Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm loosing my mind. And because I'm taking a vacation in loony land I probably will not be posting very much. I am far too busy, tearing apart my basement, rearranging and cleaning everything I see, fixing all the dents/scratches/pen marks/holes in our walls, organizing the closets, fancying the yard, putting up new fixtures and lights, finding a place to store all of our excess, and getting the house pretty for an open house.

And once in a while I have to give the boys a little attention too. Ya know, just a little head nod here and there. Maybe toss some Cheerios on the floor for them so they don't starve.

Oh, and there may be a problem at the new house that was found during the inspection. It could quite possibly cause us to call off the whole deal. So that's great. I didn't really need sleep anyway. I'd much rather stay awake all night thinking about inspection problems.

And I don't really need food either. Who has time for that? I'll just drink my dinner. Great way to loose weight!

So excuse me if I'm not around much in the next "Oh God how long is this gonna take?" while. I'm busy becoming an alcoholic.

Moving is fun.

And yes, I WOULD like some whine with my cheese. And yes, I CAN hear the world's tiniest violin playing my sob story.


Chrissy said...

I have been there, my friend. It's just frantic, isn't it? Deep breaths.

lime said...

just breathe, it will all eventually be a distant memory one way or another.

gail said...

I have learned people CAN live on cheerios.

Hang in there.

Life in the Crazy Lane said...

Moving is the WORST! I'm hoping this house is big enough for us to live in the for the rest of our natural lives.

Kelly said...

Ugh, I don't envy you this craziness one bit. But I will send some happy positive thoughts your way, especially in regards to the inspection. What a pain that all is. I hope from here on out it goes more smoothly.

Beck said...

Yuck, yuck, yuck.
The only comfort is, I guess, that a month from now pretty much all of this will be resolved. Not really great comfort, I'll admit.

imbeingheldhostage said...

Ok ready? In.....out.....in.....out.
I wish I could help you. My moving scars are very fresh so actually, I thought that was a pretty pathetic whine (it was funny and coherent and the hair never stood up on my neck). Do you need whinging lessons?
Drinnking only makes you lose weight if it's water. Put the gin down Kat.

dianna said...

I just LOVE all of that fun garbage that pops up. Hope it all pans out. (we've all been there~yikes*!*)
Maybe you could throw the kiddos some baby carrots...they need a veggie too and they're not very messy.

Anonymous said...

Honey, anyone trying to ready a house to sell and get ready to move? Deserves whine, cheese and more wine!

Anonymous said...

okay- I just want you to know that your sarcasm is AWESOME.

Welcome to my world.

My kids have even caught on to Hubby's [and my] sarcasm about life- and they are observant enough to pitch in.....and it's hilarious.

Here is an exact quote from Caleb,

"Oh awesome. I left my homework at school, and it wasn't finished, so now I have to do it all over again in class in the morning. [*laughs at himself*] That's terrific. I can't wait to go to school early!!"


Anonymous said...

Moving and buying and selling a house is HORRIBLY stressful and since we just did it a year and a half ago it is still FRESH in my mind. So fresh that I can still say with certainty that we are not doing it again until the kids are out of college. Seriously. And maybe not even then. Hang in there....

MarĂ­a said...

Have a drink for me! And I hope it all works out!

Unknown said...

You know, come to think of it, I would like some wine and cheese too. Although it's just a tad early...

Good luck with it all and keep us "posted" when you can! : )

Cyndi said...

Good luck! I hope it all works out.

Tonya said...

Now see I'm rethinking us moving...so much work ;)

Jaysi said...

Oh that sounds miserable. Hang in there. This too shall pass. I know whatever is supposed to happen will just work itself out. It will all be for the best in the end.

Jill said...

Been there... have fun!

Good luck with the inspection and your new house.

Everything happens for a reason... though I have a good feeling here!

Anonymous said...

Vodka over Hawaiian Shave Ice in your favorite flavor. Or a snow cone. And cheerios. Virgin Snow Cones/Shaved Ice for the kids. AND...you are a hero.

