Wednesday, December 3, 2008

WW- Cold

As always, click to enlarge.
We are expecting another 5 inches or so today and the boys are thrilled. While the first few snowfalls of the season are always exciting I know that by next month I will already be pretty antsy for spring. However, I will admit it is quite beautiful when it looks like this.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You have a ton of snow! And here I'm complaining about the dusting we got!

Cynthia said... really looks nice. Until February;P

Beth F said...

I grew up on the lakes -- this is so nostalgic for me. Nice shot.

Mom24 said...

That is absolutely beautiful! And cold! I think I'd like to wait a while before our first one...maybe the week before Christmas and no more after mid-January? Demanding, aren't I?

Rebecca Ramsey said...

How gorgeous!
We're lucky if we get one good snow for the year in South Carolina.
I'm jealous!

lime said...

fresh, unblemished snow is a gorgeous sight but yes, winter came so early i think we will be dying for spring.

Anonymous said...

YIKES! Bundle up.
I'm wordless here.

Stephanie said...

Brrr! But oh-so-beautiful pictures! And to think I'm sitting here at 74 degrees today. Insane!

Allison said...


Tammy said...

I love the first snowfalls of the season. So pretty...but come late winter...enough is enough. Should be a fun day with all of the new snow coming our way.

Kathryn said...

Ohhh its beautiful and I want some!!!
We are hoping it snow so much we get sick of it this winter!!!

Anonymous said...

Perfect to help get into the Christmas spirit. After Christmas? Bye Bye! :)

Not Your Aunt B said...

Wow. And I love that White Christmas is playing in the background. The snow is beautiful. Here it was 64 when I woke up, so no white Christmas for me.

Wendy said...

Pretty! Love that picture. I like how pristine snow looks before kids and/or dogs "mess it up" by putting footprints in it.

Laura said...

Winter wonderland!

If we could do the snow season with no snow suits, I would be good with it!!! Those darn snow suits take so much mommy energy!

Not Your Aunt B said...

Oh and stop by when you get a chance- you have an award!

Anonymous said...

Awww I haven't seen snow in over ten years. I'd love to wake up to a snowy morning with a cup of hot cocoa. Beautiful Picture!

Anonymous said...

Hi kat-
I would like to see if you have reservations avaiable for the third weekend in January. And does your B&B provide baby-sitting services? We have no special dietary needs. But we will need directions from the airport.

heeheehee...It's like a fresh new day! I'm having hot coco right now, so this picture fit right in!

Kelly said...

That's gorgeous!!! Our bit of snow melted yesterday since it was sunny and 42 so we're back to nothing.That's ok with me for now though!

Maryeliz said...

Happy snow! I smiled to hear the first Bing of the season on your site. (Happy sigh.)

Anonymous said...

Winter here - 50's and raining - today, 60ish and raining. Not so much with the snow. But that is a beautiful scene, as long as it's not in my yard!

dawn klinge said...'s so beautiful though. We're still waiting for snow in Washington state.

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty . . . and now I'm off to the garden for more spring-like weather. Did I mention I found daylilies sprouting yesterday when I raked leaves. Where's my snow? Oh wait, it usually shows up in January and stays for a politely short amount of time. I will enjoy it while it lasts and smile when it recededs gently and quietly. Build a snowlady for me (she'll be dancing, of course). : D

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Try to stay warm!

CC said...

So beautiful!!! We have the grey, but it comes with rain :(

Anonymous said...


Lisa said...

Beautiful! HOWEVER, we have a little over an inch & I'm completely ready for spring :)

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaand it just stopped. For now.

EatPlayLove said...

Jealous. As I live in Colorado and we've only had a few dustings where we live!

Momisodes said...

Wow! You are all getting a serious taste of winter :) Have fun!

p.s. I LOVE that you have Michael Buble on your playlist.

Unknown said...

I've never seen anything quite like that in real life so I am going to have to go with beautiful and wonderful. But then I've never had to contend with it for months at a time either... : )

Anonymous said...

It's pretty when it's undisturbed. But, when it gets trampled and dirty? Meh. Of course, I'm saying this with minimal experience with falling white stuff. I hope you and the boys build a massive snowman.

Robyn said...

Great shot. Maggie almost started crying when I carried her out of daycare and it was snowing.

Anonymous said...

You are right, it's beautiful. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ..." :)

Cara said...

So beautiful! I hope you stay warm, the winter can be long and I know how you love spring.

Chris said...

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I wish it would snow here! We're still in the fifties.
That is a beautiful picture.

Roxy Wishum said...

"Cool picture". Thanks for sharing. It is hard to imagine from sunny Alabama.

Lindsay said...

The first snow is always so peacful, isn't it? I love the way it makes everything so STILL and QUIET.

Karen Deborah said...

Are you good at driving in it? and do you feel better?

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

It really is beautiful!

Tam said...

HMMM I am not sure how I feel about SNOW after living without it for the last OOO NINE LOVELY WONDERFUL SNOWLESS YEARS...OK I gave myself away...I can live without the snow. BUT I do need to let me boys experience snow...because I did have a blast playing in the snow as a child.

Tam said...

OOO PLUS here in the SOUTH tonite it is THIRTY NINE DEGREES and well IN THE mornings the boys see the frost and THEY think that is funny HUH...LOL YOU guys have fun fun fun in that beautiful white stuff!

Fire Hunt said...


Kristen said...


I too am hoping for snow soon. We have been hovering right around 50 degrees for the past week and it is supposed to stay that way.

Where did our winter go!!

Love the Lake Michigan picture!

Anonymous said...

I love the snow, so pretty and clean and white. Hope you have fun in it

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture. I'm getting ready for some of it here. At least for the first few days.

Nissa said...

Pretty, but WAAAAAYYY too cold! I'm feeling the need for an extra sweater looking at this photo!

Hilary said...

Gorgeous shot.. just gorgeous.

Rose said...

That makes me shiver just looking at it.

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson