Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
we have the schmultz family:
I grew up watching musicals with my folks, the three of us singing along with the TV at the top of our lungs. All my friends used to tease me and say that I probably should have been born in the 50's when that sort of thing was actually considered cool. And Todd? Well he is just a complete goofball that has always loved making up silly songs to make people laugh. Yep. We are nerds. And we're fine with it.
It appears the boys have inherited the drama gene. They love to sing along and act out scenes from their favorite movies. Here they are joining hands with all the Whos in Whoville a couple of weeks ago. Todd and I are delighted with their love of music and their love of goofiness. I just hope that if they meet up with some good-natured ribbing from their friends down the road they will still keep that I-can-break-into-song-at-any-moment kind of personality.
Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Christmas,
Come this way!
Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Christmas,
Christmas Day.
I've always wished life were a musical too. I love music and love to sing. I've gotten my boys to love musicals also.
Awww...those boys are so stinking cute!
That picture is so cute! It's the same here in my house. Someone is always singing and making up funny songs.
That photo is so cute. Love how they are holding hands.
You are not alone. We have a daily dance party here. While singing loudly of course. Too fun!
I'm so jealous that you have so many memories captured on your blog. Great job!
We love to sing around here too. It's such a fun time of year.
What a sweet sibling moment!
Awww! Adoooorable pic of the boys!!!
I just checked my blog and saw your answers to my questions! Thanks, girl, for taking the time to do that! :) I can't wait to find out all the cool details of your pregnancy! :)
Have a good weekend!
Its good to have a good sing song! Glad your children enjoy doing that!
I Adore those moments!!
We too live in a musical world, in our home! :) Lovely photo!
so glad you posted that because I thought my kids were the only weird ones that act out scenes from movies! we love to sing over here too ;)
Who can resist the Whoville song? I hear even the detainees in Gitmo have been known to clasp hands and sing that sone.
I forgot to add that we have been known to break out in dance as well!
Dude, I couldn't even read the Grinch to my son without him breaking into song.
and Polar Express? Forget it!
I love that picture - it's so cute.
We are definitely a singing family two - my father and his three siblings still have revolving pot-luck dinners /sing-a-longs every few weeks - so cute!
Yay for them! I love singing families. I hope my kids never get all shy and inhibited either.
I grew up in a song-and-polka-in-the-kitchen filled home, and I definitely haven't lost it in my own home, even though everyone teases me of my odd knowledge of musicals....Kitty seems to have inherited the love too.
I love your Who's! Super cute!
It's so much fun being goofy and silly...laughing makes the world go around!
What a sweet photo! That's wonderful that you'll all break out in song so easily.. it sounds like so much fun in your home.
We like to sing, but we're not great. My husband in particular, is a huge karaoke fan but is definitely not Broadway bound LOL!
I hope they never lose that desire to break into song and dance either...that's adorable.
Completely awesome.
My family is the same way. Only, we all actually played instruments too. I play guitar, violin, keyboard/piano, and sing. I have been singing since before I could talk. I am the baby of 4 (originally 5), and we all are this way. Music was always a part of our home. We woke up to music, on weekends when we had friends over my Mom would teach us how to dance (she is an amazing dancer), in fact us girls were in dance growing up too, and my Dad and I use to cruise the main drag in town listening to '60s music. My sisters and I, they are both older than me, use to put on A Chorus Line or Staying Alive and sing every single word. My Mom likes old musicals, too, so we grew up watching those as well. And when Christmas time rolls around, all of us are singing, "Sisters" reall loud from White Christmas. My friends always teased me to growing up. When everyone else was shy in the car to sing infront of each other, I was singing LOUD. They use to tease me by saying, "Is there any song you DON'T know?" The answer of course is no.
So, if you guys are goofballs, then so is my family. Your kids sound like they are being raised in a household a lot like mine, and I never lost my 'I-can-break-into-song-at-any-moment kind of personality'. Never. So, I am sure your little ones won't either.
Awesome! I just signed up to follow your blog! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna
Sweet picture! Goofballs make life so much more fun! :)
how fun! My boys used to be like that... and it was sweet...
now it's electric guitars and drums... and ummmm, it's still kinda sweet.
We're nerds too!
We've got so many videos of our kids acting out scenes from The Music Man, or Mary Poppins!
They're too shy to do it on stage, but you should see them around the house!
Oh my, I just LOVE that shot of your little groove makers. There isn't anything cuter than those shorties busting a groove!!!
That is just precious Kat! I have been known to burst into song for no reason and always wished that I was living inside a Musical.
That picture is just precious beyond words! Yippeee for The Grinch!
We are a musical house also, I will break into song at any given moment, and the boys love it. Their dad sings everywhere,all the time, so the boys are starting to do the same and I love it.
Dancing too, my hubby was dancing with all the boys the other night and it melted my heart. It was Adorable. Showing 'em the moves...OMGoodness it was funny stuff.
Oh my gosh, I could have written that post word-for-word! Harrison sings all the time and we usually join in with him. Right now he is all about singing songs from Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang. I had planned to blog about it but as things go...
The shot of the boys is perfect, I can see them swaying back and forth.
The Osmonds?
There's a lot of singing and dancing here as well, particularly Emma, the second she walks in to the bathroom. It sounds like you have a very fun home!
That is such a precious photo! I love that your family breaks into song at anytime. :)
that is a great picture!!!!
i often joke that my daughter kirstyn lives in a musical in her head. she often "sings" that she is off to go to the bathroom or get a drink. too funny.
I just think that is so sweet!
My boys are the same :-)
I grew up on the musicals, too.
I so wish that was a trait I could embrace. I have the worst voice ever and have always been self conscience when singing.
I hope your boys keep it up! Sounds like lots of fun in your house. :)
I say "Awww super cute" way to often so this time I'm going with Frickin' Adorable! We just picked up Horton Hears A Who the other day, cute movie!
Can't wait till there's a cute little girl holding hands with those boys (another boy wouldn't be so bad either..lol).
I love old movies and movies that have real meaning behind them - like period dramas. I think IRL you & I would get along rather famously.
That is just too adorable! I make up silly songs, too. Sometimes dance. Usually just at home. :)
Found your blog while clicking around.
This picture is priceless!
will you adopt me?
THIS is how families should be- linked hand in hand singing along with the Who's in Whoville, but my house is full of shouting out at football (soccer)-on the radio, on the tv, on the Wii...I just want everyone to sing a few choruses or Showboat with me, is that too much to ask?
My life IS a musical. We are a singing people. OH! And after we decorated the CHristmas tree, The Boy wanted to hold hands around it and sing carols, so we did. Our Too Cool For School nine year old was HORRIFIED. Haahahah!
I love, love, love that picture. And I think all my kids will inherit the drama gene. With me as the mom, it's almost a guarantee. Haha!
I love it!! You know I believe in passing the love of music on to your kids! Keep it up boys!
Too Cute! Sending Season's Greetings!
Sandra Evertson
the May Queen never lets me sing, and I LOVE to sing and do it constantly. it's terrible
and how on earth is there a stretch that large of floor without a toy on it???
Is it bad that I saw your boys holding hands and the christmasy setting and I just KNEW it was the whos. :)
That picture is so cute!
No sibling rivalry there - so precious!
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