Kristen said...

Hang in there girl!!

Feel free to take as much time as you need. And remember, problems that are found in the inspections, have to be fixed by the current owners. :)

Now fix yourself a drink, and give those kids some cheerios. Oh yeah, and order in dinner! :)

CissaLynn said...

Hang in there, girl!!! :) I must say, tho, that you have such a comical way of describing it all!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!!! :)))

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Can you hear that . . . ? That's the sound of a hug thrown all the way from California! Eight-and-a-half years ago we moved here -- I can still remember the pain and anguish ... but joy after the move washed it over with a great coat of "happy" (maybe that should read: "Happy it's over," stated emphatically while I glare over at hubby with a don't-ever-bring-another-real-estate-flyer-into-this-house-again look).

Hang in there ...

Can you hear that . . .? The sound of women dropping to their knees in prayer for you ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Relax ... you're loved.

Kelley said...

Oh, I've so been exactly where you are right now. I hope things go alright, and I wish I could help. Believe me. I truly understand where you're coming from.

Good luck.

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

Yeah! I am glad you had time in your busy-ness to stop by and comment on my blog. So nice to see you there.

And... everyone deserves a little whine with their cheese. Good luck with everything involved with the move. We landed in our current house 9 months ago and I still can't find things. I am 100% happy we did it though, so just keep your focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck!!!! Considering it's the biggest purchase you can make, of COURSE you're stressed!

We'll be here when you come back.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

But hey, on the upside, since crap multiplies like rabbits - think of all the stuff you're cleaning up (junking).

Okay, best wishes K!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Hey, one of the MOST stressful things we can do is buy and sell a house. There is SO much involved and at stake! I sure hope the inspection problems can be resolved, but if not? At least you found out about it NOW and not after the lovely lemon was yours... (Hoping it's NOT a lemon!!)

dawn klinge said...

I'm don't envy you a bit right now! Take care and see ya when things calm down. ;)

krissy said...

Ha, Ha. Some whine with your cheese. Ha.Ha.

If I lived closer I would help because I became a pro (after your first move you become a pro) but because I live here (dang it!) I can only offer my laughs, er..., I mean support.

BTW. I would so join you on your new found diet. Cheers Sister. I swear I am coming to see you this year!

Be afraid

Anonymous said...

If I lived closer, I'd drink dinner with you. Moving is like an alternate universe of it's own. Hang in there.

Lindsay said...

Breath. Count to 100. Breath.

If that doesn't work, just get yourself addicted to iced lattes and Mt. Dew - that'll get you and keep you going at all hours of the day/night. Oh, No-doz works great, too.

Nan Patience said...

My to-do list is similar, and I'm not even moving!

Am I?

just jamie said...

Kathryn, after living in FOUR houses in 11 months, I.FEEL.YOUR.PAIN.

Best of luck with the insane life that will be yours for awhile. Wish I could come help you pack. I've gotten pretty good at it lately. ;)

Dani said...

You deserve a couple of glasses of wine and cheese to go with in my book!!! Like you said if it doesn't work out at least you have a clean house. Maybe I should just pretend that we are moving to get me motivated to completely dismantle and reorganize my house?
Just thinking about it makes me want to drink a bottle of wine!

Robyn said...

So what's the major problem in the inspection?? I hope it all works out. I'm sure things will get back to normal soon.

Molly's Mom said...

One day at a time! Do what you need to get through this...hope it continues to work out!

ConverseMomma said...

Hubs and I are house hunting for some new digs, so I feel ya pain. When we are finally ready to move, you'll have to send some tequilla my way.

Anonymous said...

You are losing weight, teaching the boys independence and getting your house clean and decluttered. Whatever happens, that is all good stuff. Hang in there.

david mcmahon said...

Quick, Kathryn, give me your address and I'll come round and help you move.

I'll even mix the margaritas for you.

Karen Deborah said...

