a wonderful pregnancy, and a healthy baby!
Congratulations! You are a great mom with a very mature understanding of what that means, so number 4 is lucky to be born into your family. Another boy would be loved and blessed, but I hope Kat has a girl to add another dimension.
WOOOHOOOOO!!! I am so excited for you!!! That's why you had the bad days last week. Your hormones were going all wonky!!!
Congratulations!! Perhaps you should request a pair of comfy maternity jammies for Christmas this year. :)
GREAT NEWS!!!! I'm so excited for you! What a blessing! I've got new things to add to the prayer list for you. (Now about that house thing Lord . . . would now be a good time??) Baby news is ALWAYS GREAT NEWS -- thanks for sharing!!! XO!
Awesome news...Congratulations!!
CONGRATULATIONS! The world can always use another Packers fans:)
Congrats!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to hear all the wonderful details like you due date. It is so wonderful to bring another beautiful life into this world. Hubby and i will be trying soon for our 3rd!!!
Congrats, congrats, congrats! Oh, even numbers...okay, one more CONGRATS!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What wonderful news! I hope you're feeling well!
That TOTALLY explains what you've described as your short temper and not feeling great! Yay hormones! lol
Big Hugs & Congrats, Kathryn!!
So that's what those little lines look like ;)
Hooray! I periodically follow your blog...I'm friends with Tonya from...A Day in the Life of a Mama! I'm thrilled for you:) All in God's timing...hope all goes great! I LOVE EVEN NUMBERS too! I'm kinda weird about it...feel like the kiddos need a partner! I have four and currently am preggo with #5! So...may have to work on that even thing down the road!!! Again...CONGRATS:):)
yeah! yeah! yeah! I'm so excited for you... i was waiting for this. {grin} What a wonderful christmas present!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS! Yayee! Yipee! Woot! Whoo-hoo!
I am so excited for you and your family. Wishing you a wonderful, healthy pregnancy and baby! [Grinning big.]
congrats! and I'll just throw out into your universe that I have 3 older brothers!
Wishing you a healthy and easy(if there is such a thing) pregnancy.
Know what's funny? I knew it was coming. I had this funny feeling - all your hemming & hawing - and I knew it was coming, esp. after your week of feeling overwhelmed and TIRED.
Congrats to both you & Todd. And, I hope Joey gets that sister he wants, cause I know his momma wants one, too.
How far along are you? First trimester over?
Hi, I stumbled across your blog today. And what wonderful news! Congratulations! I'm going to read some more of your blog, I'll be back! Stop by my blog soon! I love celebrating family, food, fun and friends!
YIPPPPPEEEEEEE! How wonderful!!!!
Sending you lots of love and best wishes. How exciting. What a wonderful early christmas gift!!!
I am so very excited for you!!! Congratlations!
You feel that? It's me hugging the computer.
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!
Awww! Girl, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! What a great time of year to get such wonderful news!!!! I am guessing you are due in Aug. or Sept.???!!! :))
Congratulation! You are a better women than I!
AAA!! Congratulations!
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! What a wonderful Christmas present!!!
I really, really hope you get a girl this time!
GASP!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations GIRL!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!
I just know I posted this morning...what the heck?
Congratulations Todd, Kat & all big brothers-to-be! I can't think of another blogger I'd rather hear was pregnant again!
yes, yes, yes, this is fantastic news!!!!!
Congratulations!!! WooHoo!
Congrats on the new baby BOY!! he he he
Oh lovely news! Congrats Kat dear. Wishing you a healthy, comfy pregnancy. :)
Congrats to you!!!! Hugs!
I am also glad it is you and not me! ;-)
Congrats I like even numbers too! So when is the due date? Will you find out the gender? So excited for you.
Oh wow! Congrats! That is so exciting:)
Congrats!! when is the due date?
Yaaaaay! :-) Wonderful news. Btw, I didn't get a chance to say so yesterday, but the photos of you and the boys building the snowman were just adorable. (As was the snowman himself.)
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! All of you!
And, I know that everybody is saying it, but you need some drama, so here's some pink dust if you want it. We've got some to spare.
And, you send us some blue for #3 when the time comes!
I can't wait to hear all about the pregnancy/finding out/due date, etc.
Oh I am so excited for you :)
Congratulations!!!! What great news!
Oh my gosh, congrats! That is just awesome.
YEA!!! CONGRATS! And welcome to the ranks of crazy moms of four, I'm a proud member!
Congrates, have another boy and we will be in the same boat! How wonderful to find out during the holidays!
congrats - and I am so stinking jealous- two pregnant women this week! My stick was a big fat negative!
Congrats! This is making me jones'en for babe #4!
Blessings and prayer for this new journey!
Yes congrats and lets hope this ones a little girl.. You already have 3 little boys that are adorable.. You need a little girl in there some where..
Due Date???
Kat, what wonderful, wonderful news!!!!!
Here's wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy, and a gorgeous, healthy baby ...girl or boy.
Either way she/he will be very lucky indeed!
Yeah! How Exciting! :) A big, happy congrats to you Kat!
Wooo Hooo! Hoping this one is all about pink! Sending lots of girl vibes your way!
Congrats!! How far along? Due Date? Do tell details - come on - we are women who love details you know!
woohoo! hooray for you! The "two line test" day was one of the best in my life...may your pregnancy go worry free and you get to eat lots of ice cream!
I'm sooooo excited for you!
imagine me, cheesin' from ear to ear!
Simply, quite simply, my friend ....
..... God bless you. ALL of you.
♥ Awesome! Congratulations! ♥
What a wonderful blessing! :)
I am so so so so HAPPY for you and your family!!! Do you know the due date yet or anything like that? I will be checking back for sure!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay yay ya yaa yay KAT!!!!! Can you hear me???
How did that happen?!?
Just kidding!
Well, that certainly generated some comments, didn't it?
Congratulations, that is terrific!
hooray! hooray! congratulations!!!!!
I am praying for a happy, healthy pregnancy for you & the baby. Also praying for some pink for your household, too! ;)
Oh my gosh! I am so thrilled for you all! How wonderful - you must be so excited. Details!! We need details. What a wonderful blessing for you and your family this Christmas. I'm so happy for you!
Oooooh! CONGRATS!!! :)
I take a little hiatus, and look what happens! Many congrats to you and your family! Should I send some little girl mojo across the lake? ;)
(Don't read my post today, BTW. It's a bummer)
can I scream any louder???!!!
Woo Hoo!!! that is awesome! I'm so excited.
As for the "At Last" we're the only real life couple that I know who used the song too, quite honestly. But Ken owns a DJ business and knows a lot of them and when they ask what our first dance song was, they always comment "Oh, a lot of people use that song." My response - "shut up." - in my brain at least. Annoying.
Well how exciting is that?! And that is so awesome that you shared it with us! Yippee!
I can't think of a better Christmas gift! I hope you get a little pink one, but I know you will be happy no matter what. Will begin to pray now for your health and healthy baby! Soooo exciting! I love babies, I am the baby crazy lady. That is the hardest part of long distance blogging. Have you been to the Milk Man's Wife and seen little Milk Dud? You talk about some baby sugar, dimpled buns and sweet little toes. OMG it's just wonderful. Have all you want!
SHUT UP! Wow. And awesome. And wow.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! How exciting. :) :) :)
For Pete's sake. I miss coming over for like 4 days and THIS happens?!?!
Congratu-freakin-lations! I am so excited for you all, and what a great look on Todd's face! Pahahaha! The boys look so cute. Wishing you an easy pregnancy! Congrats again! I am so happy.
P.S. It didn't take!!!
:GASP: OMG! I am soooo very happy for you! Congrats and best wishes.
Woo Hoo! I missed this last week. Holly told me today and I had to rush home and log on so I could congratulate you! So happy for you!
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