Bless your heart darlin.
If the deal falls apart then you got your wish to keep your darling place and will probably solve your storage issues with all this cleaning and stuff. OR you may get mad and say but I WANTED to move really I did, and then its a WIN WIN deal so go ahead and whine a little. Nothing in life worth getting comes easy.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Oh, girl. I really hope everything works out for you all.
I've been thinking of you lately. We too found the perfect house for us and it looks like we'll be moving soon! We don't have all those memories to leave behind, it was such an easy decision for us and we are thrilled!
Let's hope that soon, both you and I will be happily settled into our new homes.

LiteralDan said...

Hey, you don't have to feel bad-- I hate moving even more than I did before I ever had to do it and just hated the idea of it.

I know you already know, but I'll say it anyway-- you can't change much of everything by worrying about it, so you may as well get some sleep and just find out whatever the deal is when it's time to find out.

I'm hoping for the best!

Tam said...

IT is all going to be OK just breath! Breath and HEY think about this...your house will be so well organized and clean if you do not move!!!! YAY!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

I'll be thinking about you!
And this is exactly why they invented delivery pizza!

Cynthia said...

No matter how you slice it, that is just no fun...Hang in there:)

Bryan said...

breathe deep
count to 10
captain morgan & coke will do the rest (that's coca cola btw)

Laura said...

Hang in there...good luck with the packing and moving.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

And, it's totally okay! We all need to whine every once in a while! It makes us feel better.

I hope everything works out!!

Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath, dear. I think it's all going to work out. Enjoy the decompression that comes from going through and throwing out loads of stuff you didn't realize you owned.

Melissa said...

TREAT YOURSELF! I think someone needs a pedi or mani. Maybe a spa treatment! Come on.... you NEED it :) Right?!

painted maypole said...

oh.. i always gain weight when I move because we eat so much fast food in all the running around, no time to cook craziness.

kimmy said...

Take a deep breath followed by a sip of wine. Repeat until bottle is empty :)

I'll be thinnking of you! Hope it all works out!


the dragonfly said...


Thinking of you. Breathe. Deep breaths. And eat every once in awhile too. :)

Amy said...

I hate moving and don't envy you at all! Hang in there girl, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a liquid diet!

Anonymous said...

I took a break, came back and your on a break..lol I know the feeling! It gets overwhelming when your life gets hectic and then your trying to blog and keep up with a gazillion blogs. Take the time and let us know when your back.


Roxy Wishum said...

That is very funny. "Throw some Cheerios on the floor"--funny indeed.

Anonymous said...

I've been there too, I completely understand. We had a TON of small(??) stuff to do on our place before we opened it to public viewing! I was 4.5 months pregnant at the time too! (With a two yr old!! And alone for 3 weeks.) So, I feel your pain.

Good luck with everything. I am glad you got an inspection, sounds like it was a great investment. It's hrrible that they cost so much, but good to find out now...

Laski said...

You are so not whining . . . the thing is, a problem found AFTER you are set on going! That just stinks.

Take care, you!!! I hope everything works out!!!

GoteeMan said...

no, but I do hear the tiniest record player in the world, and it's playing "You cain't always get what you wa-haunt"....

Hope it gets better...

J/ (goteeman.blogspot.com)

Mom24 said...

Don't feel bad about writing that sometimes life sucks. Even when we know we're lucky, sometimes it's just hard. I found it hard to complain this week TOO MUCH that I had to throw away two refrigerators and a freezer full of food, because Hello? lucky much? Still, it did stink to take that financial hit, and what you're going through is incredibly stressful. Good luck. Breathe. Hope it all works out for the best. We'll be here when you are.

CC said...

Is it a cricket or ladybug fiddling there?

just kidding.

Hugs about the inspection. That sounds awful.

and throw in a few pieces of cheese for the kids protein. 'Kay?

Nicky said...

Hold up...kids can't live off cereal alone?
I'm going to have to rethink some things. Good thing Huddy Buddy is only in the exclusively breastfed stage of his life.
Hang in there and count your lucky stars that you get to experience something as exciting as a new home!

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson